Chapter 946 We Are Buddies

"Mr. Qin, isn't it a good thing if someone else could help us teach such a woman like her a lesson? You promised her that you wouldn't interfere with her. But this time it was God who was to help us punish her." Malcolm was not a talkative person. But he really couldn't figure it out by himself this time.

Taking a look at him, Quincy said lightly, "It's not as simple as you think."

Malcolm didn't understand what he meant, and Quincy didn't want to explain more.

In his memory, when he was with Malia, he felt that she was totally different from what she was like now. This was his intuition. Although Malia had been making trouble for them in secret, what she inadvertently revealed was her true character. For example, she had helped Yara catch Nia. She didn't make any arrangements or make any sound about it. If he hadn't followed her, no one would know that she would do it secretly.

For example, she went to tell Aaron that she had fallen in love with Quincy and made a clean break with Aaron.

If a smart person wanted to ta

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is the husband of my best friend. Have you ever thought about it? If something bad really happened to me, it meant that it was my fate. If I survive like I am now, and I was saved by Mr. Qin, how can I not feel ashamed? Mr. Qin didn't even tell you when he had been secretly searching for my whereabouts. Why were you so muddleheaded?"

"I just wanted to save you. I would do whatever they asked me to do!"

"Hey, Adam, can you stop being so mean? If you keep doing this, I will never forgive you. We can never trade the interests of our friends for our relationship and safety. Do you understand?"

Adam reached out and held her tightly into his arms again. "Noni, promise me that you won't go out alone again. Don't be in danger. Don't be like this again."

"I don't know which kind of god of plague I met..." Nora pouted. Feeling the tremble in Adam's voice, she curled her lips and patted his back gently. "Well, I'm fine now, aren't I? The doctor has checked on me and the baby. Both of us are fine." She looked at him and smiled.