Chapter 828

According to the introduction of Reyes and the data collected by Connor himself, the literature records that 80 years ago, a powerful alchemist named payer was born in the Odin empire. In the wizard circle of Odin Empire, he left a lot of ink and ink!

Although the Empire of Odin is the largest country in Byzantine continent, due to the influence of geographical environment, about 50% of its land is not suitable for human beings to live and live, which naturally becomes a paradise for beasts and Warcraft. As a result, the materials of Warcraft in the Empire of Odin are very rich, Compared with other alchemy materials such as metals, the price is very advantageous.

Because of this, the alchemists of Odin Empire generally used Warcraft materials as the main body for alchemy, and payer was the best alchemist who used Warcraft materials for alchemy. According to Reyes, one month before payer's death, he met payer himself and discussed the knowledge of alchemy with him.

In Reyes' alchemy, although Reyes didn't say what he talked about with payer in those years, this aspect was directly mentioned by Reyes in Reyes' alchemy, but through Reyes' narration between the lines, Connor can still see Reyes' appreciation of payer's Alchemy method, This is rare for Reyes.

As an alchemist, Reyes is very proud. He mentioned a lot of alchemists in his book Reyes Alchemy to Connor, but among so many alchemists, only a few people like sosgate and payer can get his praise, so it can be seen that payer's level of alchemy is absolutely very high.

In the use of Warcraft materials, payer once had a very mysterious research named "synthesis of payer's artificial magic gold"

In the wizarding world, as a metal that can carry and store energy, there are thousands of known kinds of magic gold. Some wizards like to classify magic gold according to its properties and energy intensity, But as the main users of magic gold, alchemists used to divide magic gold into artificial magic gold and natural magic gold

Natural magic gold is easy to understand, that is, magic gold formed naturally under the change of energy in space, while artificial magic gold is made by alchemists through means of alchemy.

After the fall of Byzantine Empire, the cultivation resources of Byzantine mainland gradually became scarce. Therefore, in order to meet the cultivation needs of modern witches, the concept of artificial magic gold came into being 200 years ago, and it has made great progress in these 200 years. However, until now, compared with natural magic gold, the concept of artificial magic gold has become more and more popular, There are still many deficiencies in the artificial magic gold refined by alchemists.

As mentioned above, the Odin empire is rich in Warcraft materials. However, the economic development of the Odin empire is very poor. As a result, the technological level of the Odin empire's mine development and mining is also lower than the average level of the Byzantine mainland. The technological level of the mining industry is not good, which directly leads to the low output of various natural magic gold in the Odin empire.

Magic gold, as the main component of magic items, is an indispensable part of wizard cultivation. The demand of wizard world in Odin empire is very high, but the production of magic gold is not good. As a result, the wizard in Odin empire can only try to sell magic gold to Kaman Empire, fast empire, Other countries in Byzantine continent, such as the Empire of persis, sought to import magic gold, but for various reasons, these countries not only exported magic gold to Odin at high prices, but also had many restrictions.

In such an environment, the alchemists of Odin Empire didn't want to be subject to other countries forever in the field of magic gold, so they began to try to develop the technology of artificial magic gold, and tried to use a technological revolution to get their country out of such an embarrassing situation.

Alchemist payer is the pioneer of this action. Payer combines the rich and low-cost characteristics of the Odin empire's Warcraft materials and chooses the Warcraft materials as the breakthrough point of his artificial magic gold!

As an alchemist, Connor has always been very interested in payer's artificial magic gold synthesis, and has been trying to find more information in this area. Unfortunately, the things Connor collected are all popular, and there is no alchemy technology content.

However, in the wizarding world, there are all kinds of information about the synthesis of payer's artificial magic gold, but generally speaking, they are similar and have several common points.

First of all, the first common point is that payer's synthetic method of artificial magic gold is very bloody and cruel. In every experiment, hundreds of wild animals and Warcraft have lost their lives. Even in order to make the experiment achieve his satisfactory results, payer is not satisfied with using wild animals and Warcraft as the test objects. He will even let human beings become a part of his experiment!

The second common point is that payer's research on the synthetic technology of artificial magic gold has made a breakthrough in stages. The magic gold produced by his alchemy method is obviously higher than other artificial magic gold in many aspects, such as energy conductivity, energy storage, firmness and so on. However, due to the cruel and bloody synthetic method of payer's artificial magic gold, the finished product of payer's magic gold will emit the smell of bleeding and S!The third common point is that after payer's artificial magic gold synthesis achieved phased results, a mysterious and powerful wizard organization realized the great value of this, that is, it wanted to join lapaye, but payer flatly refused, and the behavior of this wizard organization was also very domineering. Since you can't use it for me, I would rather destroy you, They won't let anyone else get you, so they raided payer's Alchemy lab one day, killed payer, and took away all his experimental results.

Since then, no one has ever seen payer in the wizarding world. Only a few kinds of payer magic gold occasionally appear, which reminds people of the ferocious and bloody alchemist payer of Odin empire. And with the alchemy method created by payer, the artificial magic gold is called payer magic gold in the wizarding world!

The reason why Connor went to robery today is to find out about Prince Boateng. It's an adventure after he knew that Fabian Boateng is the boss of robery's backstage. As he told robery in Arshavin's optical shop, the discord between Prince Boateng and Fabian Boateng is an open secret in Odin's wizarding circle, It's not hard to find out as long as you have the heart to investigate