Chapter 258

After fooling away such a group of searching gendarmes and church arbitrators, Connor knew that there was a lot of blood outside. Naturally, he didn't want to lie in a pool of muddy water. He planned to avoid the wind.

He found that Tungus's magic stone mine has been for some time, but he has been unable to mine it because of various things. Now he just takes this opportunity to devote his time and energy to the work of refining gold puppets!

The alchemy of puppets is a relatively advanced technology in alchemy. He needs alchemists to have a certain level of alchemy to be able to set foot in it. That's why Margaret was surprised when she heard Connor say that she wanted to use alchemy puppets instead of human beings to mine magic stone, Because even the simplest puppet is no worse than a second level magic item!

Before he decided to use the alchemy puppet to mine the magic stone mine, Connor also carefully studied the contents of the alchemy puppet in Reyes' alchemy. After careful study, he found that if he wanted to make the alchemy puppet, he had three difficulties to overcome!

The first difficulty is that the alchemy puppet is different from the steam engine in the Rouen factory. He needs a certain amount of intelligence, because the magic stone is an energy source and is not very stable. If you treat it simply and roughly, it will not only affect the quality of the magic stone mined, but even cause the explosion of the magic stone mine, In order to safely mine magic stone from magic stone mine, it needs a relatively complicated process to succeed. However, the level of machinery in the world is far below the standard of safe mining magic stone mine, which is why Connor did not plan to use steam engine to mine magic stone mine from the beginning.

In order to make the alchemists have certain intelligence, there are generally two ways for alchemists. The first is to harvest the souls of living people, and then use some secret methods to let these people's souls reside on the puppets. In short, this is to give people a set of metal bodies. This method seems simple and crude, but it is very cruel, First of all, it's not that if you harvest the soul of a living person, you can use a secret method to place his soul on a puppet. According to the records of Reyes' alchemy, basically, the ratio of human soul to a puppet is about one to fifty, which means that if Connor wants to use this method to refine ten puppets, He needs to Kill 500 people and take out their souls.

What's more, let's not say if Connor killed these five hundred people and would be spirited and skinned by the storm church. It is assumed that Connor really used this method to kill five hundred people and successfully made ten alchemy puppets. However, this does not mean that Connor can use these ten alchemy puppets once and for all to mine magic stone all the time!

The souls of living people don't wake up like witches, and their spiritual strength is greatly enhanced. Their souls are very fragile, that is, they successfully put their souls into the alchemy puppets with some secret methods. With the passage of time, their souls will gradually dissipate until they completely die out, which can't be stopped by any means, According to Connor's estimation, from the day when the living soul enters the puppet, these alchemy puppets will burn incense in three months!

Based on the above reasons, Connor did not consider this simple and crude method at all!

The second way to make an alchemy puppet have simple intelligence is the mana rune. Although they are all called mana runes, it's not the same thing to refine a demonized object and the mana Rune of an alchemy puppet. The latter is obviously more profound than the former. After all, a demonized object is just one thing for a wizard to use, They don't need intelligence!

In fact, rather than calling the magic Rune the key to the alchemy puppet's intelligence, Connor thinks it's not too much to call it a chip after his own careful study. The magic Rune of the alchemy puppet and the smart chip of the smart phone on earth are the same reason, but the first difficulty facing Connor, That is how to make this "chip"!

The second difficulty is the energy to drive the alchemy puppets. Just like the cars on the earth need to be refueled, if you want to drive the alchemy puppets, you need to add energy to them, and the source of the energy used to drive the alchemy puppets is already figured out by Connor. You can take it from here, use it from here, and use the magic stone mined by the alchemy puppets to drive them, This is the second problem that plagues Connor's puppets,

From this point of view, there is no technical problem in using magic stone to drive the puppet. The key to the problem lies in the consumption of magic stone. According to the estimation of Conner's auxiliary chip, every 100 pieces of magic stone are collected by the puppet, It will consume 30 pieces of processed magic stone, and Connor himself processes the original magic stone ore into usable magic stone, and the loss rate is about 10%. That is to say, for every 100 pieces of magic stone ore mined by the alchemy puppet, only 60 pieces of processed magic stone will be turned into Connor's hands, and then half of them will be given to Marguerite according to the agreement, and only 30 pieces will really fall into Connor's hands!Therefore, Connor must solve the problem of the consumption of magic stone that drives the alchemy puppet. He wants the alchemy puppet to consume less and do more like an old ox!

In addition to the problem of intelligent energy consumption of the alchemy puppet, the third difficulty for Connor to make the alchemy puppet is the durability of the alchemy puppet. The role of the alchemy puppet is to mine the magic stone mine. The magic stone mine is composed of the original magic stone mine. As an energy body, the raw magic stone mine that has not been processed is naturally attached with radiation, and the radiation is good in a short time, It won't make any difference.

However, if the mining takes such a long time, both the human body and the alchemist puppet will be greatly affected. According to the estimation of the auxiliary chip in Connor's brain, if the alchemist puppet mines the magic stone 24 hours a day, its core parts will have to be replaced every two to three months. If the core parts are not replaced, the mining will continue, The risk of complete scrap of the whole alchemy puppet is probably more than 70%!

Although the core parts of the alchemy puppets are not expensive, the core parts of ten alchemy puppets need to be replaced every two to three months, which not only delays the exploitation of the magic stone mine, but also is likely to attract the attention of interested people and cause unnecessary trouble