"Miss Lin." Bai Di came over to Lin Yin. He was very polite. Ze Yu nodded a little to say hello. Then he turned to Lin Yin and said, "the master held a celebration banquet for you at home. Let me wait for you to go back here. Do you want Mr. water to come with you? "

Shuizeyu looks at Lin Yin, smiles and drives away.

Lin Yin bit her lip and turned to look at Bai Di. Bai Di looked at her contemptuously: "my wife, Qin Shao, has sympathy for her enemies. If this story is spread out, it will make a big news."

They walked toward Shirley's home side by side. Lin Yin sighed and said, "actually, it's not sympathy. When I was in danger, shuizeyu didn't just care about her life and death. Let me completely indifferent to his present situation, I still can't do something

Bai Di can't help laughing: "Qin Ke is a cat that steals. Lin Yin, I ask you, you can think about those serious enterprises that haven't done anything for so many years. When did your husband have their idea?"

Lin Yin was stunned for a moment.

Baidi continued: "at that time, when Shuishi secretly attacked and Qinke had to fight back, you can actually think about the situation of Qinshi at that time, which was not as good as the outside world saw. Before that, he had not recovered completely. Anyone with a little intelligence should know that it was not a wise move to fight with Shuishi group at that time. Qin Ke can completely avoid their sharp edge, but he didn't, but went straight up to meet the difficulties. Is Qin Ke that kind of impulsive person?

In addition, if the other party is really not heinous, Qin Ke will definitely leave a way for the other party to survive. But this time, I don't think he will survive when dealing with the water family. Therefore, your husband has made up his mind that the water family must be eliminated. Do you want to fight against him? "

"Of course not. I must be on my husband's side." Lin Yin put her hand around Bai Di and walked into the gate together. "Now that the water family is in this situation, why doesn't Qin Ke appear? What the hell is he up to? "

"I've also thought about this problem. However, the influence of Shuijia in e country is deeply rooted, and it's not so easy to fall down. That's why I said that Qin Ke didn't want to give them any chance to survive and would continue to chase them. Now we can only sit here and wait for his news. "

"Oh, by the way, just now shuizeyu accidentally said something. He said that he knew that Qinke was not easy to deal with, so he made preparations. But I wanted to set him up again, but he refused to say a word more. Xiaodi, I'm worried that Qin Ke's use of Zr to deal with Shuishi is easy this time, which will make him underestimate the enemy. We have to find a way to get in touch with him. "

"I'll let Xiaodao do this. I think you should stay away from everything else for the time being. You are always Mrs. Qin. Shuizeyu can't be on your guard. If he detects something, you will be very dangerous. Do you know? " Brady looked inside and said, "those two are much happier than you today. They seem to want to tell the world that you have been praised by Mr. felid. It's the first time I've been here so long that I'm so happy to see Shirley. "


Twenty days later, Mo Yiling and Jiangsu Luo woke up, and the door of the hospital was full of reporters. In fact, with their popularity, they can't cause such a big stir in e country, but because behind them, they are closely related to the murder of Shuishi group, and everyone wants to get first-hand information.

The police sent for close protection for both of them.

"Sir, how could they wake up? Why don't you just kill them to prevent future trouble? If they admit that it has nothing to do with Shuishi group, won't all your previous achievements be wasted? " Asked Johnny, looking anxiously at Qin Ke.

Qin Ke light smile: "I promised you before, will let you use the rise and fall of Shuishi group to make a lot of money, the deadline is 30 days, my promise has not been fulfilled, how can they die?"

"Oh? I don't know, sir. What's your idea? "

Qin Ke slightly raised his eyebrows: "didn't you say that a woman told you that shuizeyu arranged for her to approach you? Where is she? Is it convenient for me to see her? "

"She is now the chief designer of our company. We have arranged a place for her and sent someone to protect her."

Qin Ke said unhappily: "why protect her? Don't you think that she still has great use value? " Then he looked at them with an idiot's eyes, "forget it, I tell you, you may not understand, arrange me to meet her."

Before they asked why, Qin Ke added: "this woman is the key to whether the share price of Shuishi group can rise."Because of his words, the Joneses agreed quickly.

Because this house is arranged by Jennifer, even the people here are under their hands. When Qin Ke goes in, although Lin Yin's heart is tight, she still pretends not to know him and stares at him in panic.

"Miss Lin, now that the share price of Shuishi group has fallen to such a low level, you don't mean to worry about your friends at all?"

Huh? I haven't appeared for such a long time. When the first sentence appeared, I asked a piece of rubbish.

"I don't understand business, and I can't worry about it. If you have anything to say, sir, just say it

As soon as Qin Ke's voice appeared downstairs, Qin Yu, Tang Chengmo and others heard it. They hurried downstairs to see that Qin Ke was still wearing a mask, and no one dared to act rashly. After all, there were all zhuangni and his wife's people here.

"I mean, you used to be shuizeyu's man, but you went to make friends with Mrs. zhuangni. Now that you have become their right-hand assistant, should you add a little more fire to make this sincerity more specific?"

"What are you trying to express?"

Qin Ke laughed: "I just think you should help him find a way. After all, it's easy to add icing on the cake, but it's hard to send charcoal in the snow. Now the most unfavorable person for shuizeyu is Jiangsu Luo. His confession may make Shuishi group doomed at any time, and Jiangsu Luo knows you. I think maybe it's up to you to speak for him. Jiangsu Luo has lived for so many years as an illegitimate child. I'm afraid it's not so important for him to know who is behind this incident. As long as he can't think of it and insists that the water family is the mastermind, your friend will be dead. "