Clove immediately understood what his wife meant. Now they are too busy to deal with Chunzhu. According to the government system, if one person is missing, another one will be added. At that time, they still have to stare. It's better to let Chunzhu continue to stay here.

Judging from her performance, it is not only urging but also giving some thoughts. In the future, she may not be spared.

Seeing the grateful spring bamboo kneeling in the continuous thanks, the lilac sighed and thought it was the best and most appropriate.

Of course, such people can't stay long. They have to wait until they have time to deal with it.

It's late at night, but Xiaohua can't sleep.

Lilac was on duty on the small couch outside Babu's bed, and the room was quiet.

"Lilac, do you know something about this house?"

Xiaohua never asked lilac these questions, but recently her heart was a little confused. There was always a sense of crisis pressing her, which made her irritable for no reason.

"What kind did the lady say?" the voice of cloves sounded outside the tulle tent.

"For example, your highness and the princess, and your Highness's attitude towards the backyard." King Jing's mind is too hard to figure out, so Xiaohua's heart is very uncertain.

After being quiet for a while, the lilac sound sounded faintly outside.

"I don't know very well." she paused and said, "although I followed aunt Qi after coming to King Jing's house, I've never been to Jingtai hall. Your highness Xi Jing returned directly to Jingtai hall after coming back from the front yard and rarely went to other places. Therefore, except for those old people who have followed for a long time, others can hardly feel your Highness's temperament."

Xiaohua heard this and sighed silently in her heart.

Yes, her stay in Jingtai hall is not short, but she knows little about her highness. What I know is a little good life habits or some very superficial ones.

"As for your Highness's attitude towards the princess or the backyard, it's just that you ignore it. At the beginning of the government, your highness set rules. Father Fu and aunt Qi are in charge of the internal affairs, and others are not allowed to interfere. Most of the internal affairs are managed by Aunt Qi, who has formulated perfect government rules and regulations. They all do things according to the rules, but it's rare Almost nothing has gone wrong. Aunt Qi is a -- "

Clove paused for a while before finding out an appropriate adjective, "very smart person. She only cares about internal affairs, and doesn't touch anything else that shouldn't be controlled by her. Obviously, the princess is the mistress of the house, and she has all the dignity she deserves... Princess Qiao and the two jade Ladies haven't had anything..."

In other words, many people used to sink at the bottom of the water until she came to the surface.

Is this her luck or misfortune?

If you don't ask, you are more unstable.

Xiaohua sighed, "go to bed. It's getting late."