Chapter 25

Although it was late at night, in the dark bedroom, balwade didn't lie on the bed and snore. On the contrary, he was dressed in formal clothes and sat on the chair of the bedroom, with a quiet smile on his face facing the door, and a revolver in his right hand!

At this time, the gun in Connor's hand was aiming at Baldwin's head, and he would shoot as soon as he had a slight change. However, Baldwin didn't seem to realize that he was in danger. He still looked at Connor with a quiet smile on his face.

Time seems to be still at this moment, the room is quiet, can let Connor feel his heavy breathing.

Looking at balwade's appearance carefully, Connor suddenly had a mental movement, as if he thought of something. A decisive color flashed on his face. He immediately took a gun to balwade's head and carefully turned on the gas lamp in the room.


With a crisp sound, a little flame of the gas lamp ignites, and the orange red flame passes through the glass lampshade, instantly bringing bright light to the dark bedroom.

"Huhh ····" exhaled a foul breath, and the dignified Connor slowly lowered his revolver aiming at balwade's head. With the bright light, Connor could clearly see that a ferocious blood hole was appearing on balwade's temple.

On the wall next to balwade, the red blood and gray brain splashed out were hanging there.

No matter how you look at Baldwin, now he is a dead man without any doubt!

Watching the scene carefully, Connor looks at the revolver in balwade's right hand, and a very absurd idea appears in his mind.

"Chip, analyze the way of death of the dead in front of us!" Connor is not sure if the facts are really what he imagined. He needs the results of chip analysis to prove his assumption.

"Drop! The analysis is completed. The victim committed suicide by shooting. Through trajectory analysis, the gun he used to commit suicide is the revolver he held in his right hand! " Without keeping Connor waiting for a long time, the chip gave the answer Connor wanted as fast as ever.

Hearing the result of the chip analysis, Connor's face became strange. This result coincided with his conjecture. Balwade actually committed suicide!

Although I don't know why Baldwin shot himself at night after blackmailing himself in the daytime, Connor didn't think much about it. Instead, he immediately began to search the whole detective agency to make sure whether Baldwin had left a written record of his affairs.

Half an hour later, after searching for nothing, Connor took a deep look at Baldwin, who still had a peaceful smile on his face in the bedroom, and immediately turned away from the Baldwin detective office.



"Connor, did you not rest last night? You are in a bad state of study today Denise, a lecturer in Byzantine history at Green University, frowned slightly and asked the students in the first row

"I'm sorry, Ms. Denise. I had a late rest last night. I'm sorry!" Connor, who is dozing, stands up and explains with an apologetic face

"Young man, be temperate!" Ms. Denise said meaningfully:

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Connor's classmates burst into laughter in the classroom. George, Connor's best friend, laughed the most.

"Teacher, I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I.

"Well, well, young people's body is your own. You can borrow the notes of this class from other students. Don't do that tomorrow! Sit down Ms. Denise was very tolerant. She forgave Connor and waved to Connor to sit down.

Sitting back on his seat, Conner shook his head irretrievably. What Ms. Denis said was right. He didn't have a good rest last night, but it wasn't just yesterday. For the three days since he came back from the barwade detective agency that night, Conner hasn't had a good rest. He has been thinking about a question: Why did barwade commit suicide?

He blackmailed himself during the day, and there was no reason to commit suicide at night. Moreover, his suicide was so strange that Connor still remembered the peaceful smile on Baldwin's old face.

From the standpoint of human nature, Connor doesn't think that such a greedy, cunning and despicable detective would end his life by suicide.

If balwade committed suicide, then from the perspective of logical reasoning, no matter what!However, if Baldwin committed homicide and the murderer committed suicide, there may be an explanation. Although his auxiliary chip confirmed that Baldwin committed suicide, the serene smile on Baldwin's face made Connor, who was already a junior wizard apprentice, think of another possibility!

That's extraordinary power! The power of the wizard!

If this is the truth of the matter, then everything has a reasonable explanation!

"By the way, Connor, your mentor, Professor Reyes, told you to come to him after class. He seems to have something to tell you." When the bell rings after class, Ms. Dennis reminds Connor:

"Thank you Although I don't know what's the matter with Reyes, Connor still smiles politely and nods to thank Ms. Denis.

Walking on the way to Reyes' villa, Connor hesitated to take this opportunity to tell Reyes another worry about green light spot and ask for his help.

These days, he tried to use his own mental power to get rid of the green light spot on his arm, but all failed without exception, which made Connor realize the reality that he can't get rid of the green light spot alone.

As time goes on, it is more and more possible for the cult to find itself through the green light mark. If it wants to stop all this, the most practical way is to seek the help of his mentor Reyes.

Go to the door of the villa, gently knock on the door of the villa, hesitant Connor made up his mind, choose the day is better than hit the day, today!

The door of the villa opened slowly. However, the person who appeared after opening the door was not Ferguson, a mentor familiar to Connor, but an old man with a bent figure and dressed as a housekeepe