Chapter 1022

Looking at the blind and confident sosgate in front of him, bispin's face appeared a sneer, and he didn't talk to sosgate. He just took out a fist sized crystal ball, and then he gently lifted it. The crystal ball in his hand immediately lit up a faint white light and floated in the air of the room.

Looking at the white crystal ball, sosgate's eyes immediately showed a touch of doubt. As a great alchemist, he was not confused about the crystal ball itself. He immediately saw that the crystal ball was a magic object used for video recording, although it was rare in the wizard world, But it's not too precious. At this juncture, bispin took it out. It must not be in vain. The contents of the crystal ball must be meaningful··········

"Do you really know what you've done by the storm?" Looking at the crystal ball with light white light, Southgate thought to himself:

When Southgate had a hunch in his heart, the crystal ball was finally started, and a light curtain was reflected in the air. In the light curtain, we can clearly see several men in casual clothes with serious faces, They are searching for something in the woods from time to time. Their movements are very standard and efficient. At first sight, they are professionally trained professionals!

Although the men in the picture are all wearing casual clothes, and they don't wear anything to identify them, seeing their existence and the familiar forest, sosgate's face immediately becomes very ugly.

Noticing the change of Southgate's face, bispin, who knew that he was in the same boat with him now, had no schadenfreude at all. He knew very well that if Southgate was found by the storm, he would have nothing to eat!

Looking at sosgate, you can see all the pictures on the light screen clearly. Bispin's finger is pointing at the light screen. If you gently press it, the light screen will immediately switch to a new picture. You can vaguely see that the place on this picture is not the same place as the first picture, but in terms of plants, soil and climate, It seems that the distance between the two places is not very far, and in this new picture, the protagonist also changes from the men in casual clothes to a young blonde with symmetrical figure and beautiful appearance.

Unlike the men in casual clothes before, this young blonde did not turn around in the woods. Instead, she held a blue and black compass, which seemed to feel something in the woods. The young blonde, holding the compass, felt something in the woods for ten minutes, but still found nothing on her face, Obviously a bit disappointed, and then the compass back, her right middle finger on a ring, and then quickly disappeared in the forest.

After reading this passage, sosgate seems to have found something. Originally, he looked very ugly and immediately bowed his head to meditate. When he saw him meditating, bispin, who knew sosgate's ability well, didn't disturb him. He just waited for him quietly.

A few minutes later, in his meditation, sosgate seemed to have found something. He looked up at bispin and said in a very solemn voice, "play the second picture for me again!"

When bispin heard what Southgate told him, he was curious about what Southgate was doing, but since Southgate didn't say it now, he also restrained his curiosity and, according to Southgate's order, floated a light curtain in the air again.

The light curtain suddenly turned into the young blonde woman again, holding the blue and black light compass, like a picture of sensing something in the forest. Sosgate looked at the young blonde woman and the compass in her hand again with concentration. After a while, it seemed that she didn't see it clearly, and sosgate suddenly turned to him, Bispin asked, "can you enlarge the compass in this woman's hand for me?"

Bispin didn't speak. He just nodded, and then his heart moved. The compass in the young blonde's hand in the picture suddenly doubled and appeared more clearly in Southgate's field of vision.

Although the appearance of the compass in the light curtain is already very big, and some details and runes on the compass are also displayed, it is obvious that these still can not satisfy sosgate. He continued to say to bispin: "enlarge the compass to the maximum!"

This time, bispin didn't meet sosgate's request. The white man shook his head and said to sosgate, "now the light curtain is at the limit. It can't be magnified!"

When he heard bispin's reply, sosgate was obviously disappointed. However, he did not haggle over this point. Instead, he continued to focus on the picture of compass in the light curtain. For this paragraph, sosgate, a great alchemist with profound knowledge in alchemy, let bispin play it five times, Finally, he waved his hand to indicate that bispin could stop.Sosgate took off his glasses, rubbed his nose with fatigue, and said to bispin“ Bispin, I'm sorry, it's really my fault. I underestimated these church arbitrators and they found some clues. But please, I'll be responsible for my mistake. "

Bispin, who has been intrigued by sosgate's actions, naturally apologizes to sosgate, Not interested, he reached out and interrupted Southgate, then said, "I'd like to know more about what you found on the compass of that blonde woman's hand than your apology." With that, bispin's eyes were all focused on Southgate.

As for bispin's eagerness, Southgate didn't seem to be surprised. Under bispin's gaze, he gave a little smile and said, "Professor!"


Bispin asked sosgate in a puzzled way: before he showed these pictures to sosgate, he had seen this picture carefully for several times, and he didn't feel anything different. What's more, he didn't have the blue and black light compass from the young blonde woman's hand like sosgate now, I realized what it had to do with the professo