The next day, Xiaohua woke up and King Jing disappeared.

After being woken up by clove, Xiaohua glanced around, and the word "sure enough" flashed in her heart. But she didn't show it. When she asked Chunxiang, she got up to bathe and change clothes.

She was a little crazy last night. Xiaohua obviously felt that her waist and legs hurt badly. When she was helped up by clove, she couldn't help taking a breath.

Clove hesitated and said, "why don't you go to Changchun hospital to report your wife's illness today?"

Xiaohua shook her head, "get some hot water and let me bubble. Yesterday, concubine Qiao's wishful thinking failed. Today, there must be no leisure in Changchun hospital."

Clove knew that her wife's behavior last night was definitely not a drunken accident. She sighed at her wife's wisdom and thought that the result was not accidental but inevitable.

What pleased her most was that her highness acquiesced to her wife's behavior. Whatever the reason, at least Princess Qiao didn't pull her highness away from here. Others should measure the position of Mrs. Hua in Her Highness's heart.

Pulling the tiger's skin as the flag, Xiaohua knew this in her previous life.

She also knew that this was drinking poison to quench her thirst, but she had to do it. It's hard to grasp the discretion of fighting and not fighting. What's more, in the eyes of outsiders, he has won some favor from King Jing. Instead of letting concubine Qiao take King Jing away from her, people laughed at her and trampled on her. She would rather risk a favor, no matter what the favor is, at least in the eyes of outsiders.

As for the reaction of offending Princess Qiao and Princess Jing, Xiaohua can only listen to it. It's bad enough anyway. It's nothing worse.

Xiaohua has made countless preparations. Who knows that today's Changchun hospital is extremely calm.

Not only did Princess Jing not appear, but Princess Qiao seemed to be all right, not to mention Yujiao and Yurong. That Yujiao has been sitting here for more than an hour. She has been agitated for a long time. She is not taboo in Changchun hospital. She is estimated to have been angry for a long time.

Xiaohua looked around bored.

The main hall of Changchun courtyard is decorated with gorgeous and elegant furnishings. In the middle, the upper part is the position of Princess Jing, and the ring chairs on both sides of the lower part are used to entertain people. The seats are covered with brocade cushions. The ring chairs they sit on are indigo embroidered with Fu characters, while Princess Jing's position is a gorilla embroidered gold thread peony cushion. It looks comfortable and soft, and a luxurious atmosphere comes from the surface.

There are many Duobao pavilions from the top to the bottom in the hall, on which are all kinds of rare ornaments. On the right is a flower hall separated by peacock green jade bead chains. Princess Jing's banquet was set there last time. In a corner of the house, there is a half person high gilt Phoenix holding ring fumigation stove, and a faint aroma diffuses in the hall.

Rich and noble people have always loved incense, men, women, old and young. Xiaohua is not very surprised. Even in her room, lilacs will use some light fragrance.

After sitting for a while, Princess Jing still didn't come out.

Xiaohua slowly let go. It seems that Princess Jing is ready to hang them. It was a good time, and she didn't have to think about how to deal with it.

At about noon, Princess Jing still had nothing to say. Yujiao couldn't bear to ask a palace man in the hall, "what's the matter with the princess today? I didn't see it at this point."

The palace man's respectful Fu body said, "the maid is just an palace man waiting for tea. She doesn't know the situation of the princess."

"Then you won't ask? Hang people here. It's almost noon." Yujiao mumbled the latter two sentences, but she clearly showed her impatience.