When Qin Ke came home at night, Lin Yin was not there, but the door of her room was wide open. His eyes sank and he went in.

She didn't take all her clothes and jewelry, only her own.

He calls Lin Yin and turns it off.

Suddenly thought of her divorce with him in the morning, at that time, he didn't care much, only when she was angry, it turned out that she had made a decision!

Is it because she knows that he can't have any problems during this period that she attaches great importance to her, so she tries to threaten him?

Qin Ke sneered and turned to his room.

This night, his leg pain to dawn, Qin Ke painfully curled up, sitting on the corner of the bed against the wall.

Last night, Lin Yin came in to give him a massage. At that time, he just didn't want her to see his fragile and embarrassed side. Now, she seems to have known about his leg pain at night for a long time. Moreover, the massage technique for him is very skillful. It seems that there is something he didn't think of.

He never felt that his room was so empty. Although they didn't live in the same room when Lin Yin lived here, now that she's gone, it seems that the whole family is empty.

impossible! She can't affect her own life! Qin Ke took a few deep breaths and got out of bed when the leg pain was relieved.

Geng Yan has been waiting at home, a see Qin Ke immediately asked: "Qin Shao, is to go to the company?"

"Go to the hospital."

Geng Yan's eyes tightened for a while, looking at Qin Ke with yellow face, worried and asked softly: "is it painful again?"

Qin Ke didn't say a word.

"Qin Shao, the doctor told you before that if you have severe leg pain, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible. You must not delay. I think you look a little bit wrong a few days ago. You must be busy with the election campaign. You don't even have time to go to the hospital, do you? "

"There's no such nonsense. Drive."

Geng Yan rushed to help Qin Ke get on the bus.

At the door of the hospital, Qin Ke didn't get off the car. He just picked his eyebrows and looked at Geng Yan lazily: "just go in and get me some medicine. It's the same as before. Doctor Fang is very wordy. If he asks, you say I will come to the hospital for examination in three days."

Before long, Geng Yan ran back and gave the medicine to Qin Ke after getting on the bus. "Qin Shao, doctor Fang said that the medicine prescribed for you last time was enough for you to eat for a month, but you came to get the medicine in less than half a month. He told you to be hospitalized for examination as soon as possible."


"Qin Shao, leg pain can be big or small. You can rest assured if you check it..."

"Why are you as wordy as old man Fang? Drive."

After returning to the company, he was absent-minded all day. Qin Ke seldom appears in such a state as he is now. It must be because he took painkillers just now, and now he is not focused, which has nothing to do with other people.

Qin Yu knocked on the door and came in. Qin Ke sat up straight, "aunt."

"There are still two days to run for election, and now the outside support for you and the Bai family is almost tied. If you go on like this, you won't win much. Have you ever thought of doing something? " Qin Yu looks at Qin Ke worried.

"These people can't buy it. What can they do?" Qin Ke light smile, "listen to destiny."

"If you lose, how do you tell your father?" Looking at his indifferent appearance, Qin Yu was a little anxious, "Xiao Ke, what's the agreement between you and your father? Why don't you all tell me? "

"Now you worry, Bai Zhanxiao may not be so relaxed. He wants to win more than me. Some time ago, I heard that he invited a lot of people to his cocktail party, and also presented wine generously. Of course, I don't know if there is anything else. But he, like me, should be very clear that those people will not recognize him just because of such favors. "

"But at least they did something." Qin Yu stares at Qin Ke tightly, "why do I always feel that your heart doesn't want to win at all? You just want to give your father a confession? "

Qin Yu saw that Qin Ke didn't speak. She frowned. "A year ago, you suddenly said that you wanted to wash your hands and put the company on the right track. In fact, some people with insight can see that this is not a sudden rise of you, but a long time ago. Otherwise, the company can't be on the right track so quickly, and it can't become a listed group now. I know your father's character very well. He can't give in so easily. What's the deal between you? "

"You think too much." Qin Ke gently smiles, "by the way, aunt..." originally, she wanted to ask her aunt if she knew where Lin Yin had gone, but when the words came to her mouth, she forced her to swallow them down again. She left as soon as she wanted, but she didn't pay attention to him at all. So where did she go? Why did he ask more“ I haven't heard from Junxi for such a long time. Have you ever seen him? ""Last time he told me that he was going abroad to shoot something back, I didn't ask much. In fact, I can see that your brother already knows your troubles, and he has nothing to do with you. If you have time, talk to him more."

Qin Yu put a document in front of Qin Ke. "I met your secretary at the door just now, and I brought it in for you by the way. However, I have to tell you more about this. There will be a press conference next Monday, and it was pointed out that Lin Yin should attend. I didn't expect that I could get good results by using new people boldly. You remember to go back and praise her. "

Qin Yu turned and walked out, "aunt." Qin Ke quickly stopped her, hesitated, and said, "aunt, you are always in charge of this aspect. I'm afraid I can't explain it clearly. It's better for you to tell her by yourself."

Qin Yu looked at him playfully, "what's the matter? Did you fight? If you let people outside know that your face will appear this kind of expression, no one will believe his eyes, right

Qin Ke cleared his throat and picked up a document. "I have a lot of things to do recently, and I have to deal with the election two days later. I'll trouble my aunt about this."

"No trouble. Xiao Ke, in front of your aunt, you don't have to do anything to cover up your thoughts. Do you really think I can't see it? It's no shame to like someone. Besides, I think Lin Yin is a very good girl. If she misses it, it's hard to find another one. "

Qin Yu didn't want to talk too deeply. Worried that Qin Ke couldn't hang on his face, she went out with a smile.