Chapter 1033

It's a white robed wizard who doesn't belong to the arbiter team beside de zelby. He's about 1.85 meters tall. Although he looks a little marketable, he has a long scar on his angular face. Judging from his face, he knows that this guy is a tough character to be provoked, At this time, he was wearing a white robe symbolizing the priest of storm church, which was covered with a little black blood·········

Although Connor didn't know who this man was, and he had never met him before, it can be seen from the clothes of storm church on him and his walking with the dezelby group, This man is mostly a reinforcements sent by storm church.

Because of the distance, even though Connor is a psychic wizard, he can't judge his cultivation by his mental power. But at this point, since there are black blood stains on his robe, it is most likely that the owners of the blood stains are those terrible black blood fox bears, and since he can hurt the black blood fox bears, Then this person's cultivation, if there is no accident, should also reach the rank of the official wizard.

Realizing this, Connor could not help but be interested in this man. His mental energy gathered to him silently, and he wanted to observe his actions as much as possible. After observing carefully for a while, there was a faint doubt in Connor's eyes, although he was sure that he had never met scar man from storm church before today, But I don't know why, but he has an inexplicable feeling about this guy, as if he had been there and contacted this person there·······

Just as Connor was thinking in his heart, the scarred wizard, who was under his mental observation, seemed to be aware of something. He stopped and turned to see Connor's direction.

Scar wizard's action immediately aroused Connor's vigilance. Connor immediately stopped observing and took back his mental power.

"What's the matter with you, millick?"

As milick, who is in charge of the formation, stops to look at the waterfall, dezelby, who is walking in the front of the team, asks him with some doubts

Just five minutes after he started to break through according to Connor's plan, dezelby, who was not good at running for his life, met an adult black blood fox bear with level 4 Warcraft strength, Because he has a clear understanding of his own strength and knows that he is not the opponent of the black blood fox bear. It is very difficult for him to get rid of this strong adult black blood fox bear by himself.

So in the first second of encountering this adult black blooded fox bear, in order to survive, dezelby chose to release the storm church wizard, a unique way to ask for help.

The several storm church arbitrators who received the rescue signal from dezelby nearby were really loyal. They didn't abandon their leader dezelby, and immediately came to support against the risk. However, the adult black blood fox bear was really strong and cunning. Even dezelby and several wizard apprentices joined forces to deal with it, It is also played around, can only be hard support.

At that dangerous moment, milick didn't know where he came from, and suddenly killed him. While the group of dezelby were fighting with the black blood fox bear, he blinded one eye of the black blood fox bear with an ice blade, seriously injured it, and dezelby and others were able to get out of trouble.

On hearing dezelby's question, milick didn't answer his question directly. Instead, he pointed to the direction of the waterfall and said, "is that where you're going to meet?"

Following what milick pointed out, although dzelby didn't know what milick meant, he nodded and said: "yes, where is the meeting place proposed by Connor Ferguson!"

At the end, dezelby's tone has become very gloomy, and his eyes are flashing cold light. As an old official Wizard of storm church, dezelby is not a fool.

At the beginning of Connor's proposal to disperse and escape, dezelby realized that there was something wrong with Connor's plan, just because the black blood fox bear was behind him at that time, and the situation was too critical for him to think about it. He had to follow Connor's proposal, which seemed to be the best way to deal with the original crisis.

But with the passage of time, dezelby was able to think about it carefully, and he realized that the method of scattered breakout proposed by Connor seemed very good, but in fact, it was a group of Wizard of storm church who were pulled to give him Connor Ferguson as the "meat shield" to resist the black blood fox bear, which undoubtedly made dezelby furious, At that time, he vowed in his heart that if he could go back alive, he would make a good deal with Connor Ferguson.

From dezelby, he got a positive answer. Milick smiled and said with deep meaning: "come on, someone is waiting for us there already!"

Milick's voice fell, and he didn't explain it to dezelby. He just sped up and flew towards the small waterfall. After two seconds, dezelby understood the meaning of milick's words and looked at the small waterfall not far away. He also flew behind milick.···············


"Dezelby, you're back. I'm a little worried that you've met the black blood fox bear!" Sitting near the waterfall, Connor, dressed for training and recovery, felt the arrival of dezelby, and immediately said with surprise. As he spoke to dezelby, Connor's eyes also looked up quietly. The scarred faced wizard, who was walking side by side with dezelby, wore a white robe of storm church,

In the past, because of the distance, Connor didn't judge this man's cultivation through his mental power. He could only guess vaguely. But now it's so close that he can see this man's cultivation in his eyes. What Connor just guessed is right. This man is really an official wizard, The real identity of the Scarface wizard is in Connor's eyes.

"Conner Ferguson, you're very calculating!"

Looking at Connor Ferguson, who was just put in a trap by Connor and nearly lost his life, naturally, he couldn't suppress his anger. He looked at Connor Ferguson with indignation and said with his teeth in his mouth: