I know about this little flower. Maybe it's because they just entered the house.

Of course, she also knows that Xi'er is not so upset just for the so-called "freedom". After all, Qiao Lian is not the only one who is impetuous and can't sit still these days. I know that there are several small palace people who have this sign. It seems that Xi'er can't sit still.

But it's true that the job of cleaning is not very easy. Especially in June, although the weather here in Jingzhou is not hot, it is all manual work. It is inevitable that you will sweat profusely and get flushed by the sun. Little girls love beauty at this age. No one wants to be roughened by wind and sun all day.

In contrast, for the same people, some small palace people have easy jobs, but they need to work hard. People will be mentally unbalanced. No wonder Xi'er will be so "hate iron but not steel".

But these impetuous hearts do not include Xiaohua. She thinks it's good to sweep. The work is very simple and has nothing to do with other places. Although the days are boring, the victory lies in the absence of disputes.

King Jing's residence has strict rules, but Xiaohua doesn't believe there is no dispute. After all, there are more rights and wrongs where there are more women. She had stayed in so many places before, and the closer she was to the central area, the more serious the dispute was.

The sweeping place here is a marginal area. Xiaohua thinks it's good to get out of the house for 25 years.

In these days when she came to the cleaning office, although the work was hard, Xiaohua felt an unprecedented peace of mind. She even felt that it was good to stay here all her life.

Of course, few people can agree with her, and she won't shout it out by herself.

Seeing Xi'er jumping unceasingly, Xiaohua opened her mouth and advised, "it's no use thinking about it ourselves. It's no use trying to change jobs. Your aunt in charge has the right to deal with it. It's no use worrying."

Xi'er also understood this, but she was inevitably impetuous. She was so angry that she stamped her feet and ran away. But Xiaohua knows that she will run back in a while. Xi'er's character has always been like this.

Sure enough, after a while, Xi'er came back, picked up the broom and began to sweep the floor. After sweeping twice, his mouth began to chatter again. Even if Xiaohua and Xiuyun didn't talk much, they still kept talking.

Xiaohua and Xiuyun had no choice but to smile.