Chapter 879

There are many advantages of kedos hardwood, but the only disadvantage is that this kind of tree has slight toxicity, but the toxicity is too slight. If people and livestock are not too unlucky, they can not trigger this toxin.

If Connor did not think wrong, the biggest hero in the game, the third magic flower held by William, should be sprayed by Morenogne.

Moreno perfume, also known as Moreno toxin, is a colorless, tasteless, poison that can cause paralysis in ten minutes and temporarily paralyze the whole body. Under normal circumstances, this toxin can only kill ordinary people or primary wizard apprentices, but it has little effect on those who are above intermediate wizard apprentices!

However, if you let kedoss hardwood encounter Moreno toxin, it will be different. Once the two meet, Moreno toxin will trigger. The original weak toxicity of kedoss hardwood will fuse under certain conditions and in a certain proportion, and a new toxin called Moreno toxin will be created in the wizard world!

Although born out of cadus hardwood and Moreno toxin, the toxicity of cadus hardwood or Moreno toxin is not good enough compared with that of modus toxin. A wizard apprentice or a Warcraft with a radius of 100 meters only needs to inhale modus toxin for more than one minute, There will be no omen in the body, the mind can not control the mana, consciousness gradually blurred.

After the above symptoms appear, they will be dazed within five seconds. Without the help of external forces, the wizard apprentices who have been poisoned by modus magic can't be relieved within a week. They can't use mental power and mana, which is no different from ordinary people·········

The only drawback of modus' venom is that it is so virulent, It has a slightly pungent and unique smell. As soon as you smell it, you will know that it's modus magic poison. People who have no brain will continue to stay within the 100 meters of modus magic poison. If you want to cause modus magic poison, the inhalation time is more than one minute, which is a hard index. If it's less than this time, you won't be poisoned!

Connor has understood how William and his gang operate. Pinsolio's third magic flower is sprayed colorless and tasteless, so it's hard to find Moreno toxin. Now in this hall built with CADOS hardwood, Moreno toxin quickly fuses with CADOS hardwood toxin, and the two form modos magic toxin.

The only disadvantage of modus' magic poison is its pungent and unique taste, which is covered by the fragrance of pinsolio's third magic flower. More than 50 witches in the auction hall will be eroded by ammodus' magic poison unconsciously!

In this way, why William put pinsolio's third magic flower in the first place of auction, and why he spent so much time to explain the origin and function of pinsolio's third magic flower is understandable!

It seems to confirm Connor's conjecture. A few seconds later, under Connor's mental examination, he suddenly found that his body was slightly uncomfortable, which was just the symptom of modus' evil poison. However, Connor's cultivation exceeded the scope of modus' evil poison, and his mental power could be felt before the modus' evil poison had a formal attack, The body has been invaded by modus poison.

However, at this time, the wizard apprentices in the auction were not as lucky as Connor. They still didn't feel that they had been poisoned by modus. In a short time, they would be poisoned, unable to control their mental power and mana, and would be reduced to fat meat on the chopping board.

Now, with the unremitting efforts of all the people in the auction hall, the price of pinsolio's third magic flower has gone from 2000 magic stones to 4300 magic stones. It seems that it is only a matter of time before the price reaches 5000 magic stones.

Although I don't understand why William psionic society and Golovin tribe set up such a big game with pinsolio's third magic flower, what is the purpose of the more than 50 wizards present.

But now for Connor, no matter what the reason is, William's psionic power and the Golovin tribe are willing to do such a big thing at the risk of being hunted to death by more than 50 sorcerers' relatives and friends. Connor always remembers that the purpose of his coming to the blue stone auction is to get 15000 magic stones for Varga, and he doesn't care about the rest, In this bloody plot, the most important thing for Connor is to get the magic stone and then retreat!

Just when Connor had begun to prepare secretly, the strong man of Odin, who was the first to offer for pinsolio's third magic flower, was listening to the offer of 4500 magic stones, and his eyes showed a determined look. He stretched out five fingers and cried out:

"Five thousand stones!"

Although everyone on the scene guessed that the final price of pinsolio's third magic flower, which could replace the black forest demon flower, would exceed 5000 magic stones, when Juba really cried out the price, the auction hall was silent and there was no new offer. Everyone's eyes were focused on Juba, the strong man of Odin.Although it is very painful for him to spend five thousand magic stones, but enjoying the envious eyes of everyone, jiuba's expression is also very excited. He even gives provocative eyes to the senior wizard apprentices in the Kaman camp who are wearing red masks.

In the face of the provocation of jiuba, it is impossible to bear the high price of more than 5000 magic stones. All of us dare to be angry and speechless. No one is making a new offer!

Seeing this, there was a flash of irony in William's eyes, and he didn't say anything like "five thousand magic stones once or twice". He said in a loud voice: "congratulations to Mr. jiuba, for taking this third magic flower of pinsolio at a high price of five thousand magic stones. I wish Mr. jiuba an early breakthrough to become a first-class wizard!"

With that, William didn't hesitate. He just clapped the third magic flower of pinsolio on his hand. The potion growing on the crystal immediately flew to Juba's body.

After taking pinsolio's third magic flower, Juba couldn't control his excitement, and a happy smile suddenly appeared on his face. Although the price of 5000 magic stones is almost all of his wealth, with this potion, he can find other potions and make Amun potion. With his strength, it won't be long before he can become a first-class wizard, Let alone five thousand magic stones, it is fifty thousand magic stones. What he wants is just a matter of time