Chapter 629

With his eyes closed, Connor's mental power scanned the surroundings, but he found nothing. Seeing this, his eyes immediately swept to the ruts left by toussam's carriage. After some observation, Connor's eyes did not lose toussam's anger or impatience. On the contrary, Connor's eyes had a look of ridicule, Then, without hesitation, Connor ran in the opposite direction.



"Hold on! There is a small village ahead. I'm sure I can get a carriage from somewhere

Tussam, who is struggling to run forward in the forest, comforts himself in silence over and over again. He paralyzes himself and tries to relieve his physical pain in this way. At this time, tussam's face is sick and pale, and beads of sweat are flowing down his forehead from time to time. Although he was chased by the secret society, he meditated last night, They also took medicine for treatment, but those can only delay the outbreak of the injury, but can not cure the injury.

Now that Connor is chasing him, he has to run all out to avoid his pursuit, which makes his injury inevitably recur again. However, toussam still does not dare to relax. He knows that with the strength of Connor Ferguson, the black crystal ball will not be able to stop him for long,

So he deliberately let Connor see him get into the carriage, and let Connor mistakenly think that he was driving the carriage to escape. But in fact, he gave up the carriage, the kalarov vehicle, and walked to the direction of Tungus city on foot. As for the empty carriage, it was the butt of his horse, Let the horse pull it to a place opposite to Tunguska.

If Connor was cheated and chased out according to the rut of the carriage, it would be all right. Tussam was very lucky to have more escape time, but in case his trick didn't deceive Connor. So tussam also has to get to the nearest Tungus city as soon as possible and get on the train, so that he can get real safety and completely get rid of Connor and the secret society!

Although toussam's will is very strong, but the pain and fatigue in his body inevitably make toussam's speed slow up, and it is over a hill. Just when toussam feels more and more tired, he suddenly finds that the damned black figure is coming towards him at a very fast speed, At this speed, in less than a minute, the black robe will come to him.

Feeling the reappearance of Connor, tushamton was shocked. A few seconds later, tushamton came back to himself. His pale face showed a bitter smile and shook his head. Instead of running, he simply sat down on a nearby stone, It's like waiting for Connor!

Now that Connor has caught up, toussam knows that with his current physical condition, it is meaningless to continue to run except for wasting energy and physical strength. If Connor Ferguson really has to kill him, he will fight with Connor Ferguson, just before he dies, He also wanted to leave a mark on Connor Ferguson!

Thirty seconds later, Connor, who appeared in front of tussam with a deep look, seemed to sweep the pale face of tussam sitting on the stone. When we met before, maybe tussam was hiding very well, and Connor didn't see anything wrong with him. But now, when we look at him, Connor really finds that tussam's current physical condition is absolutely not optimistic. He should have suffered a lot of injuries. No wonder he threw a crystal ball and ran away in a hurry, I didn't dare to fight with myself. It turned out that I was injured!

Sitting on the stone, tussam, facing Connor's eyes, didn't mean to evade. He seemed to tell Connor that he didn't mind letting Connor know the fact that he was injured.

"Connor Ferguson, I don't know what your relationship with Dr. Varga is, but Dr. Varga, you should be with that old guy Victor now!" Deeply looked at Connor, tussam deliberately nine false one really said.

Although he gave up his plan to escape, it's no surprise that tussam didn't want to live. Just in the past decades of waiting for Connor's arrival, tussam didn't stop thinking about his desire for life. He wanted to live, so he had to get into trouble and lead Connor's anger to old Victor, Only in this way can Connor let him go.

See Sam even took the initiative to open his mouth. Connor's eyes twinkled a few times, and then he asked as usual, "are you good at Jingneng potion?"

Hearing Connor say "Jingneng medicament", tussam seems to be aware of something. His face slightly changed, and then he said bitterly to Connor, "it seems that the reason why my two men didn't come to Kevin town is because of Connor Ferguson?""Yes! Have you got Jingneng potion from Varga? " Connor nodded, did not deny that Matthews and Charles died in his own hands, and then asked tussam again, Varga did not appear in tussam's side, so in Connor's eyes, whether tussam got the net energy potion from Varga's hand will be an important basis for whether Varga is still alive.

"Connor Ferguson, now that you have known about Jingneng medicament, I won't beat around the bush with you. Yes, I admit that I went to see Dr. Varga for Jingneng medicament. I don't deny that. But after Dr. Varga told me the real function of Jingneng medicament, I didn't think about taking Jingneng medicament any more." Toussam said to the stall. At this time, his expression was very sincere. He didn't look fake at all.

Seeing tussam like this, Connor's eyes and expression remained unchanged. He continued: "you killed Varga!" This sentence Connor asked very carefully. Although it looks like a question sentence, in fact Connor used a statement sentence. It seems that he has confirmed that Varga has died in tussam's hands. This is a small test of tussam to see if he can cheat something useful out of tussam's mouth