Chapter 953

In order to keep secret and ensure that these secret passages will not be known to outsiders, the then Ferguson family leader, del Ferguson, decided on the advice of the then family council that these secret passages should not be used together, but separately according to the family status.

The elder of the family has the secret road of the elder of the family, the core members of the family have the secret road of the core members, and the family owner and his heirs and relatives also have other secret roads. These secret roads are not connected, and the directions of the secret roads are also different. In this way, we can not only keep secrets to the maximum extent, but also ensure that the family will not be destroyed by others to the maximum extent!

Hundreds of years have passed since the completion of the secret road. With the stability of the Empire and the establishment of a legal society, the secret road in Ferguson manor plays a smaller and smaller role than the original expectation. However, at this time of crisis, the secret road is the greatest hope of Martin's housekeeper and even the whole Ferguson family!

As the housekeeper of the family and the elder of the family, Martinez can only leave through the secret passage of the elder according to the rules, but he does not intend to do so. The reason is very simple. In his eyes, the organizers of the manor plot, Bernardo and Domenech, are both the elder of the Ferguson family, They are also clear about the location and route of the elder's Secret road. Next, if the people in black don't find themselves in the manor, they are likely to go to the elder's Secret road to block themselves under their two instructions.

After leaving the grass, the butler of Martinez was not in a hurry to find the secret. He quietly came to a small cottage where the servants lived in the manor. He took off his clothes and burned them in the fire. He put on a suit of clothes and put a little ashes on his face to cover his face as much as possible, Make yourself look like an old and stupid handyman, not a family elder and powerful housekeeper.

Masquerade good identity, Martinez housekeeper fingers flick on the black cane, with Martinez housekeeper's action, he is now the only weapon in hand - the black cane mechanical mechanism seems to be opened, in Martinez housekeeper's force into a palm length stick, Martinez housekeeper, hidden in the sleeve.

After finishing these, Martinez left the cottage where he lived and walked slowly towards the northeast corner of the manor. On the way of Martinez, three or five groups of people in black were running rapidly. According to Domenech's order, they searched every corner of the manor for Martinez, But these people can't imagine that the target they are searching for is right next to them.

After walking for about ten minutes, the housekeeper Martinez, disguised as an old handyman, came to a garbage dump. Because of the huge area of Ferguson manor, there are two garbage dumps in the manor to collect and transport the garbage produced in the manor. One is located in the southwest corner of the manor, One is the northeast corner dump where Martinez now arrives.

After arriving at the dump, the housekeeper Martinez didn't rush to move. Instead, he looked around and saw that there were no people in black around him. Then he started his action. According to his memory, he came to the worker's toilet of the dump and looked at the smelly toilet. Instead of showing any disgust, the housekeeper Martinez looked in his eyes, But a touch of joy appeared···········

In front of the tightly locked tool room in the toilet, the housekeeper Martinez, as a knight, smashes the door lock with a clean hand knife, walks in, and looks at all kinds of toilet tools in the tool room, such as mops and brooms, Martinez recalled his memory while searching for something in these tools.

Soon, the Butler Martinez found what he was looking for, a rough but still strong hammer. After getting the hammer, the Butler did not hesitate and began to hit the right wall of the tool room. He did not know what was the magic of this ordinary looking hammer, The very solid wall of the tool room is made of steel and cement. It looks like bean curd dregs. After a few blows of this hammer, it breaks a big gap. Through this big gap, you can see that behind this wall, there is a big black painted iron door!

Several hammers came down again, and the Butler Martinez directly took off the wall, exposing all the iron doors behind the wall. The iron door is about two meters high and one meter wide. There is no mark on the iron door except a keyhole in the center of the iron door.

Looking at the appearance of the iron gate, Martinez's housekeeper still put the hammer in his hand. A complex color appeared in his old eyes. There are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of books stored in Ferguson's family, but without exception, there are no records of this iron gate in any form. This iron gate is similar to its present position, It only exists in the word of mouth of the Ferguson family!

This iron door is made of fine steel. As long as the door is locked, unless there is an exclusive way to open the door, it is difficult to open the iron door even with tons of black powder. Behind this big iron door is Ferguson manor, the most secret secret secret master, According to the secret of the Ferguson family, which belongs to the head of the family and the first in line successor, it can only be known by the head of the family himself, and then hand it over to the first in line successor personally when the first heir comes of age.Although he is the housekeeper of the family and a member of the Council of elders, according to the rules, Martinez didn't know where the secret road was before. But more than a year ago, Connor's father, Alfredo Ferguson, then the Earl of Ferguson, knew that his time was running out when he was seriously ill. Seeing that Connor didn't return to the family, he was desperate, I'm afraid he won't see Connor back when he's alive.

So in order not to let the secret of the owner of the Ferguson manor be lost, Alfredo Ferguson made a bold decision. He broke the tradition that the owner of the Ferguson family always told the first successor the secret of the family. He made an exception to tell the location of the secret to his most trusted and dedicated to the Ferguson family, Martinez, the housekeeper who has worked hard all his life, hopes that after his death, Martinez will replace him and tell Connor the secret of Ferguson manor's secret