Chapter 288

At this time, the opera performed on the stage, just to the point that the camellia woman's lung disease has reached a critical point. Alfred came in time to see the last plot of the camellia woman. In such a sad and desolate atmosphere, many sentimental women in the opera house were moved to sob and shed crystal tears.

While valga, who was enjoying the opera on his seat alone, did not shed tears, but his hands were clenched into fists, and endless hatred appeared in his beautiful eyes.

"Gulsi, you die for me!" Valga opened her lips and murmured in a low voice

That night, Varga always thought that her grandmother Mary, who was far away in the sky, was protecting her from being insulted. Before that night, Varga never thought that gulsi, the teacher he always respected, would be so vicious and disgusting that he and his son cervalles would let him and his mother go to court in order to fulfill their wish, He did not hesitate to give himself medicine so that his son could cook his own rice·········

If it wasn't for her cleverness that day, feeling the abnormality ahead of time, and a little bit of luck, Varga couldn't have imagined that after being treated like that, What kind of face should she face to her beloved Connor? Although Varga never felt that she was as cruel as her Connor, she would never be soft on anyone who wanted to destroy her happiness, even if this person was her teacher!

She must make gulsi and her son pay what they deserve!



In the middle of the villa at 16 Rand street, Eastern roon, Connor leans on the sofa, holding the latest issue of the roon businessman newspaper in one hand and his coffee cup in the other.

Before Varga took the gray Tarot virus specially prepared for him to treat it, in order to prevent the spread and development of gray Tarot virus in Shenhai, kang'an had better not use mental power. As a psychic wizard, he would not let Connor use mental power, which means that most of Connor's abilities are limited.

Therefore, based on this situation, Connor made such a decision. Instead of enduring the embarrassment of not being able to use his mental power and studying the puppets of alchemy, he might as well steal half of his life and give himself a few days off. Anyway, in a few days, Varga will come back with the medicine to solve the problem of gray Tarot virus.

Connor leans on the soft sofa and learns to drink a mouthful of mellow coffee like those old nobles in his impression. He feels the aroma in his mouth, and then squints his eyes to read the newspaper.

Although Connor imitated deliberately, he didn't have the feeling that the old guys had a whole set of actions, but Connor didn't think it was bad!

"The war in North Lecce reigns, the kingdom of Hoffenheim is in great loss!"

LANs tribe's strong attack on North lechezhou

What do you want to do with the urgent 100000 pound arms order of donghoy company



Looking at all kinds of reports about the situation in Hoy's mainland in this "roon businessman", it immediately aroused Connor's interest. Roon businessman, roon evening news and Empire daily are very influential media in roon area, which can be said to be the authority of the press in roon area, Basically, the content they publish will be more authentic, and there will be few new news that is not reliable

Ten minutes later, after reading all the news reports and situation analysis in the newspaper, Connor's face suddenly changed into a little suspicious.

It turned out that on the day after desilio came to roon, the kingdom of hofenheim actually controlled by the East Hoy company had a conflict between North Lecce, a border area, and Reims, a Hoy people's tribe in the middle Hoy continent, According to the latest war situation released by the East Hoy company, which was reprinted by the rune businessman newspaper, the conflict was caused by the LANs tribe's sneak attack on the garrison of hofenheim kingdom in North Lecce. The army of hofenheim Kingdom killed and injured thousands of people, and nearly half of North Lecce was lost.

"LANs tribe has taken too many blue pills. How dare they take the initiative to set up donghuoyi company?" This is the first thought in Connor's mind after reading the news report.

In Connor's impression, the East Hoy company is very strong in Hoy mainland. After gradually controlling the East Hoy region over the years, it is actively trying to expand its sphere of influence to the whole Hoy mainland. Undoubtedly, the LANs tribe in the middle Hoy region is the first to bear the brunt, In recent years, the LANs tribe has been defeated in the battle with the hofenheim Kingdom supported by the East Hoy company. If it is not for the two neighboring countries of the Kaman Empire, the Odin Empire and the portsis Kingdom, who are constantly giving blood to it, they want it to stop the expansion and invasion of the East Hoy company in the Hoy continent, The LANs tribe may have been included in the territory of Hoffenheim kingdom a few years ago and become a puppet supported by the East Hoy company.After the navigators of the Kaman Empire found Hoy in those years, although the Kaman people wanted to hide this fact, it was too big. The Kaman empire was powerless. Just a few months after Kaman found the new continent, The two neighboring countries of the Kaman Empire, the Odin Empire and the portsis Kingdom, as well as the farcester Empire, an empire on the east side of Byzantine continent, where the Kaman empire is located, have already known the news of the new world. Although the shipping industry of these countries is far less developed than that of the Kaman Empire, and the manufacturing technology of navigation ships also lags behind that of the Kaman empire, But they found Hoy at the latest two years after the Kaman Empire discovered it.

However, the kings of their countries were not as far sighted as the emperor Raul's plan to set up the East Hoy company. For a long time, their countries appeared as conquerors in Hoy and stood side by side with the original people of Hoy, This situation was not until the East Hoy company got a steady stream of support from the Empire because of the development of shipping industry, and finally tore off its hypocrisy mask and exposed its ambition to conquer Hoy, the two sides were forced to improve this relationship.

In order to prevent East Hoy from becoming a dominant company in Hoy, many people of insight in Hoy began to cooperate with the interests representatives in Hoy, such as the Odin Empire, the fast Empire and the portsis Kingdom, so as to gather strength against the more and more aggressive East Hoy