From an outsider's point of view, King Jing came twice in five days, which is a favor. But lilac has been serving Xiaohua all the time, but she has never been able to see a little special to Mrs. Hua on King Jing's always indifferent face.

Other men dote on a woman, always give something, or create some special for the woman through various behaviors, so that others are afraid to violate.

But this practice is not common here. When he came, he was a indifferent face. When he left, his face still looked like that. There was no reward, no superfluous behavior, and he didn't even say two more words. No one could feel what he was thinking.

In the past, clove, as a palace official, was on duty in the house. At most, she thought King Jing was a little strange, but she didn't think much. But now when I came to serve Mrs. Hua in the West courtyard, my identity changed and my position changed. Seeing such a king again, I couldn't help feeling a little more anxious, especially Mrs. Hua's delicate position now.

Why doesn't Xiaohua understand these principles?

So she always endured and didn't have a head-on collision with Princess Jing. And she never thought that King Jing loved her. To put it bluntly, it is neither love nor favor, but desire at most.

She knows her position, and she is just a thing for King Jing to relieve her desire. Why come to her, but because she has good massage skills, or she may feel that it's better to be cooked than raw?

Even if she doesn't want to admit it, Xiaohua knows that she is a thing.

She was a thing in her last life, but what the fourth young master showed didn't make her feel like a thing, so she can deceive herself. Well, you are the favorite on the tip of the fourth young master's heart.

In this life, King Jing's performance is obvious, so that she can know that she is actually a thing without covering herself.

There is no time for Xiaohua to clearly analyze her situation in her previous life and this life.

Her analysis is very thorough and sad. She didn't want to think about these things on weekdays, but she had to face them at this time.

In addition, there is the pressing step by step hidden in the dark in Changchun hospital.

In a flash, it was time for Princess Jing to give a banquet. This afternoon, Xiaohua rarely asked lilac to prepare water for bathing.

There were some dry petals in the bath bucket. The little flower didn't let others serve, but washed herself carefully.

After taking a bath and washing her hair, clove twisted her hair with a handkerchief and dried it for eight or nine layers in a gilded Begonia fumigation cage before slowly combing it for her with a comb.

Xiaohua has a good head of hair, thick, dark and beautiful, like a batch of good satin.