Chapter 416

With a population of more than one million, the urban area of Rouen and its surrounding towns are among the top three super cities in the Kaman empire. Even in such a city, Connor has seen many senior wizard apprentices.

Of course, although there are not many senior wizard apprentices, it is not impossible for Connor to find some helpers to help him get old victor in the underground wizard gathering places such as menshing club or meiacha club as long as he pays enough price.

But Connor thought about it and didn't do it. He didn't have the patience and he didn't pay the price of asking for help. Tungus's magic stone mine was enough for him to spend. What really worried Connor was that the secret society had so much energy in roon that it could even place an insider in the high-level of the church, even in the process of looking for help, If you are careful, you may also attract the attention of the secret society. What's more, you may find some helpers who are members of the secret society!

The killing of old Victor must be kept secret. If old Victor finds any clue or hears any news, Connor thinks he will be completely finished.

So to find a helper, Connor decided that he could only find one and a half of the witches he knew who would not betray him. After screening, Connor found that there was only one and a half of them!

Marguerite is one, valga is half, valga could have been one, but before she got the explanation that Connor wanted, Connor thought it was best for him not to trust her unconditionally as before! In addition, although Varga has a lot of means, his cultivation is still an intermediate wizard apprentice after all. Let her be his own helper to kill old victor. Connor thinks that maybe after the fight, Varga will not be able to help himself, and he may have to be distracted to protect her!

"In that case, let's exchange!" After Connor finished describing the person he was going to kill, Marguerite fell into deep meditation again. However, this time, she did not think about it for long and gave Connor her answer.

"Margaret, what do you mean?" Connor frowned and asked: for her request, no matter whether Margaret's answer is "yes" or "no", Connor would not have any accident, but what Margaret said about the exchange made Connor puzzled. What does Margaret want to exchange with herself?

"Remember the plan I showed you last time and the alchemy bomb I asked you to make for me?" This time, Marguerite said to Connor straightforwardly, taking out the drawing she had shown Connor last time.

"What's the matter?" Connor nodded and asked: how can he not remember the extra alchemy bombs that Marguerite gave him for refining.

"Connor, although you are not very popular, the alchemy bomb you made is very powerful!" Looking at Connor with admiration, Marguerite turned and said:

Connor couldn't laugh or cry because of Margaret's praise. He didn't know whether Margaret was scolding herself or praising herself. He hesitated and asked Marguerite“ What's up? Blow up that tombstone? "

Connor still remembers that the last time Marguerite took out the drawing, the place depicted was an underground palace, and the purpose of her alchemy bomb was to blow up a tombstone in the center of the underground palace.

Shaking her head, Marguerite said simply, "no!"

Margaret's "no" made Connor a little confused. She didn't blow up the tombstone, but she didn't achieve the goal Margaret asked. Since she didn't achieve the goal, why did Marguerite praise her alchemy bomb for its excellent power?

"You asked me to help you kill this senior wizard apprentice, isn't it a great risk?" Just when Connor was in doubt, Margaret said something that made Connor more confused.

Connor thought about it carefully and nodded heavily under Margaret's eyes. It was obvious that killing old Victor was a very risky thing. Even with Marguerite's help, old Victor took it very smoothly. Connor didn't dare to say that he would kill old Victor for the poison wine made by the original poison pill, Even if you really get away with old Victor, the price must be extremely painful!

"Then exchange it like this, you accompany me to break into an underground palace, I help you kill people!" Seeing that Connor nodded, Marguerite said directly and firmly:

"Do you want me to accompany you to the underground palace?" Connor looked at Marguerite with a lot of eyes. He can still remember the last time Marguerite asked herself to help her make an alchemy bomb. Besides showing herself the drawings, she kept silent about the origin and location of the underground palace depicted in the drawings, and did not reveal a word to herself, How could it be that I have to accompany her for a break now?"Yes! I will go there again in a week. If you accompany me, I will kill people with you as long as I can come out alive? But I want to remind you, Connor, I don't know how dangerous the person you want me to kill for you is, but the underground palace I'm going to is really dangerous! " When it comes to the underground palace where she wants Connor to accompany her, the smile on Marguerite's face disappears. Instead, she looks solemn and serious.

"The person I want you to kill with me is only a senior wizard apprentice, but he is very powerful. It is conservatively estimated that there is at least one second-order top demonized item. Take myself as an example. Seriously, if I fight with him one-on-one, I may not be able to save my life!" After thinking about it, Connor didn't agree with or deny Margaret's proposal, but introduced his understanding of old victor.

Marguerite immediately understood Connor's meaning, considered her language and said slowly, "I used the alchemy bomb you gave me to blow up the tombstone. Although it didn't completely blow up the tombstone, it also reduced the power of the underground magic array by more than half, revealing a big gap. Through that gap, I entered the second floor of the underground palace, It's about the size of the first floor of the underground palace. There are a lot of azeddin snakes on the periphery. I roughly estimated that there are hundreds of azeddin snakes in adulthood. My purpose is to pass through the periphery of the second floor of the underground palace where azeddin snakes are located and enter the core area of the second floor of the underground palace! "