Outside the gate of Jingtai palace, the little eunuch guarding the gate said to Xi'er, "little flower girl is resting", and he ignored her.

What else does Xi'er want to say? The little eunuch glanced at her and asked, "you'd better go quickly. If you hadn't served in there before and really knew Miss Xiaohua, you'd have been driven away. Is this where people can get close?"

Xi'er was a little annoyed. She felt that the little eunuch looked down on people, but she didn't dare to show it to her face, so she had to stamp her feet and go.

Walking back all the way, Xi'er was in a mess and couldn't help recalling what happened a few days ago——

"Xi'er, this is what the princess told you. You should be careful," said orange.

"But --"

"Don't be anything. Don't you want to work for the princess?"

These days, Xi'er has been completely hypnotized by orange, and even gradually feels that it is a great honor to work for the princess.

As for the original fear of Fushun, it has already disappeared. As orange said, is it the princess or the eunuch who serves people? The princess is the positive Princess of his highness King Jing. It must be the princess. With the protection of the princess, Xi'er really doesn't have to be afraid of Fushun.

Therefore, orange Er told Princess Jing about the task of letting Xi'er find an excuse to meet Xiaohua. Xi'er hesitated twice and agreed.

What orange said is very reasonable. At the beginning, she had a good relationship with Xiaohua. She was on duty in the same house. It's nothing to find an excuse to meet.

But Xi'er still felt vaguely worried, because only her own heart knew that her relationship with Xiaohua was not as good as she said.

However, it was difficult for her to ride the tiger, and she did not dare to refuse the princess's instructions. She had to have the courage to come and hope that Xiaohua could see her with "really good relations" in the past.

As for what the meeting was about, orange didn't say. She just said that it's best to let her meet. It's best to talk. Who knows that she didn't even see anyone when she came to Jingtai hall.

Xi'er returned to the sewing office. When orange saw that she was back, she found an excuse to go out. After an hour or so, Xi'er was taken to Changchun hospital again.

This is the second time she came to Changchun hospital. For the first time, she was only afraid and didn't pay attention to the things on the side.

This time, she may have a different mentality. She feels that Changchun courtyard is worthy of being the residence of the princess, which is very luxurious. The "sister Chunxiang" that orange is talking about is also very dignified. Xi'er walked all the way and saw that the palace people in the yard were respectful to her.

If only she could become such a person as sister Chunxiang, everyone could listen to her.

Xi'er was thinking about herself, so she was led into a room in the east wing.

This time Xi'er didn't see Princess Jing, but an old mammy serving Princess Jing asked her something.

When she said she didn't see anyone, the old lady frowned and asked in great detail about the situation at that time.

Xi'er was a little uneasy as she answered. Could the princess dislike that she didn't do her job well?

She didn't find that she really wanted to see more. Princess Jing was eager to see her for the first time. Where could she see if she wanted to see.

After mother Li asked, the man left.

Chunxiang came over with a smile on her face.

"Xi'er, isn't it? The princess rewarded you. Take it well."

Xi'er is holding the purse in her hand, a little flattered, and some don't know how to react.

"I'll have you sent out."

After Chunxiang's words, she invited a little palace man to send Xi'er out.

Changchun hospital, the west room of the main room.