Chapter 398

When she thought of fighting with Connor, Connor's second level top demonized item, which trapped herself in the array, was made by herself. Martina was completely stunned. She always thought that the staff and the combined demonized item in her hand were given by the secret society!

"Connor's talent in alchemy is very high. Now, after becoming a senior wizard apprentice, I believe his alchemy level has stepped on a new stage. But this time, the monitor installed in the house was made by Lord sosgate. I don't know if Connor can recognize it." in the muddy eyes of old Victor, There was a flash of cold.



"No way········· Absolutely impossible

As he manipulated the alchemy furnace and refined Gotham steel, the main material for making the fierce soul spear, Connor denied in his heart:

According to the map, in the coastal area of the west coast of the Empire, which is close to the sea and is located in the jungle, there is only one area, that is the Norwich jungle five kilometers away from the port of South anmouth, Norwich forest is only five kilometers away from the sea, so you can feel the sea breeze on the west coast. But the reason why Connor is so determined to feel impossible is that on the map, Norwich forest is 300 kilometers away from roon city!

In this era, trains are still in the primary stage, powered by steam. The fastest train is the St. Raul of the Kaman Empire, and its speed is only 20 kilometers per hour. If you want to get to the Norwich forest from roon, even if you take the St. Raul train, in theory, it will take 15 hours at the fastest! If I am really deep in the Norwich forest now, it means that the carriage only took less than two hours to drive the fastest 15 hours of the St. Raul!

Although Connor can be sure that the chariot is a demonic item, if he wants to achieve this, the two chariots must at least start from the third level, which is impossible. Let alone an unofficial and ecclesiastical third level demonic item, can he drive in the urban area of Rouen, that is to say, Connor keeps his own alchemy level, If you ride on a chariot of third-order demonized items, it is absolutely impossible for him not to find any clues!

"Zi... Zi... Zi"

The more he thought about it, the more excited he was. The more excited he was, the more deviant he was in the spirit of operating the furnace. At the same time, there was a slight abnormal fluctuation sound in the refining furnace of Gotham steel, But it was like a bolt from the blue in Connor's mind.

Hearing this voice, Connor quickly took a deep breath, abandoned the distractions and made his heart calm. As he calmed down, his mental power of operating the furnace returned to normal, and the abnormal fluctuations in the furnace gradually subsided.

After checking carefully to confirm that the abnormality disappeared, connerton felt relieved. Fortunately, he was only refining Gotham steel, which was a very simple operation for him. If he was carrying out the highly difficult alchemy technology of "spiritual micro operation" in the alchemy furnace, I'm afraid his alchemy furnace is not just as simple as the slight abnormal fluctuation now, but it is likely to blow up on the spot!

Focusing on the changes of Connor's several techniques, he cleanly turned a big lump of Gotham steel in the alchemy furnace into a Gotham steel essence the size of an adult's fist.

He took Gotham steel essence out of the furnace and looked at the faint pattern on the steel essence. Connor nodded slightly with satisfaction. There is a city called Gotham in the Bossis empire in the south of the Kaman empire. There are large and small iron ores around Gotham. Therefore, the iron and steel industry and steel making process of Gotham have been very developed since ancient times. The steel forged by using the iron ore around Gotham and the traditional steel making process of Gotham is called Gotham steel!

Gotham steel is a kind of hard currency with high value in the wizarding world because of its high hardness, good conductivity of mana and spiritual power, and special restraint effect on the soul body. In addition to the complicated and complicated process, the annual output is less than 10 tons. The value of Gotham steel is about 10 grams of a magic stone.

It is also because Gotham steel has a special restraining effect on the soul body, so it has become the main raw material for refining the fierce soul spear. At this time, Connor extracted this Gotham steel essence, which has been enhanced several times compared with the ordinary Gotham steel in terms of hardness, mana, spiritual conductivity, and restraint on the soul body.

After putting the newly refined Gotham steel essence and several other materials for refining the spear in front of him, Connor closed his eyes and fell into meditation.

"Sure enough, there are monitors in this room!"

At this time, Connor seems to be thinking about how to make a fierce spear, but in fact, Connor is sure that his every move in this room is being monitoredThe reason why Connor made such a mistake in refining Gotham Steel's very simple alchemy operation is not that Connor's ability is not good, but that Connor has committed a great taboo in alchemy. He is self-sustaining and easy to operate, so he uses two things at once, which leads to the mistake!

When alchemy, you can't use two things at once. This is the truth that all the wizards who have just entered the alchemy world understand. But why did Connor make such a mistake after refining countless demonized items?

The reason is that as a psychic wizard, Connor's strong and keen inspiration makes him vaguely find that he is being monitored by someone through the monitor, so he dare not stop to think about his position, for fear of arousing the suspicion of the people who monitor him. He can only pretend that he is not being monitored, and he is refining Gotham steel, While thinking about things, what he thought was too frightening and disturbing, which led to Connor's Alchemy error.

But it seems to be a blessing in disguise Although the occurrence of mistakes is a blow to Connor, it seems that when Connor made mistakes in alchemy, he was monitoring Connor's items. In order to observe more clearly the situation of mistakes in Connor's Alchemy furnace, so he had a slight energy fluctuation.

Although the energy fluctuation is very slight, it can't be found if you are not careful, but it is still captured by Connor's keen inspiration