Chapter 560

After carefully reading the contents of Margaret's letter, Connor's face turned pale. Although valga didn't say clearly in the letter where he met, he naturally knew that the so-called old place refers to the safe house of the storm church that Margaret had taken him to several times.

Although Marguerite didn't say why she was in her old place and what she was talking about, Connor felt that Marguerite's return from the heart of the storm ahead of time was not as simple as what Marguerite said in her secret letter, but her cultivation in the heart of the storm was better than expected, Margaret's early return must have something to do with what she said.

However, no matter how to say, Margaret's early return is a very good news for herself. With Marguerite, I don't have to worry about who will be my assistant between Martina and Varga!

Put down the secret letter from Marguerite, and Connor picked up the secret letter from Martina. If she is curious about the content of Marguerite's secret letter, Connor can say that she is looking forward to the content of Martina's secret letter.

Martina's last secret letter helped him get rid of the passive situation that he didn't know anything. He knew that it was the CELTA sect that was secretly making their own decisions, as well as the situation of CELTA sect's manpower in Rouen. Of course, the most important thing was the attitude of old victor and the secret society that CELTA sect was looking for trouble this time. All of these made Connor face his opponents, It's no longer a matter of guessing everything.

With such a good start of the first secret letter, Connor naturally has reason to look forward to the content of Martina's secret letter. Maybe this letter can solve the identity of a man and a woman who appeared in the Salles factory area today.

Because of the infrequent contact with Martina's secret letter, Connor can't see the real content as she did with Margaret's secret letter. After finding out the codebook, Connor translated the secret letter for more than ten minutes.

Scanning the real content of the secret letter carefully, Connor's face showed a happy expression. This time, Martina still didn't let him down. When he was in Zaka textile factory, his decision to let Martina go was indeed a wise move. Otherwise, where would there be so much news now?

The first paragraph of Martina's secret letter tells Connor that the secret society has found two more suspected CELTA witches in Rouen. They are Wanda and Palin, senior wizard apprentices. It is reliable that on the night of the explosion in Rouen's training, the three men once appeared in the southern suburb of Rouen, the explosion site.

"The alchemy bomb exploded?"

When he saw this word, connerton was surprised. At the time of the explosion, he was in the safe house on Ramsey street, and he was very concerned about the healing of the wounded. He didn't feel the explosion at all. He knew that the explosion had happened the next morning, and he saw it in the rune Morning Post sent by the messenger, but it was totally different from the alchemy bomb that Martina said now, The description of the explosion in the Rouen morning post is that the chemical plant had an explosion due to workers' misoperation. The fire and loss caused by the explosion had been controlled by the Rouen city hall for the first time!

At that time, Connor didn't think much about the explosion, because in this era, chemical plants are still very dangerous. Not to mention the whole Kaman Empire, just say that there are explosions every year in the Rouen area, but the profits of chemical plants are really great, so the construction of chemical plants still does not stop.

So at that time, he didn't think much about the explosion of kang'an, but now he thinks that it is a kind of Wei w action that the church and the city hall unite to prevent the public from panic.

As for Wanda and Palin, the two senior wizard apprentices of CELTA, mentioned by Martina in her secret letter, although Martina did not mention more information about these two people in her secret letter, from the perspective of their names, they are the typical names of men and women in the southern part of the Kaman Empire, combined with the cultivation of a man and a woman who appear in the factory area of sels today, As well as the name Sandro mentioned in their conversation, it is highly likely that the male and female of Connor Jue are the senior wizard apprentices Wanda and Palin mentioned in Martina's secret letter.

In the second part of the secret letter, Martina's message to Connor is even more powerful, that is, in order to let the three selta missionaries deal with Connor, so as to achieve the effect of watching the tiger fight on the mountain, old Victor blocked the storm church's pursuit of the three, and did not rule out providing convenience for the three in the dark, Let the three senior wizard apprentices of CELTA become the knives in his hands to deal with Connor!

After reading the news, a sneer appeared on the corner of Connor's mouth. Although Martina didn't say in her letter what method old Victor used to obstruct the pursuit of the church's arbiter, he knew the relationship between bishop Eder and the secret society, and naturally knew the reason!

Now that old Victor has made a move, let's see who will live to the end! Think of here, Conner's eyes are full of murders!The third and last message of the secret letter is not from Martina to Connor, but from Martina to Marguerite. Martina asks Connor to tell Marguerite that old Victor already knows the news of her early return to Rouen, and reminds Marguerite to pay attention to her safety, Old Victor had a grudge against her and could not rule out the possibility that he would do it himself to Marguerite!

Seeing this, Connor was worried that Marguerite would get up. Even though Connor thinks that he is a "master" among the senior wizard apprentices, he can kill the ordinary senior wizard apprentices. Even so, if he goes to old Victor one by one, Connor really feels that he has to rely on his own strength, Can only be able to save his life in the hands of old Victor, it is difficult to pose too much threat to old victor!

If old Victor really wants to do something to Marguerite himself, then Marguerite's whereabouts can be said to be nowhere to hide in his eyes. After all, bishop Edel of storm church is a member of the secret society. If Marguerite doesn't know this news, Once the old Victor has the mental calculation, he may be in dange