Xiaohua is so distressed that she is about to break up. It's good to take her back at night. Why did she spend the night like this. And Yiyi also has some diarrhea, and the stool is very thin.

It's impossible to catch a cold. The two children take good care of them. The doors and windows on the west wing are special, so it's impossible to get in the wind. After doctor Hu Liangyi came to see it, he was also very confused. He didn't tell the reason until mother Xu came back from walking around the west wing. Yiyi ate something unclean.

As soon as he said this, Fushun immediately went out with a overcast face. Don't think those nannies might suffer.

Mother Xu also knew that the old eunuch hurt the two children and quickly stopped him, "Oh, father-in-law Fu, wait first."

When Fushun stopped, mother Xu said, "it's not the problem of the nanny. These nannies usually eat from the small kitchen. Mammy he can't let them eat anything they shouldn't eat. There's no problem with the food of the little lady and the little childe, otherwise it's impossible for the little sister to get hot."

"Then you hurry to tell me what's wrong and talk slowly."

Mother Xu turned her eyes secretly and said, "I'm not talking. I just went to the lower West Wing and thought that the little lady must have chewed on unclean toys."

Lilac said in a side way: "after your explanation, Mrs. Xu ordered to go down. When no one was watching, the little lady put away their toys."

Mother Xu said, "then I have to ask the waiter in the west wing. Just now I saw a rattle on the bed of two little masters."

It was soon found out that it was an accident. Xiaoyiyi likes to chew things recently, and it's not easy to coax at night. Because Xiaohua told her not to put some messy toys in the child's hand, the palace maid on the West Wing watched very closely.

Last night Yiyi kept awake, and the nannies didn't dare to give her anything to play with. They had to coax her with a rattle. Later, after Yiyi slept, the rattle was forgotten by the wet nurse. Maybe it was taken by the child carelessly and chewed in his mouth.

The nanny who forgot to put away the rattle must be blamed. When Fushun went out, Xiaohua said that she probably didn't mean it. It's not Xiaohua who is soft hearted, but these nannies. She sees it in her eyes and has nothing to say to the two children. It is understandable that there is occasional negligence.

Of course, Yiyi gets sick because of negligence, which can't be erased. Xiaohua is also afraid of Fushun and tossing people. Fushun likes to kill people with a stick, which leaves Xiaohua a very deep memory, making her always feel afraid that he will kill people for this little thing.

I don't know if Xiaohua's words played a role in Fushun, or how, Fushun didn't embarrass the nanny, but asked people to send people out of the house. This kind of punishment seems very light, but it's actually very uncomfortable. King Jing's house has a good treatment. Several nannies are very rare for two children. It is said that the nannies left crying.

After hearing this, Xiaohua wants to be lucky that Fushun didn't kill anyone with a stick.

Doctor Hu Liang was going to prescribe some medicine for Yiyi, but his mother Xu stopped him. She said it's better not to take medicine for such low fever. If the supplementary food is broken, take two days of milk and pay attention.

Sure enough, Yiyi was all right in two days. He began to get up again. When he saw something, he had to grab it and chew it.

Xiaohua teased her and said, "the little villain chews things disorderly. It's hot and doesn't have a long memory."

Little Yiyi was shouting at her, as if she were refuting, and then gave her a toothless smile.