Chapter 717

Varga's big eyes blinked, nodded and said, "I see, Connor, you are worried about this undercover, so you don't want to have a conflict with kararov, but we are not going to flosinone, where your family is. Why do you want to go to Tungus? Tungus is only about 100 kilometers away from roon. Where are we going? The undercover is likely to catch us? "

When Varga finished, Connor didn't reply immediately. Instead, he thought about it for a while and thought that it would not hurt to tell Varga. Then he said, "I'm not worried about the undercover. It's my own reason!"

Although Connor didn't make his words clear, the clever Varga still recognized the meaning Connor wanted to express in his words. His beautiful eyes burst out with surprise, and he lowered his voice and said to Connor, "Connor, are you going to break through?"

When Connor heard the words, he said in a deep voice, "that's right! I can't make it back to flosinone to break through. I have a secret stronghold in Tungus, which I used when I broke through the senior wizard apprentice last time. This time, I just used it. So this time, I don't want to make trouble with the medicine delivered by kalarov. I'll go by myself. Even if they do it, I can get away by myself! "

At this point, Varga understood all of Connor's meaning without any doubt. She looked happy, nodded heavily and said, "Connor, I know what to do!"

With the end of business, Connor, who has not been contaminated with meat for some time, can't help but relax. His eyes looking at Varga are full of desire. When he feels the change of Connor's eyes, Varga's pretty face is also covered with blush and lowers her head in shame.

Seeing this, Connor smiles and puts a sound barrier in the room. Then a princess hugs valga and puts him on the bed



The next day, with a clear mind, Connor, after camouflaged himself with transvesting, quietly walked out of the villa on Ramsey street in the western part of Rouen with a bottle of sallin medicine given by Varga.

After about 40 minutes in a coach and about 20 minutes' walk, Connor finally arrived at the 37th estate on McKinsey Avenue on the outskirts of Rouen, the place where he had agreed with Mr. and Mrs. carrarov half a year ago to deliver the medicine.

This manor is famous for the middle class of roon and a good place for leisure and vacation. Many executives of roon trading company, small shareholders of the factory, as well as some small nobles, small landlords and other people who don't need to worry about their livelihood like to take their families with them in their spare time and enjoy a good life here.

At that time, there was a big difference between konawalga and kararov in choosing the delivery place of the medicine. After a full ten minute argument, both sides reluctantly agreed to complete the delivery of the medicine at this manor. Besides the manor being a public place, there was No. 37 manor, Five kilometers away is the j-officer University of the Department of police and television of roon. It will be very bad for both sides to have a practical influence here.

Disguised as a thin middle-aged gentleman, Connor, leaning on a valuable cane, walked in from the gate of the manor and came to the restaurant. As soon as he was seated in the restaurant, a beautiful, blonde waitress came to Connor.

"Hello, sir. What would you like to eat?" As she said this, the blonde waitress just wanted to pass the menu to Connor.

Facing the menu from the blonde waitress, Connor waved his hand slightly, coughed gently, leaned on his stick and said: "I'll have a five ripe passmeri steak, Rouen flavor beet soup, and two Bernard Wu egg tarts for dessert."

Hearing that the middle-aged gentleman just ordered some famous dishes in the restaurant without looking at the menu, the blonde waiter took back the menu and asked again, "would you like something to drink, sir?"

"Open me a blue moon gin bar from Paul Sousa!" With that, Connor handed out a five pence bill and gave it to the blonde waiter as a tip.

Seeing that the tip was only five pence, the blonde waitress's eyes became tired. However, the good training of the waitress in the manor made her beautiful face squeeze out a standard smile and said to Connor, "yes, sir, I've written down your requirements. I'll bring your meal in about ten minutes. Please wait patiently!" With that, the blonde waitress saluted Connor slightly, then withdrew.

In the process of waiting for a meal, Connor, disguised as a middle-aged gentleman, looks at the painting hanging on the wall of the restaurant and enjoying the charm of art, but in fact, Connor's spiritual power is quietly released, with the restaurant as the center and spreading to the whole manor.Under the witness of the eye of arbitration oath, Connor and kararov agreed that the time was 11:30 noon. From the time point of view, kararov should have entered the manor by this time.

The actual delivery time of Connor's meal was two minutes faster than the expected time given by the blonde waitress. It was still the blonde waitress who placed Connor's steak, beet soup, egg tart and gin one by one in front of Connor, and then respectfully said in accordance with the process: "Sir, please take your time!"

Looking at the delicious food in front of him, Connor took out a five pence note and threw it to the blonde waiter as a tip. Seeing that there was another five pence tip, the blonde waiter showed a look of surprise on her face. After taking the note, she called to Connor sweetly: "Mr. Xie Xie" and left satisfied.

When he picked up the gin he ordered on the table, Connor poured half a cup into the glass, then drank it, feeling the wonderful taste of gin in his mouth. Connor seemingly casually took out a silver pocket watch from his arms and looked at the time above. There was a flash of doubt in his eyes. Connor slowly put the watch back into his arms.

It's a quarter past eleven. Why hasn't kararov appeared in this kind of manor, or has kararov appeared and didn't find him