Chapter 323

"Are you... Connor?" When he heard this familiar voice, George immediately burst out with a cry of surprise. Then he immediately opened the bedroom door and ran out of it.

The joy of seeing each other again for a long time made the two friends give a big hug in the hall of Locke villa. When they were a little relieved, he immediately found the difference of the three guys who were responsible for guarding him in the villa.

"It's nothing. I gave them some medicine to make them lose consciousness temporarily. In two hours, they will recover by themselves, and they won't leave any trace. They won't find anything different themselves!" As if seeing George's question, Connor didn't wait for George to ask, but took the initiative to explain:

Hearing Connor's explanation, George had no doubts in his heart, so he nodded at ease.

Looking at his bearded and slovenly face, he seems to be very depressed. He is far less than George, who was very high spirited at the beginning. He has long regarded George as his real friend. He is in a very bad mood. He can't help asking with some concern: "how did things turn out like this?"

"Well, it's hard to say. It may be some time before I can give you back the ten thousand pounds that Connor owes you." George gave a bitter smile and said with a lonely look:

"George, what do you say? Ten thousand pounds is nothing between you and me. You can give it to me whenever you have it! Now the key is what happened on your side! " Connor, with a serious expression, said angrily:

George patted Connor on the shoulder and thought about it for a moment. He recalled: "that day, after you and I had discussed, I took the ten thousand pounds you lent me, and my mother's private money ten thousand pounds. With the three thousand pounds I had in my hand, I got twenty-three thousand pounds by bypassing the family, I took the money and, with the introduction of my uncle, I found Cagliari in the capital Bernabeu. "

"Cagliari? The killer organization? " When George mentioned the name of Cagliari in his mouth, Connor frowned slightly and asked in a low voice:

"Yes! It's that Cagliari. I didn't expect you to know that, Connor! " George nodded for sure. He seemed very surprised that Connor also knew the name of Cagliari.

"Don't forget that my family is a hereditary aristocrat!" For George's doubts, Connor's eyes turned quickly and gave George a very reasonable explanation. However, in fact, the name of Cagliari was heard by Connor at a party of menshing club. It is said that Cagliari is a very hidden killer organization, and few people know their existence. They are powerful and efficient, and they won't ask you why. The most important thing is that this killer organization named Cagliari is rumored, Have a wizard and more than one person! As long as you can afford, they can help you assassinate anyone!

"Yes, your family has inherited it for hundreds of years." George didn't have any doubts about Connor's explanation. He said suddenly. He thought it over and organized the language. He continued: "it's true that there are witches in Cagliari. To be on the safe side, I must kill Olsen. I gave him all the twenty-three thousand pounds I got together, Cagliari also sent two wizards who are said to be intermediate wizard apprentices, as well as two knights to carry out the operation

"And the end result?" When George finally said this, he stopped. Connor couldn't help but ask directly:

"To be honest, I don't know what happened in the end. Is Olson dead or not?" George spread out his hand and said helplessly: "that night, the killers sent by Cagliari went out, and I waited for their news at home after the house of Olsen was held in Frey. But the next morning, instead of waiting for their news, I waited for my father. He beat me hard, and then I was held here, Don't let the outside world contact me. By the way, Connor, do you know I'm here? " George asked curiously

"Your mother, Mrs. Christine, sent a maid named Natha to tell me that you are being held here. Let me come here to talk to you!" Connor thought quickly about the problems George faced, and told George without thinking.

"Little Natha! This little guy will reward her when I go out! " When he heard that Connor mentioned little Nasha, George, who looked like a bitter gourd, also had a smile on his face. When he saw that Connor didn't speak, he thought calmly. George reluctantly squeezed a smile on his haggard face, patted Connor on the shoulder again, comforted Connor and said, "don't worry, I've been thinking about it for a long time, It's very likely that Olsen has been killed by Cagliari's people. By this time, maybe his bones have been turned into slag! "

"George Sanchez is also the first in line successor of Harvey family. The old man can confine me here and prevent the outside world from having any contact with me. We can see how angry he is. What can make him so angry? Although the old man didn't say it, I guess it's probably his sweetheart. Olsen was killed by Cagliari. Maybe Olsen's body will turn to ashes at this time! " George said with a sneer. When he said the word "sweetheart", there was a hint of resentment against his father, Mr. Harvey."I've been counting my time all these days. I've been here for more than two months, almost three months. I think the old man is going to let me go. Although I have three younger brothers and two older brothers, these five brothers have never been in touch with the family business and always take money from the family, Linger in all kinds of romantic places to drink and play "n people"

"In the family, they have long been a synonym for waste. Although I was locked up here and had no contact with the outside world, I'm sure that the first successor of my family was imprisoned. In the family, the old man must be under great pressure now. Three months should be the limit, I'll be out in no accident George calmly analyzed it to Connor: he said