Chapter 478

"Long time no see, Martina!" Looking at bingmeier sitting in front of him, Connor smiles and says hello. It's true that the woman who appears at this time is Martina, the assistant of his old acquaintance old victor. Although she doesn't know how Martina saw through her disguise and found herself, now that someone else has done it in front of you, you can only make people laugh when you pretend you don't know someone else.

For Connor's greetings, Martina didn't catch a cold. She didn't mean to talk nonsense with Connor. She directly took out a file bag and threw it on the table between her and Connor.

Looking at the frosty Martina and looking at the file bag on the desk, Connor showed a funny smile on his face. Then he picked up the file bag. Inside the file bag were several notebooks. After reading all the contents of these notebooks, Connor never had a smile on his face again and threw the notepaper heavily on the desk, She said to Martina darkly, "good, you're tough!"

"Housekeeper Victor, I want you to complete the task assigned to you by the organization. If you choose to refuse, the plan that Connor sees will become a reality. Connor, you should be very clear that there is no difficulty for the secret society to implement the plan, and once the plan is implemented, The impact on you, Connor, and on your Ferguson family! " Ignoring the bad words in Connor's words, Martina looked as usual and said coldly:

There was an obliteration in his eyes, but Connor immediately hid it. He snapped his fingers and called the waiter in the bar.

"What do you need, sir?" The gentle blonde waiter came up to Connor and asked politely:

"A laurensburg whisky with two ice cubes!" Connor pulled a shilling bill out of his wallet and handed it to the waiter.

"Yes, sir!" After receiving a shilling from Connor, the blonde waiter naturally asked Martina, who was sitting opposite Connor, "what would you like to drink, miss?"

Without waiting for Martina to speak, Connor made a decision directly for Martina, waved her hand very rudely and said, "she doesn't drink anything!"

"Black glory, no ice!" Just when the blonde waiter saw that Connor was not very good-looking and ready to leave, Martina suddenly said:

After Martina finished her order, the blonde waiter looked at Connor. He didn't know why he looked at Connor, who loved herself. He also looked at the waiter. They were deadlocked for two seconds, The blonde waiter gently reminded Connor, "Sir, the black glory ordered by your lady is the best wine in our bar. It's one pound and two shillings a glass, plus your whisky. It's one pound and three shillings altogether!"

When the blonde waiter finished, Connor found that half of the men in the bar were either hiding or looking directly at themselves and Martina. Their eyes seemed to be saying, "why don't you spend money with such a beautiful girl?"?

As if nothing had happened to Martina in front of her, Connor, who wanted to save face, forced down his indignation, took out another pound and two shillings from his wallet and handed them to the waiter.

"Thank you, sir. The wine you and this lady ordered will be ready soon." The blonde waiter who got the money bowed back to the bar with a smile on his face.

"You did Jane Adele's j-point-s case, too!" Without arguing with Martina about the price of wine, Connor asked Martina again:

"The monsters made it. Housekeeper Victor asked me to tell you that it's just an appetizer. If you don't want to let everyone know that young master Connor, the successor of the Ferguson family, is a BT serial killer, you have to honestly take over the task assigned to you by him!" Martina said without expression. Although her tone was still cold, when she said the word "monster", Connor could obviously catch a trace of disgust and disgust from Martina's eyes.

"Demonize the knight!" Looking at the disgust and disgust in Martina's eyes, Connor got the answer directly.

"Well, I'll admit it. What's the assignment old Victor gave me?" Leaning back in his chair, Connor shrugged and said very single

"Here's your wine, sir!" Just as Martina was about to speak, the blonde waiter came over with a dinner plate and set the wine in front of Connor and Martina. After that, he didn't leave immediately. Instead, he looked at Connor again with a smile until Connor took out a shilling bill from his wallet and gave it to him as a tip, The blonde waiter said politely, "have a nice meal!" With a tip in his hand, he turned to serve the customers next to him.

"He's not your man?" Glancing at the blonde waiter, Martina said without end:

"What do you think?" After taking a big sip of the golden whisky in front of him, Connor asked backHearing that Martina didn't say any more, she took a sip of the black glory in front of her, which was dozens of times more expensive than the whisky ordered by Connor. Then she took out an envelope again, put it on the table and said, "you know how to use it. It's on call in a week."

With that, Martina turned and stood up from her seat and walked out of the bar, leaving Connor alone in the wind. With Martina, she left with the four black wizards who appeared at the beginning.

Pick up the envelope that Martina put on the table, and Connor will know what's inside with a couple of bumps. After glancing at the blonde waiter who is serving others, Connor turns to walk out of the bar and disappears into the traffic of Rand street.

In the evening, Connor is in the safe house on Ramsey street in the North District. Leaning on the soft sofa, Connor enjoys the warmth brought by the burning fireplace while squinting his eyes and playing with a note paper in his hand.

Martina asked him to be on standby within a week, and Margaret asked him to protect her in secret recently. The time of these two things coincides highly. In addition to the highly related characters of Eder and old Victor, and the tasks that old Victor must accept, Connor feels that he has reason to believe that old Victor will send him tasks, That's to kill Margaret!

The more Connor thinks about it, the more likely it is that this idea is very high. Although Eder is the bishop of roon, Margaret is the person of cardinal Irene. Eder wants to kill Marguerite. He must not use his own person, otherwise it is likely that Irene will catch him