Chapter 658

Hearing Margaret's about to speak, but saying nothing without thinking, Connor said, "you didn't see this very normal. This is a method that my tutor created thirty years ago. First, he cooked the green grass for six hours, then purified it with the extract of the extract of Michael's extract, then extracted and purified the essence of the green shadow grass at low temperature. Repeat three times

At this point, when Connor realized that he had lost his words, her words suddenly stopped and she did not speak any more. When Margaret heard Connor say the word "tutor", she suddenly saw a light in her eyes and looked straight at Connor, Obviously, Margaret is very interested in what Connor calls her "mentor."

The two sides fell into a short silence. A few minutes later, they still saw Marguerite's big eyes, still looking at herself with a smile on her face. Looking at Marguerite, Connor said in a deep voice, "sorry, Marguerite, I can't tell you yet, at least not now! "

Connor's refusal immediately made Marguerite's beautiful face look disappointed. But since Connor didn't want to say it, she couldn't help but bow her head and squeeze out a smile. Then she shook her head at Connor and said, "it's OK!"

Although Marguerite expressed her understanding, they were not talking and fell into silence. For a moment, the atmosphere between them became very awkward. Seeing this, Marguerite thought about it, broke the silence and asked Connor, "Connor, what are you going to do next for Martina?"

Hearing Marguerite talking about this, Connor, who knew it well for a long time, said without hesitation, "now that I know that Martina is behind the scenes, I plan to find out where Martina's foothold is first."

"And then you're going to get rid of her first?" At the end of Connor's words, Marguerite nodded and said:

"No!" Connor vetoed Marguerite's idea, then with a mysterious smile, he said to Marguerite, "when I find out where Martina is, I'm going to sit still and watch it change!"

"Connor, do you want to let Martina go?" Marguerite seemed very puzzled about Connor's statement and asked unexpectedly:

"Of course not. How can I let Martina go easily after he has dug such a big hole for me? But Marguerite, do you remember what Martina just said? " Connor's eyes sparkled and reminded Marguerite:

Connor's point seemed to wake Marguerite up to something. She thought about it for a moment, then recalled and said, "Connor, do you mean that after Martina found out that I used blood witchcraft, she said that I was sent by old Victor?"

"Yes! Margaret, it's good that you use blood witchcraft, but why does Martina think that old Victor sent her to kill her when she discovers blood witchcraft? " Connor continued, with a faint look of excitement in his eyes.

"The relationship between Martina and old Victor is very tense! Connor, as you said before, old Victor is not unaware that Martina is an undercover agent of Wang Jue. He also sent toussam to investigate Martina! " When Connor said this, Marguerite understood Connor's meaning in a flash, and also said with some surprise:

"No accident, it should be like this, otherwise Martina would not have been a frightened bird!" Connor nodded for sure, and then continued, "Marguerite, guess what Martina will do next after mistaking you for old Victor?"

Seeing that Connor was going to test himself, Margaret gave him a big white eye, but she couldn't help thinking and said, "obviously, if I were Martina, I would find that old Victor would kill himself and would never go back under old Victor's eyes. I would find a safe place to hide!"

For Margaret's analysis, Connor nodded with a smile, and then added: "when we find out that old Victor, who is missing Martina, will not simply let Martina disappear. He will definitely look for Martina, and this is our chance!"

"Marguerite has my spiritual coordinates. We just need to find Martina one step ahead of time, and then wait for old Victor to find Martina. Then we can wait for old victor and Martina to fight, and finally we can make a profit!" Connor confidently introduces her plan to Margaret.



When Connor was planning to make a profit, in a very hidden secret room of a two-story villa called Semedo mansion in ZELINSKY community, on lewandovsky Avenue in the west side of Rouen, there was a cool and pale Martina, While sitting on the floor meditating, there are three or four empty medicine bottles in front of Martina. It seems that Martina is not in good health and has suffered some injuries.

At this time, Martina in the cultivation was surrounded by some cold and piercing white fog, which was changing and churning with Martina's breathing. After a while, Martina's pale face was gradually more red and her breathing became more even. In the past half an hour, Martina seemed to feel something was coming to an end, The ice fog around the body is also slowly dispersed.Martina pointed at the concrete wall of the secret room, and a bronze mirror popped out of the wall. A circle of water ripples appeared automatically in the mirror. After a few seconds, a clear picture appeared. A middle-aged white uncle with a gray long-distance running, a top hat and a gentle face was standing outside the Semedo mansion, There was a rhythmic knock on the door.

Martina seemed to be very familiar with this man. She trusted him and felt relieved. Her eyes were closed. The jade finger pointed at the bronze mirror. The bronze mirror was closed back to the concrete wall without any flaw. At the same time, the door of Semedo mansion was opened, Outside the gate, xiangsiwen's uncle entered the residence.

Half a minute later, the unimpeded middle-aged uncle went to the secret room where Martina was. Although Martina's face was much better, the middle-aged uncle still found something from the empty medicine bottle on the ground. Sven's face changed slightly and asked Martina in surprise: "Martina, what happened? How did you get hurt? "