Chapter 959 Plan Being Ruined

As soon as Malia ran out of the hotel, she called Jace. She just told him that her plan had been ruined by someone else. Jace didn't say anything more.

On the next day, Quincy took his men back to the South Sea City. Aaron had had fun crazily at the party yesterday and hadn't woken up yet. He and Carl sat in the car of Quincy. Looking at the silent Gael sitting in the back seat, Malcolm said in a low voice, "We have followed Mr. Qin for many years. He has never broken his promise. That's why we have been willing to be together with him for so many years. I know that you have suffered a big blow from your father's death, but please don't say anything more like what you said yesterday."

"Are you all playing the ordinary people in 'The Emperor's New Clothes'?" Gael sneered in a low voice.

"You haven't known Mr. Qin for a long time yet. Everyone here knows that Mrs. Qin has always been the Achilles' heel of Mr. Qin, the Yama of the underworld. He can be decisive in the business world and never show mercy to his enemies. He used to oppose the whole world

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to get me out of here. I did break the law. Besides, even if I can get out of here, so what? No one in the South Sea City can accept our relationship. I don't want the two of us to live a life like two rats, sneaking in a dark place. Now that he can occasionally come to see me, I already feel very happy."

"Those people should have asked him to do more than that, right?"

It was not until then that Colby remembered his main purpose of calling Aaron here today. He hurriedly said, "When Scott came here, he didn't listen to me anymore. He said that your Qin family had offended the wrong people, and they had made a lot of plans that would make you have no chance to turn over. As long as you fall down, he can take me out of here. I asked him what on earth happened, but he said he didn't know either. He just said that it would not take a long time. If I can get free at the cost of Scott taking a road of no return, I'd rather die here now."

Speaking of this, Colby added in a low voice, "Oh, by the way, he said that I could leave here in a week at most."