Chapter 857

"After hearing about the death of Cohen trong, I have been conducting a secret investigation for several months to see who killed my son. However, at the auction of Rondo manor, I was very strict about the identity of the guests who participated in the auction. I had no clue until a week ago, an old friend of mine told me the whole story, Make a clear investigation and write me a letter

Speaking of this, Adolf, with his old eyes shining with hatred, jumped down from the container and walked to Prince Boateng's container. He said in a calm voice to Prince Boateng with hatred:

"Prince Boateng, you son of a bitch, if you will, after you know that bispin has come to flosinone, Just obediently take the train back to Odin Empire, back to your Boateng family, even if I know that you are the murderer of my poor little Cohen trong, I have nothing to do with you! "

"But you stayed in flosinone in order to kill Conor Ferguson and avenge Reyes for his broken arm at Benitez castle! Do you think that even you are avenging me on you, Prince Boateng? Do you think I should thank you? "

"Stop it! Do it, Adolf Feeling the hatred in Adolf's words, Prince Boateng closed his eyes and said very stiffly:

Hearing Prince Boateng's words, a cruel and strange smile appeared on Adolf's old face. He shook his finger at Prince Boateng and said, "no, Prince, you think too much, How could I be stupid enough to do it myself to you? I'm not that stupid! "

"Prince Boateng, I don't think I don't know that you are planted with your Boateng family's unique blood soul curse. Whoever kills you will be entangled by the blood soul curse, so it will be checked out by your family's blood soul instrument, so how can I be stupid enough to do it myself to you!" At the end, Adolf's voice became very soft. Then he slowly took out something that looked like an oak barrel from the space ring, and gently knocked on it.

"Click! Click! Click! Click

Listening to this slightly dull voice, Adolf looked at Prince Boateng and said, "believe me, Prince Boateng, you will be very interested in the little things in this bucket!"

Prince Boateng closed his eyes, but his mental power seemed to feel what was in the oak barrel. He suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Adolf fiercely and said, "Adolf, do you know how Cohen tran, your son, died?"

"He has offended me, he has offended members of the Boateng family in West Ham City, Adolf. Do you know what it's like?"

"So my men didn't kill him very happily. They first crippled your son's two arms and two legs, and then peeled off his p bit by bit when he was awake. In order to prevent him from dying of pain, we fed him some recovery medicine from time to time, so that he could feel the pain more clearly!"

"Adolf, do you know how miserable the little guy's a-howl is? Ha ha ha, in retrospect, I'm still happy. That's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I peeled P for an hour, and he screamed for an hour! "

"In the end, he didn't have the strength. We spilled a layer of barbecue sauce on him, and then we rewarded him to my hounds, those lovely little guys, who ate your son so delicious..." Prince Boateng insulted Adolf's dead son wantonly under Adolf's gaze, His eyes were full of mockery, which seemed to ridicule Adolf's helplessness.

Looking at Prince Boateng's performance quietly and listening to all these words in his ears, Adolf's eyes were full of anger, just as Prince Boateng expected. His two hands were tightly clenched. It seemed that he would punch Prince Boateng's head at any time.

Just as Prince Boateng tried to show his taunt to Adolf, he secretly cried in his heart, "let's do it now." when he watched, Adolf clenched his fist and let it go. He shook his head at Prince Boateng, who was close at hand, and said in a deep voice, "Prince Boateng, You've been so sharp in your mouth for so many years. I know that you're urging me to kill you quickly, but I almost couldn't resist doing it to you · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Prince Boateng, desperate to hear Adolf say that, immediately wanted to say something, but he just opened his mouth, Before he could continue to say anything, Adolf thought a little. Prince Boateng only felt the copper ring on his throat suddenly tightened. Then his breathing was oppressed and he couldn't say anything. The only thing he could do was to breathe as hard as possible like a fish out of water·········"Prince Boateng, don't worry, don't worry, just give me half an hour, I'll let these little guys adjust to the best condition, and then let them play with you!" Pointing to the oak barrel, Adolf said softly:

Driven by the survival instinct, Prince Boateng, who is trying to breathe, is filled with fear and despair when he hears Adolf's words. However, Adolf ignores Prince Boateng and opens the oak barrel he takes out from the space ring, Start casting the spell and operate it.

Half an hour later, Adolf smiles, throws the opened oak barrel into the big container full of water and traps Prince Boateng. In the next second, hundreds of finger sized blue fish swim out of the oak barrel and roam around the container with great energy.

At first glance, these small blue fish are not very impressive, which is no different from the silver membrane fish sold on the market for ten pence for fish sauce. But if you look carefully, you can see that the most central part of their eyes is a very strong red, and their teeth are very fine and sharp like a saw, Rich sense of hierarchy