She is not a family child, nor is she a daughter. She is just a little girl who has been sold since childhood.

She killed herself in her last life. She didn't want to be honest in this life. She just wanted to live a smooth life. But such a simple wish has been broken now. Cuilan may not know, but Xiaohua knows. Once sold, it all depends on luck. If you are lucky, you can sell a good family to be a slave, not beaten or hungry. If you have poor luck, you will be sold directly into the bars. Life is better than death.

At the thought of this, Xiaohua couldn't help shivering.

She touched her face, looked at her body, and slowly relaxed.

Fortunately, she hasn't grown yet. Although she is fourteen, she doesn't develop well.

But Xiaohua was still a little worried. She touched the ash on the ground and painted it on her face.

She painted very skillfully. Instead of making her face black and dirty, she touched her hands with dust, rubbed them in her hands, and then pressed them on her face.

Pressed again and again, making the face, neck and arms all gray. In this way, from the appearance, Xiaohua is a thin, dry and gray little girl, and some sloppy. She touched the ground again and made two black marks at the corners of her eyes and one on her face. After doing this, he rubbed his hair into a fluffy mess.

These are Xiaohua's slowly summed up on the way of being sold.

Xiaohua has seen some older women who want to hide their colors and make their faces black. Sometimes they are too dirty. In fact, they are also conspicuous. Just like her, she doesn't look too dirty, but she looks embarrassed, so she won't attract too much attention.

As for the others, I still have to count on Cuilan and LiuYe. I hope my wife can look at the noodles used by the young master and don't sell them to the pickled place, but sell them as slaves and maidservants.

Cuilan both held her head and cried there. She didn't pay attention to Xiaohua's action.

When they stopped crying, they found a place to sit. Seeing Xiaohua's embarrassed appearance, they just thought she was so disheartened at Qiao's in the main room just now, and they were not in the mood to pay attention to others at this time.

The light in the room gradually went from bright to slightly dark to completely dark.

During this period, no woman came to deliver food to them. Cuilan and LiuYe were uneasy, but Xiaohua was no stranger to this situation.

It's going to be sold. Who else can remember to get you food? It's good not to starve you here!

Xiaohua doesn't want anything else. She tries to empty her brain and feel burning in her stomach. She leaned against the wall, closed her eyes and slowly hypnotized herself to sleep.

This "specialty" is also what Xiaohua learned when she was a child, because once people fall asleep, they won't feel hungry.

But after not using it for a long time, Xiaohua felt that her specialty didn't work. In particular, Cuilan willow leaves began to cry on one side, which made her upset.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She forbeared and didn't speak. Constantly imagine in my heart that I have fallen asleep, and gradually I really fell asleep.