Chapter 503

"How about this birthday present? Do you still like it?" Margaret was very satisfied with the surprise on Connor's face and asked with a smile:

"Birthday present? Whose birthday is it? " What Marguerite said made Connor a little confused. She didn't know what Marguerite was saying.

"On May 18, it's Connor Ferguson's 27th Birthday. Don't you forget all your birthdays?" Marguerite asked in silence

"Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er... Er, Over time, Connor also forgot his birthday. She never thought that Marguerite should remember her birthday, which moved Connor somewhat.

For Margaret to know his birthday, Connor is not surprised, his birthday is not a secret, in the Ferguson family's hometown of flosinone, Connor's birthday is clearly recorded on the list, know this is not very difficult for Margaret who holds an important position in the storm church.

"This zhenhun stone is too valuable. I can't take it!" Although he really wanted this stone in his heart, the humility in Connor's heart still made Connor hypocritically refuse to say to Marguerite:

"You don't want it?" Hearing that Connor said no, Marguerite, who was smiling just now, suddenly became gloomy.

"Connor Ferguson, are you sure you don't?" Margaret asked Connor coldly;

Seeing Marguerite's appearance, Connor, who had thought of taking it, immediately had a bad feeling in his heart. Sure enough, seeing Connor's hesitation, Marguerite gave a cold hum. Her gesture was to grab the green stone in the box and throw it at the concrete side of the warehouse.

"I will! Can't I have it yet? " Seeing that Marguerite didn't understand her inner thoughts, Connor couldn't think of any humility any more. He grabbed Marguerite's jade hand holding the soul stone and said urgently:

"That's about it..." seeing Connor like this, Marguerite nodded with satisfaction, and let Connor take back her soul stone.

Although his little idea did not succeed, he put the soul stone in his hand and felt the coolness from the stone. Connor's joy was beyond words.

"This is Eder's compensation for this attack. I think you are an alchemist, and you don't lack magic stones. You don't lack magic stones with that magic stone mine, and you don't seem to lack potions, so I chose this one for you!" Looking at the smile on Connor's face, Marguerite also had a smile on her face, but she pretended to be nothing

"Thank you Connor solemnly thanks Marguerite. Although Marguerite said it casually, Connor knows very well that for Eder's compensation, Marguerite could have chosen a good thing for herself, but she chose the soul stone for herself. And the zhenhunshi was carefully chosen by Marguerite.

For psychic witches, powerful mental power brings them many benefits, such as more powerful casting power, strange and unpredictable mental attack, spiritual power can explore a wider range, and so on. However, powerful mental power does not only bring benefits to psychic witches, it is more like a double-edged sword, While bringing benefits to the psychic wizard, it also brings great nightmare to the psychic wizard.

With the growth of cultivation, the mysterious gibberish appeared in Connor's ears in the process of daily cultivation became more and more clear. Although Connor's mind was very firm, the mysterious gibberish and the possible risk of losing control also had a very serious impact on Connor and hindered the progress of his cultivation, So the distressed Connor has been looking for a solution to this problem, but it is always a pity that he has come back in vain. The mysterious gibberish in his ear has become a stubborn disease in Connor's heart, and a big stone in his heart to break through and become a formal Connor

And now Margaret provided Connor with this piece of soul stone, It's the solution that Connor always wanted. Otherwise, Connor would not be so happy just now. From the name of zhenhun stone, we can see that it's a treasure related to spirit and soul. In fact, zhenhun stone is really a treasure beneficial to spirit and soul. Zhenhun stone is said to have an unknown origin, However, it can be found from some Byzantine ruins. Its main function is to make your soul and spiritual power free from external interference, and restore calm and calm state. Not only that, zhenhunshi is also very helpful for the cultivation of spiritual power and soul.

In a word, the zhenhun stone is a very valuable treasure for psychic wizards like Connor. Even in Connor's eyes, the zhenhun stone is only as precious as castia staff, the most powerful magic item he has. For such alchemists as Connor, zhenhun stone is not only good for spirit and soul, but also an excellent Alchemy material, Connor can maximize the effect of zhenhun stone by means of alchemy."I've heard from Leoni that if you have something to ask for me, please speak quickly. I'll do it for you as soon as possible. In three days, I'll go to storm heart training for three months!" What did Marguerite think of and immediately asked Connor:

Hearing that Marguerite was so worried, he left three days later. Connor, who had just obtained the soul stone, was a little nervous. After organizing the language, he asked Marguerite very carefully, "Marguerite, is there any way you can get one or two Warcraft? The cultivation of Warcraft doesn't need to be too high, One level of Warcraft will do? "

"Warcraft? There's a message from the church that there seem to be two level 2 Warcraft foxbears in the regilon forest, but what do you want to do with Warcraft, Connor? " After hearing Connor's question, Marguerite pondered and replied:

Seeing that Marguerite asked for the use of Warcraft, Connor hesitated for a moment, but finally he chose to believe Marguerite and whispered to Marguerite, "I have a kind of medicine. I don't know the specific effect, so I want to test it with Warcraft?"