Chapter 979

"In the second quarter of the pawnshop, Mr. ahsotoni's collateral No. 11, six shillings worth of hardware, Mr. kolov's collateral No. 3, eight pounds one shilling and seven pence worth of hardware, was due."

"Among the pawnbrokers, Mr. Tiago Silva's mortgage No. 37 expired in the second quarter, Mr. bruzovich's mortgage No. 24

Looking at every paragraph of the second quarter report in Ruiz's hand, Connor's brow was frowned. He couldn't find out the secret through the details of the operation and management of Hongshi pawnshop.

Just when Connor felt very difficult, suddenly in a certain corner of the report, a piece of content brought to Connor's attention.

"The goods pawned by Viscount Valdez have become pawnbrokers' goods in the current period and have been placed in the enzongqi warehouse of the southeast railway station. The goods will be loaded on the train at 3 a.m. on July 3 and transported to Fort Thessaloniki for sale to Baron Harry Kane. The expected profit of this transaction is 50 gold pounds!"

Although there are only a few words, and the information between the lines is not very impressive in the whole report, if Connor is not wrong, Ruiz has been staring at these two lines for nearly a minute, and he has never spent so much time on other contents of the report!

It was when Connor began to think about how the most common way of making profits for pawnbrokers, such as selling overdue collateral to obtain profits, and the profit of only fifty pounds, made Ruiz attach so much importance to it.

In the manager's office of Hongshi pawnshop, Ruiz, who was looking at the second quarter business report, suddenly looked at the southeast direction as if he had made up his mind. Then he sighed a little. Then he closed the report and put it on his desk. He didn't know what he was doing, Ruiz, who had been monitored by Connor, sat back on his bed in the manager's office and began to meditate.

Standing on the top of Marcelo's department store building, Connor was thinking about the message as he looked at Ruiz in meditation.

For a long time, with the help of the cool wind at night, Connor, with a heavy face, seemed to suddenly think of something, and his eyes were shining in a flash. If Connor remembers correctly, in the Rossi opera house, Marguerite once told him that Ruiz had some channels to sell stolen goods, so she joined the secret society, He became a peripheral member of the secret society.

Now Ruiz is going to transport a batch of goods from iProA to Fort Thessaloniki and give it to Baron Harry Kane. Is it possible that it has something to do with the sale of stolen goods?

Realizing this, Connor could not help but feel very excited about his discovery. However, it seems that he thought of another thing. As soon as the smile on Connor's face stopped, he immediately took out a delicate pocket watch from his arms and looked at it. The clock on the watch pointed to "two" and the minute hand pointed to "six", Connor is not from a low voice burst of a rude


After scolding, Connor, who felt that time was urgent, also relied on his strength and made a jump from the top of Marcelo department store building, which was 15 meters high. He came downstairs quietly. Then he dropped a one pound note in the unopened kiosk at the entrance of the road, took a map of iprua City and left quickly.

Looking at the map of iprua, I didn't understand why Ruiz had just looked at the southeast in the manager's office and sighed at Connor. In a moment, he had a vague understanding. In the second quarter business report of red stone pawnshop, it was mentioned that the goods should be sent to Thessaloniki castle and handed over to Baron Harry Kane, At present, the storage of enzongqi warehouse is in the southeast of the two-story building of Hongshi pawnshop!

Seeing that his conjecture was confirmed on the map, Connor immediately did not have any hesitation. Under the cover of the night, he tried his best to move forward to the location of enzongqifangku on the map.

According to the description of that message, the goods will be loaded on the train and transported to Fort Thessaloniki at 3:00 a.m. on July 3, and the current time is 2:30 a.m. on July 3, which means that if nothing changes, Connor will only have less than half an hour to find the goods in the nzongqi warehouse, If Connor is late, the goods will be transported by train to Fort Thessaloniki.

Although Connor is a regular wizard, he can fly for a short time with his own magic power. In short time, he can't be compared with the steam train in terms of speed or endurance. Therefore, if Connor doesn't hurry up now, he will probably never know what the strange goods are, So he lost the best chance to break the set up by christend·········With the light body skill of the black magic robe, Connor's speed is still very fast. With eight minutes to go before 3 a.m., Connor finally crossed the urban area of iprua, from the northwest corner of the urban area where Malaga community is located to the train station enzongqi warehouse in the southeast of the urban area.

When he entered the warehouse, Connor didn't delay. He immediately sneaked into the warehouse. Although it was a dead night, there were five laborers in the warehouse, who were busy under the orange light of the coal mine lights. They came back and forth between the warehouse and the train, packing boxes of goods in wooden boxes, From the warehouse to the train, and the locomotive is also steam rising, making a loud noise, it looks like the train is about to start!

He sneaks into Konner of enzongqi and sees the actions of this wave of people. Although it is impossible to know whether the things they are carrying in the wooden box are what they want to find.

But looking at such a large warehouse, only these people were moving things, and the time was so coincided that Connor immediately made a decision. He first looked around and saw that there was no ambush around. He immediately thought that the five men who were carrying wooden boxes and the three train drivers in the cab lost consciousness, It was planted on the ground.

Seeing this, Connor immediately walked out of the dark. With a wave of his hand, he opened one of the wooden boxes. He saw that all the wooden boxes were filled with cotton