Chapter 1123


The sharp sword cut on the metal wall. This metal wall, which Connor had to work hard to build, didn't struggle at all, but was blasted to pieces in a dull explosion.


Looking at the metal fragments all over the ground, Connor, holding the cross sword, was really surprised. Although he had tried this move in the data simulation of the auxiliary chip before, it was simulation, not actual combat, so it was totally unexpected for Connor that this move could achieve such great power.

With a satisfied smile on his face, Connor murmured in a low voice: "since these two swords look like evil spirits, it's better to kill them with this move!"

When castia wand has not become a third-order demonized item and the combat effectiveness of castia array is low, the most effective combat means of Connor in the battle of formal wizard level is only the spear of Hades except for the spiritual storm of psychic wizard, which makes Connor's attack means very single in the face of a strong enemy.

Once the spiritual storm and the spear of Hades are defused or resisted by the opponent, Connor will be in a dilemma and in a very embarrassing situation. Now the appearance of this third-order magic item, cross sword and evil spirit chop, will undoubtedly be a new mace for Connor and greatly improve Connor's strength.

After fondling the cross sword for several times, Connor realized a very important problem!

Although it has been a long time since he got this cross sword from an ancient tomb, he hasn't given it a name until now. It can be said that the cross sword hasn't been changed and can't be used, so it doesn't need to be named. But now it has been replaced with energy and can be used in actual combat, If you don't have a name, you can't say it.

When he got the cross sword in the ancient tomb, Connor didn't get any information about the name and usage of the cross sword except for the cross sword. Therefore, Connor really didn't have any clue when he thought of naming the cross sword.

After a long time of thinking, Connor had the answer in his mind. He stroked the cold body of the cross sword and said in a low voice, "since you have been transformed into a dark demonized object, I'll call you the drosa magic sword."

As soon as Connor's voice fell, the black light on the cross sword flickered twice, It seems that I understand what Connor said and express my love for the name to Connor.

Seeing the appearance of drosa's magic sword, a faint smile appeared on Connor's face. He didn't take the name of drosa casually, but based on it.

In the wizarding world, there are some unofficial records about Byzantine period. In Byzantine period, the abyss was not forbidden by ancient wizarding, so there are often some demons who would climb out of the abyss and make trouble in the world, and some special demons brought their magic weapons when they came out of the abyss.

This kind of special demon is called "DeRosa" by Byzantine witches. Different from the demonized items in the hands of witches, the magic weapons possessed by DeRosa demons have a lot to do with themselves. The tacit understanding between all demons and magic weapons is very high. The advantage of this is that magic weapons can burst out very amazing power in the hands of DeRosa demons, Help the demons of drosa kill one strong enemy after another.

Every thing has its advantages and disadvantages. Although the magic weapon has such extraordinary effect on the demons of drosa, it also has a lot of side effects. In the final analysis, the magic weapon is only a kind of tool, and it is also a fighting tool. Therefore, in the process of fighting, the risk of damage and consumption of the magic weapon is undoubtedly great.

The powerful power of the magic weapon makes the demons of drosa have a great dependence on the magic weapon. More than 80% of their strength depends on the magic weapon. When the magic weapon is intact, the demons of drosa naturally have no problems. However, once the magic weapon has problems for various reasons, their due power can not be exerted, Then, the strength of the demons of DeRosa will be out of ten, from a fierce tiger to a little white rabbit.

Because of this, in the early stage of the appearance of the drosa demons, when the witches did not know their characteristics, the drosa demons, with their powerful magic weapons, really killed all sides and countless witches, which became a nightmare in the minds of the witches. However, in the later stage, the witches realized that the drosa demons were extremely dependent on the characteristics of the magic weapons in their hands, That is, he has come up with a lot of ways to control the magic weapon. After the power of the magic weapon is restricted, the demons of drosa are no longer the same as before. From the nightmare in the minds of the witches before, they have become the most favorite hunting targets of the witches.

Therefore, Connor's intention of naming this third-order demonized object drosa's magic sword is that, on the one hand, he hopes that this cross sword can help him overcome the enemy like the magic weapon in the hands of the devil drosa, on the other hand, he also wants to use the lesson of the devil drosa to warn himself not to be like the devil drosa, You are dependent on demonized items. Once people control your demonized items, you will become a headless fly, and you don't know what to do.Although it has been studied from the drosa magic sword that the power can be regarded as a terrible means except the evil spirit chop, I don't know why, as an alchemist who has given the cross sword a new life, Connor has a premonition that the drosa magic sword still has great potential for him to explore, although the foundation of the drosa magic sword is not good, It's very rare to have such a powerful way to kill evil spirits. Connor is lucky.

Connor, who had tried the sword of drosa, was about to return to Ferguson manor when he suddenly felt something. The next second, he took out the silver coin with the goddess of storm, which was captured from Pedro. At this time, a clear word, Vaughans, appeared on the silver coin.

Seeing the appearance of this word, Connor quickly thought about it. From the message in Pedro's memory about the storm church's secret language, Connor, who had the answer in his heart in three or four seconds, had a slight change in his eyes, and then did not hesitate at all. He suddenly grasped the big hand, directly held the silver coin in his hand into pieces, and then walked out of the space ring, Found a black box and put it in it and sealed it