Chapter 900

Even though there was a common enemy Professor Reyes before, Connor never reached cooperation with the Wang Jue faction represented by Isabella, and even some of them were in opposition. The most fundamental reason is that Connor hopes to pursue equal treatment in cooperation, and does not want to become a horse of the Wang Jue faction and let them drive him.

The Baron Wang faction thinks that Connor's weight is not enough to treat them equally, but now with Varga becoming a formal wizard, the situation has changed to a great extent. Connor's weight is not enough as a first-class wizard. What about Varga?

What's more, the most important thing is that among the formal witches, there are very few pharmacists. How many large-scale black wizard organizations want to recruit or train a formal wizard level pharmacist, but they still can't get what they want?

Connor believes that with the existence of Varga, as long as Wang Jue's faction is not stupid, it will change its mind, sit back at the negotiation table, and begin to discuss the cooperation against Reyes with him!

At that time, as long as we reach a cooperation with Wang Jue, with the restriction of Wang Jue, Reyes will have many difficulties even if he wants to deal with Connor!

Connor, who is in a good mood, drives the carriage to pull Varga, and soon arrives at the Hoffenheim community where the Ferguson residence is located. However, he has not yet arrived at the Ferguson residence. Connor's strong mental power is to feel the solemn prayer of the pastor in the Ferguson residence, and the knight portrait of old Ferguson in the main hall of the residence, And all kinds of white furnishings········

Aware of this, Connor was stunned at first, but suddenly reacted. Is old Ferguson, who didn't insist on the arrival of him and Varga, dead?

Half a month ago, when Connor went to the bluestone auction, he lost energy and stopped working. Because Connor was busy helping Varga break through, he didn't replace the energy source for the monitoring equipment. As a result, Connor can't get information about old Ferguson, It can only be estimated from the previous news that old Ferguson is likely to die in these days.

That's why he came back to the Ferguson family with valga, who has just established a formal wizard state, and wanted to see old Ferguson for the last time, but now it seems that Connor is still a bit late········

Although the intelligent valga is not as powerful as Connor, he can sense what is happening in Ferguson's residence, But when she saw Connor driving the carriage, the smile on her face was restrained, and her expression became sad. She immediately understood that what happened in Ferguson's residence was also the sadness in her heart. She gently stroked Connor's back and comforted him.

Although he doesn't have much affection with old Ferguson, after all, blood is thicker than water. After coming to this world for such a long time, Connor has gradually accepted and recognized his current identity. Although he has foreseen the death of old Ferguson and has psychological preparation, he is still very sad when this moment comes.

After hearing the location of old Ferguson's grave, Connor adjusted his mind, raised his head to meet Varga's concerned eyes, forced out a smile, and then said to Varga, "come back to Ferguson's mansion another day. Let's go to mourn for him now!"

Although he wanted to go to Ferguson's mansion with Connor to confirm his position, Warga couldn't say anything but nodded his head to express his agreement when he heard that Connor wanted to go to mourn his dead father immediately.

Seeing Varga's agreement, Connor immediately turned the carriage and drove to the Ferguson manor outside the downtown area of flosinone. The family cemetery of the Ferguson family is in the Ferguson manor. After the death of the core members of the Ferguson family of each generation, where will they rest? During the Spring Festival, the Ferguson family will offer a unified sacrifice, As the owner of the Ferguson family, count Ferguson, after the death of the old Ferguson, naturally was buried in the same place, sleeping with the family ancestors.

Connor chose to go to condole old Ferguson at this time, in addition to the sadness in his heart, there is also a very important reason, that is, he has not yet figured out how to deal with it. At this time, in the Ferguson mansion, the group of family elders who are haunted, and his third Uncle Jack Ferguson's family!

If old Ferguson was not dead before, in the face of old Ferguson, Connor returned to the family, they would be more or less restrained. But now that old Ferguson is dead, Connor will go back with Varga. Connor can be sure that they will see nothing, For the sake of the division of family power, he forced the first successor of Ferguson's family into power!

In addition, Connor did not forget that his third uncle, Jack Ferguson, and his third aunt, Eugenia, wanted to replace him. They tried to find a gang of killers to kill him for 10000 pounds and plot for the position of the head of the Ferguson family. Although Connor never showed up in the Ferguson family, their plan never had a chance to implement.As for the family elders, he thinks that Connor is not afraid. He can't give up the position of the family leader and let others become the new Earl of Ferguson. What's more, he can't be a soft egg, a puppet controlled by the family elders and put on the stage by them to be a nominal family leader of Ferguson, In fact, there is no power!

If the power of the family continues to be controlled by a group of old men who live in the dead, the already lonely Ferguson family will be completely destroyed and disappear in the long river of history in a short time. This is absolutely unacceptable to Connor. He wants to be a strong man and lead the Ferguson family to revitalize completely, Restore Ferguson's reputation in his past glory days and even reach a new height!

Connor's only regret is that the senior members of the Ferguson family and his third uncle, Jack Ferguson, are not his enemies. Otherwise, Connor would be merciless and ruthless to kill them all. However, the senior members of the family and Jack Ferguson's family are nominally the same blood relatives as him, Connor can't kill them all, and now old Ferguson has just left, he has killed himself. I believe this is not what old Ferguson wants to see