Chapter 612

There is such a common sense in the wizarding world that more than 90% of the wizarding people who can become pharmacists have natural talents. Therefore, tussam knows very well that since Varga chooses to fight with himself in this park full of trees when he knows he can't escape, she has her reason. Maybe sometime, This secret society's talented pharmacist will come out from behind some towering tree around here quietly and attack himself!

Although he knew that he might be attacked at any time, toussam was quite calm and didn't mean to be afraid at all. Martina didn't tell him about Val's combat power, but the level of pharmacist's combat power in the wizarding world has always been "a monument", so toussam, who has been fighting for a long time, is very confident, With his strength can easily win valga!

Just after the leisurely tussam passed a pine tree, his eyebrows under his mask suddenly picked, and then he heard a burst of sound. Four long dark green vines sprang out of the field full of dead leaves without warning, shooting at tussam's limbs respectively.

In the face of the sudden attack, tussam's face remained unchanged, his heart moved, and his body suddenly released black air. As soon as these black air came into contact with the four dark green vines, the four vines seemed to be vulnerable to attack. They were drowned in these black air, which made his face behind his mask suddenly appear a disdainful smile, But this disdain smile lasted only a few seconds, it is completely frozen in his face.

"No! Toxic

Feeling the paralysis and slowness of his reaction, even his own mana was out of control, Tu sumton called out subconsciously in his heart:

Just as tussam realized that he had been cheated, a cage made of red vines around tussam was quickly solidified, which would be poisoned, Tussam, who was slow to respond, was trapped inside.

Seeing that he had fallen into the trap of the other party, a look of humiliation appeared in tussam's eyes. He took a deep breath. Through the vine cage that trapped him, he looked at the big locust tree on his left and said in a low voice: "you are not an ordinary pharmacist. I underestimate you!"

Seeing that the other party had found himself, Varga was not hiding. He came out from under the big locust tree. Then he gave a deep look at the mysterious man trapped in his vine cage. Then he said quietly, "if I guess correctly, are you Tusham?"

In the previous chase, because of his raincoat and mask, Varga's mental power didn't find anything in tussam. However, the black gas released by tussam in the fight just now made Varga, who made anti magic potion for the demonized knight, see through the identity of the demonized knight, In addition, the mysterious man shows a strong atmosphere far beyond the ordinary demonized knight, which makes it easy for Varga to speculate that the mysterious man in raincoat and mask in front of her is the leader of the Rouen demonized Knight around old victor!

When he heard Warga, he could see his true identity. This made tusam, who wanted to hide his identity, less surprised. After a little hesitation, he made a decision. Instead of hiding his identity, he took off his mask and exposed his true face to Warga's vision.

"Dr. Varga, you're right! I'm toussam. Come to roon. These days, Dr. Varga, my men and I thank you for your anti magic potion Tussam, who took off his mask, said in a low voice. After that, he was very polite. Varga bowed slightly to express his thanks.

"Who sent you?"

Warga didn't pay attention to tussam's politeness, nor was she confused by tussam's style. Keeping a clear head, she asked tussam calmly:

However, tussam was not interested in Varga's question. He shook his head and said quickly, "no one asked me to come to you, I wanted to come to you myself. "

After answering Varga's question, before Varga could speak again, tussam turned his voice and asked Varga eagerly, "Dr. Varga, since you can make anti magic potion, you should also be able to make the rumored net energy potion?"

Originally, she wanted to ask tussam something else. As soon as she heard the name of "Jingneng medicament" in tussam's mouth, Varga suddenly realized that her eyes became deeper. Then she looked at tussam with a smile, and said, "since you come to me for Jingneng medicament, it seems that you are ready to betray the secret society? Betrayed master Southgate? "

"Yes! I've made up my mind to leave the secret society, from Southgate, and I want freedom! I don't know if Dr. Varga can give me a bottle of pure energy medicine. I don't want it for free! I'm willing to trade my life's wealth for it Seeing that Varga revealed his plot at a glance, tussam was not surprised. He spoke frankly and said that tussam looked at Varga sincerely.Under the gaze of tussam, Varga shakes his head without any hesitation, then takes out ten bottles of anti magic potions from the space ring and throws them to tussam, who is trapped in the vine cage and looking at himself.

Looking at Varga shaking his head and being thrown ten bottles of anti magic potions, tussam frowned and asked Varga, "what I want is pure energy potion. I don't know what you mean, Dr. Varga?"

"What do you mean?"

Varga looked at tussam with a trace of pity in his eyes, and then said slowly, "I can't make Jingneng potion. Take away these potions. They can resist the delay of demonic Qi for several months!"

Feeling Varga's undisguised pity and perfunctory action, tussam, trapped in the vine cage, could not help but feel a trace of anger in his eyes. But now, after all, he is asking for help, and Varga's strength has exceeded his expectation. Now, he has no full confidence to capture Varga as before, After a deep look at Varga, tussam took out a purple gem space ring from his arms, threw it to Varga, and then said in a low voice, "Dr. Varga, I hope you can see the treasure in this space ring before you refuse me, and then give me an answer."