The three days' exchange meeting was over. Quincy only showed up on the first day, while he was absent on the next two days. Although Malia felt much less pressure, she could not feel relieved, because as far as her understanding of Quincy, she didn't think he would give up this opportunity so easily.

Then what trick was he playing?

There would be a party tomorrow, which was held by the host of this exchange meeting in J City. The names of the companies that had won the quotas at the exchange meeting would be announced at the party. Malia felt uneasy, and she parked her car on the side of the road.

Suddenly, someone knocked on her car window. When she turned around and saw the perfect face without any blemish, she gasped for breath. She rolled down the window and looked coldly at Quincy. "Mr. Qin, do you like tracking me so much?"

"You stayed here motionlessly for a long time just now. Were you thinking about me?" Quincy had an evil smile on his face. Malia's face darkened immediately. She turned her head away and didn't reply to him

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City is your territory. Can you stop coming to J City in the future?"

"If you can get the quota here in J City this time, I may have no place to stay here in the future. In this way, I will have no choice but to go back to the South Sea City obediently. How about this..." Quincy turned around to look at her with a foxy smile. "How about I make a bet with you right now, Miss Shi? If I lose, as you said, I won't show up in front of you from now on. But as long as you need me, I'll be here at any time. What do you think?" His words were so ambiguous that Malia blushed and turned her head aside.

"But if you lose, I'll book a room in the best hotel in J City and wait for you. Do you dare to come?"

"I won't lose!" Malia angrily turned her head and glared at him. The distance between the two of them was less than one centimeter. She could even feel his breath intertwined with hers, so she quickly retreated a little.

"Miss Shi, you are really a straightforward person. You agreed so soon."

"Let's bet! Don't forget what you said today!"