Chapter 61

16 Rand street, Eastern roon.

Leaning on the sofa and covered with bandages, Connor Ferguson narrowed his eyes with a faint smile on his face and casually played with a lavender ring on his hand. On the desk beside him, there was a pocket watch with some classical flavor.

These two things are the booty of his search from Charles!

After killing Charles, in addition to lamenting that people are not as good as heaven, Connor immediately uses the Dementor technique recorded in the abyss secret method to check Charlie's memory. However, this Mr. Charles, who seems to be a cruel man, has placed numerous prohibitions in his own soul. If he wants to check his memory, he must break through and lift these prohibitions, And if there is any misoperation in the process of lifting these prohibitions, Mr. Charles' head will bang like a bomb.

However, it is fortunate that Connor has a powerful auxiliary chip with powerful computing power, and the deep secret method he practiced, in which the recorded Dementor technique is strong enough. With the help of these two great powers, Connor quickly cracked a relatively easy part of the prohibition in the soul of Charles, and obtained some memory information of Charles.

According to the analysis of these memory information, Connor got some useful information.

Although the gwendrin badge and the violet ring belong to the defensive Level 2 magic items, they are very different. Gwendrin badge is a magic item made by Professor Reyes, Connor's mentor, when he was young. It is a non recyclable semi-finished product with limited use times.

The violet ring is a permanent magic item that can be recycled. Although Charles has consumed his own energy, once it falls into the hands of a wizard like Connor, theoretically, as long as Connor can provide continuous mana support for it, the violet shield of the violet ring can be used all the time.

Compared with the violet ring, the inspiration pocket watch is a little weak for Connor. The inspiration pocket watch is a first-class magic item. According to the judgment of the auxiliary chip, the inspiration pocket watch can only alert the mental detection within the scope of the intermediate apprentice, so it is more like a magic item specially prepared for ordinary people. Ordinary people have no way to manifest their mental power, Therefore, in the face of the wizard's spiritual power detection is not imperceptible

Connor is a wizard, and because of his spiritual talent and cultivation of the abyss secret method, his spiritual strength is very close to that of an intermediate apprentice, although he does not reach the level of an intermediate apprentice. Connor can detect the mental detection that inspiration pocket watch can warn, and Connor can't detect the mental detection that Connor can't

"According to Charles' memory, there are still three days to go before the next Party of menshing club. It seems that I need to be well prepared!" Leaning on the soft sofa, Connor touched his chin and mused that although it was not his intention to kill Charles, as a black market merchant who washed dirt, Charles was not a good man either. It was no big deal to kill him if he killed him.

Connor attaches great importance to this club, which is regarded by him as an opportunity to further help him enter the wizarding world. But because of the information he got from Charles' memory, besides knowing that the monhing club is a place where some hidden witches meet regularly and privately, and the way to enter the monhing club, there is almost no other useful information, so Connor is very cautious when he is interested.

God knows what people are gathering in the menxing club. Are they really those murderous evil black wizards or underground wizards struggling to keep warm under the high pressure of storm church? Or both?

Therefore, in view of the uncertainty of the form of the menxing club and the consideration of being responsible for his own personal safety, Connor thinks that if he is going to attend the menxing Club Party in three days, it is necessary to make some preparations just in case