Chapter 1131

"It's getting colder and colder in this damned weather."

At 1:30 a.m. in flosinone, at the sentry post of a warehouse in benatia community, Martinez, the night watchman of malat security company, touched his Mediterranean head and looked at his companion gallialdini, He said with emotion:

After hearing Martinez's feeling, gallialdini, who was a little lame in his right leg, looked around the sentry guard carefully, and then replied, "if you feel cold, after the company pays salary this month, you can buy a new pair of cotton padded pants. Since I know you, you've been wearing these cotton padded pants. You're sticking to it, You're going to have rheumatism! "

As for gallialdini's suggestion, Martinez, who is short and fat and looks like a dwarf wax gourd, shook his head and said, "I would like a new pair of cotton padded trousers, but it's a pity that our boss, sodier, who is a mean old man, will give me two shillings and ten pence a month, which is only enough for five people in our family. How can we have spare money, What are you going to buy? "

With that, Martinez sighed, then picked up the jug beside him and took a big drink to keep warm.

Feeling the slightly pungent taste of the wine pot, gallialdini knew that his partner, the wine pot must be filled with "Hagrid"

"HERG" means green source in Kaman language, and it is also a specialty of flosinone. Because of its low price, a drink can make the body warm up, Therefore, it is very popular with the middle and lower class workers and farmers in flosinone. However, although the name of HERG is very nice, it is also very popular. The sales volume in flosinone is very good.

But in essence, it's a kind of industrial alcohol mixed with water, mixed with some cheap spices. Every year, there are dozens of drunkards in florino. They lost their lives because of drinking HERG, but it still can't resist the love of the low-income workers and farmers.

So when he saw Martinez drinking Hogg, galliardini subconsciously wanted to remind Martinez that it was very harmful to drink. But he opened his mouth, but he could not say anything. Finally, he could only shake his head helplessly. With Martinez's economic conditions, he could not afford to drink any wine except Hogg, But if not, Martinez, who is no longer wearing warm cotton padded clothes and trousers, will be more difficult in this leaky sentry···········

After a mouthful of Hagrid and feeling his frozen body warm again, Martinez also regained his spirit, He seemed to think of something, the voice of pressing the ground, some mysterious to gallialdini asked: "do you know what we have here, installed?"

Hearing Martinez's inquiry, galliardini didn't think much, just shook his head and said“ I don't know. It's not mentioned above, but it should be something like wood. Whatever it is? We are just here to watch the night and not let the thief come. It doesn't matter whether the things in the warehouse are gold or mud! "

As for gallialdini's words, Martinez turned his lips, then continued, and said in a low voice: "I heard that the warehouse of Andre community was patronized by thieves a few days ago. It is said that 500 sets of ceramic utensils were lost. How much do you think this is worth?"

It seems that there is something wrong with Martinez's words. Galliardini glanced at Martinez and then warned him, "I can tell you, don't be so mean. The bodies of the three people who were hanged in the court last month have just been put away!"

"Gallialdini, you bastard, what do you say? Is Martinez like me?" Gallialdini's words seem to hit Martinez's pain, Martinez immediately, some angry mouth said;

After that, Martinez turned his voice, thought about it and continued: "I won't collude with those gangsters, but if those gangsters do come, Solty, the old miser, don't expect me to work for him for two shillings and ten pence. I have a wife and children, They expect me to work and support their family


As soon as Martinez said this, there was a crisp sound outside the sentry, which immediately attracted the attention of Martinez and gallialdini in the sentry.

As for the sudden sound, Martinez, who just said that he would not work for two shillings and ten pence, had a look of fear on his fat face. Then he was very decisive and rounded, hiding under the sentry table. He could not see.

Although Martinez is such a bear bag, his companion, galialdini, is a bit lame and not very convenient to move, but he has great courage. He looks back, and Martinez, who is shivering on the table, knows that he can't count on him. He just picks up the kerosene lamp in the sentry and walks out of the sentry carefully, Get ready to go outside and see what's going on.Just did not walk out of the sentry two steps, Martinez is to feel a shadow flash, and then wait for him to react, his waist was a sharp blade, gallialdini hesitated, but still did not choose to resist, very clever raised his hands to surrender.

"Go back!"

There was a low voice in gallialdini's ear, and the bandit who had taken him hostage ordered to him:

At the same time, with this command, gallialdini vaguely saw the situation of the man who had hijacked him. He was tall, 1.85 meters in height and strong, although he couldn't see his face clearly because of the mask, But it can be imagined that this person must be a cruel person.

Just when galliardini was trying to observe other information of the bandit, the bandit who held him hostage didn't polite to him when he saw that his order was not carried out by galliardini. He punched galliardini hard on the back, but galliardini didn't shout, and he was knocked out.

After stun galliardini, the gangster with mask threw the stun galliardini into the sentry. Seeing galliardini and Martinez hiding under the table, the whole person was scared out of his soul, and cried out: don't kill me