Chapter 847

Looking at the closing sign and the big lock on the door of the alshavin optical shop in front of him, I can feel that there is no smell of robery in the shop. Prince Boateng's cold face in a gray robe shows obvious anger, but in this anger, he can see that there is no smell of robery in the shop, But mixed with some suspicions·············

Time goes by day, but it's still hard to find him, Connor Ferguson. Prince Boateng, who knows that he can be found at any time, is in a very bad mood. He has been communicating with robery, an intelligence dealer, trying to get through robery's huge intelligence network in flosinone, Find Connor Ferguson.

In order to achieve this goal, he spared no effort to promise a lot of benefits to robery. For his request, robery also agreed. Although robery's promise was very happy, in practice, it was delayed again and again. He told Prince Boateng that Connor Ferguson was very deep, It will take time to find his hiding place!

At the beginning, Prince Boateng, who chose to believe in robery and believed his words as true, was patient and could tolerate robery's repeated buck passing. However, with the passage of time, Prince Boateng, who did not wait for news from robery to Connor, gradually lost his patience and finally had some doubts about robery.

Doubt belongs to doubt, but what Prince Boateng never expected was that Robert, an intelligence dealer, was very cunning and greedy. He told Prince Boateng that he couldn't find Connor's information, not that he really couldn't find Connor's hiding place!

In fact, three days after Arshavin's optical shop reached a deal with Connor Ferguson, robery had already mastered Connor's situation in alyoung town through his intelligence network. The reason why he chose not to tell Prince Boateng about this situation is to maximize his own interests!

For robery, he doesn't care about the relationship between Connor and Prince Boateng, which has nothing to do with him. He only cares about whether Connor can refine the PAYE magic gold as agreed. It's not in robery's interest for Connor to be killed by Prince Boateng before Connor refines the PAYE magic gold, But the benefits of Prince Boateng's promise also make robery very interested. In addition, to prevent his secret from being discovered by Connor Ferguson, robery is ready to kill Connor.

So against this background, a plan of killing two birds with one stone and killing with a knife sprouted in the crafty and old-fashioned robery's heart. This plan, in short, is to tell Prince Boateng about Connor's hiding in aryang town when Connor completes the transaction and sends him the refined paymorkin, Make use of Prince Boateng's intention to kill Connor, let Prince Boateng become his sword to kill Connor, and by the way, make another wave of Prince Boateng's promise!

Robery's plan is very good and takes all the advantages, but the plan can't keep up with the changes. Connor has made a move in the Baresi forest. Not only the plan failed completely, but also he fell here.

Prince Boateng, who didn't know about the plan, kept his patience exhausted and had doubts in his heart. He kept sending letters to exert pressure on him. Three days ago, in order not to irritate Prince Boateng, he was forced to agree to meet with Prince Boateng today, Trying to placate Prince Boateng. That's why Prince Boateng came back to Arshavin's today.

Although he was very resentful because of the closure of Arshavin's optical shop and wanted to break the shop open and break into it, Prince Boateng still had a trace of sense in spite of his anger. Although he didn't deal with robery because of the internal contradictions of Boateng's family, he was still very clear, Robery is very reliable, otherwise he would not be able to undertake the burden of purchasing, selling and cultivating resources for the Boateng family in the Kaman empire.

But now Robert is making an appointment to meet him, closing the optical shop, and leaving Arshavin optical shop, which shows one thing. Now Robert has a very urgent problem, which needs to be solved immediately, so he will do it. Apart from that, Prince Boateng can't think of any other reason, Robert will stand him up!

Realizing this, Prince Boateng's anger eased and hesitated a little. Maybe he felt that he had come here to ask for help. Besides, he knew that alshavin's optical shop was very important to robery, and there were a lot of forbidden organs in the shop. If he broke in by force, It is bound to touch the scales of Robert, leading to the escalation of contradictions between the two people, thus affecting his plan to kill Connor Ferguson for revenge.

So Prince Boateng didn't rush into Arshavin's glasses shop with a closing sign. Instead, he turned and walked into the coffee shop not far from Arshavin's glasses shop. It seemed that he was waiting for the return of Robert.In Arshavin's glasses store, Connor, who has a panoramic view of Prince Boateng's actions through the "clothes mirror", does not feel any happiness because Prince Boateng did not break into the store. His eyes are very tangled, and he seems to be hesitating.

As far as Connor is concerned, he has not yet figured out how to deal with Prince Boateng. In addition, his strength is not as good as Prince Boateng. Therefore, the best way for Connor now is to hide as far as possible. As it happens, besides the weird basement, there is also a secret Road leading to saneti street, Connor can leave Arshavin's glasses shop by this secret Road, and get rid of Prince Boateng in the coffee shop dozens of meters away.

If Connor didn't find the strange basement, Connor would not hesitate to do so, but now that Connor has found it, the situation is different!

Although Connor didn't know what the condition of the basement was, he was sure that the three bronze coffins in the core of the basement were absolutely unusual. Connor faintly felt that the three bronze coffins might be a big chance for him