Chapter 34

Hearing that the dirty little girl wanted to return the penny she had given her, Connor's frown was also soothing. She said faintly: "this money... Is what I gave you. Take it, don't give it back to me!"

Although it was clear to hear Connor say that the money didn't need to be returned to him, the little girl still shook her head and delivered the money stubbornly.

Two people, one big and one small, gazed at this for about a minute. Connor looked at the little girl's insistence and shook her head. She took the money back from the little girl's dirty hands and said with a smile, "I'll take the money back as you asked. Now it's your turn to comply with my request!"

Pointing to the sun burning like a big fireball in the sky, Connor said with a smile, "it's noon. Come to lunch with me."

"I don't have any money!" The little girl whispered:

"Oh? Well, how about I hire you to help me find a restaurant as a commission and invite you to dinner? " Connor said with great interest:

Hearing that Connor wanted to hire herself, the little girl nodded happily.

Following the little girl, she walked through several alleys. Connor came to a street. There were more people on this street than on Queen Street, the main business district of Rouen. However, compared with the well-dressed men and women walking on Queen Street, the people on this street seemed to be closer to the bottom of the society.

"Old clothes! Old clothes! Five pence for an adult's dress! Children's clothes are two pence a piece! If you can't buy it, you'll suffer losses. If you can't buy it, you'll be fooled! "

"Fresh potatoes! It's just from the village in the morning. You can eat one all day! "

"Black bread! Black bread! A black bread costs only a penny



All kinds of peddlers stood on the roadside shouting, trying to attract as many customers as possible. Smelling the stench of horses, donkeys, cattle, livestock dung and sewer pipes on both sides of the road, Connor could not help wrinkling his nose.

"Is this the south side?" As if he had thought of something, Connor asked the little girl who led him;

In Rouen City, the eastern district where Connor apartment is located belongs to the area where aristocratic capital lives. Because the western district is close to the wharf, most of the people living in it are dock workers and their families. The northern district is the gathering place of factories, so most of the people living in it are workers and their families. The total area of the three districts is only 50% of that of Rouen city, The remaining 50% is the Southern District!

Most of the Southern District is a village in the city, which is the most prosperous commercial city on the west coast of the Rouen Empire and the area where the lowest level people live. A considerable number of people live in the surrounding small cities and rural areas, where people admire the prosperity of Rouen and come to roam, but can't afford the high rent, There is almost no modern infrastructure and living conditions are extremely bad!

The little girl looked at Connor. On her dirty face, she showed a wry smile that didn't match her age and said, "this is Levant street in the North District, and the south district is much worse than here."

Connor's face was red, and he could only laugh at embarrassing laughter. This place is much worse than the rental house on earth.

Walk to the middle of Levant street, lead Connor to find a little girl to eat, and stop in front of a shop called "Stirling pie shop".

"Uncle sterling's pie is very delicious. He used to be a chef in Tottenham hotel in the city, and uncle sterling is very nice. The pie is very affordable!" The little girl said in a low voice

"Oh? The chef at the Tottenham hotel? " Listening to the description of the little girl, Connor is interested. If he remembers correctly, Tottenham hotel is a three-star hotel. It has become a little famous in Rouen. The level of chefs from all over the world should be very good!

"Go! I'm going to try it today. What's the pie like here! " Touching the little girl's head, Connor waved and said:

Walking into this "Stirling pie shop" for a little look, Connor can't help nodding to himself. Although the decoration and tableware of this pie shop on Levant Street are not as good as those restaurants he ate in the east side, at least the tableware, tables, floors and so on are very clean, You can clearly see that the owner of this shop is operating this pie shop with great care!

At the beginning of lunch, the pie shop was full of people. It was about 100 square meters. When Connor was ready to pay for another seat, she said that the little girl had already snatched a seat for the guest who had just left after dinner."Little Danielle, what would you like to eat today? Is this gentleman A middle-aged uncle with gray hair, aprons and a kind smile came up to him. When he came near, he saw Connor sitting with the little girl. His eyes were not only puzzled.

Without waiting for the little girl to answer, Connor said, "I think you are the boss here, Mr. Stirling? I was hungry at noon. I happened to meet this little girl, so I asked her to be my guide and help me find a restaurant. The Commission was that I invited her to dinner. I don't know Mr. Stirling, what's your signature here? "

"Uncle Stirling, the pork pie here is the best!" The little girl sitting on the other side of the table muttered:

With a smile on his face, Connor said, "let's have ten pork pies first."

"Ten..." There was a look of surprise on Uncle sterling's kind face. He opened his mouth and seemed to be hesitating whether to say something···

Seeing that Stirling looked like this, Connor frowned slightly, took out a one pound note from his wallet and patted it on the dining table. With the size of the store, one pound is at least his net income for a week!

"Guest, you misunderstand me. We have enough pork pies here. A strong man may be full of two! So ten words, you and little Lena... "Uncle Sterling waved his hand and said gently:

"The boss looks very conscientious." Glancing at Uncle Stirling, Connor pondered for a moment and said softly, "no harm! Come on, I'm the official Knight

"So you are a knight! No problem, I'll serve it right away! " Uncle Sterling exclaimed that he could not help using honorifics to Connor, who was as old as his son