But this feeling will not last long, because Xiaohua knows very well that when she steps out of the door, she is still the cautious Little Palace man.

The bed looked soft and warm, which made Xiaohua yawn involuntarily.

When she got into bed and got into the quilt, she rubbed unconsciously. It's so comfortable. Good things are different.

The light in the room is neither bright nor dark. Only a light is still burning on the inner room. It is dizzy yellow. Looking from the tulle curtain, you can clearly see the situation outside the bed without dazzling.

Xiaohua half narrowed her eyes and felt vaguely that she was about to fall asleep. Half asleep and half awake, the light in the room suddenly came on. She felt as if she was dreaming. Sleepy, she rubbed her eyes, turned over, hid from the light and continued to sleep.

King Jing half lifted the curtain to see such a situation——

King Jing has never seen such thrilling beauty in his two lives. At this time, he feels suffocated.

He felt a little uncomfortable. In the past, the little palace man was still pretending to be formal with him?

When King Jing left, Xiaohua didn't know. It was noon when she woke up.

Hearing something inside, Chuncao came in and saw Xiaohua lift up the curtain and said, "Xiaohua girl, lie down first and I'll ask them to send some water for you to bathe."

Every time King Jing left, Chuncao would be called to serve her. After several times, Xiaohua was used to it.

When the hot water came up, the spring grass helped her to bathe behind the screen.

After washing, drying and putting on your clothes, lunch has been brought over.

The spring grass took the meal out of the food box and arranged it. He said, "father-in-law Fu said to let you have a good rest. Don't rush to work."

Xiaohua blushes. Every time she serves King Jing, Fushun always says so. The root is that once she served King Jing. The next day, she was on duty early because she was not tired. Since then, someone will explain her at this time.

Lunch is very simple, that is, three dishes and one soup. It's enough for one person. Xiaohua has no appetite. She eats two mouthfuls casually, drinks the soup, and goes back to bed.

The dishes hardly moved. There was more white rice, and the flowers were eaten by the spring grass. Since she entered this room, the spring grass that used to eat with her has never eaten with her again. Xiaohua didn't force her. Every time the spring grass was there, she would always give another share. Anyway, there were more things, and she couldn't eat alone.

After eating, Chuncao cleaned up the tabletop food box, sat in front of the bed and did needlework, talking with Xiaohua.

"Miss Xiaohua, I think you can not be a job. Why should you be tired? I see your highness likes you very much. Please give you a title."

The spring grass endured this for a long time and wanted to say it all the time. She didn't know how to speak. Sister Xiaohua seems to be a silent person, but she actually has ideas. Sometimes even Chuncao doesn't know what she's thinking.

Even in the past, now people have moved to the temple. It is clear that she is only treated as a concubine, but she always works as a servant of the palace.

Xiaohua didn't know how to talk to Chuncao. She could only vaguely say, "I think it's good."

Spring grass quietly looked at the look of Xiaohua. Seeing that she didn't want to say this, she didn't mention it again.

Maybe Xiaohua has her own plan? She can only think so now.

Xiao Qinzi, the little eunuch who served in Jingtai hall, knocked on the door and came in. He stood outside the screen and whispered, "Miss Xiaohua, the door guard eunuch came to report that someone came to see you outside. It's Xi'er, the little palace man who served in the hall before."