Chapter 899 Is That Enough

At this moment, Adam's phone rang and he answered it.

After hanging up the phone, he looked up at the rest people and said in a deep voice, "Something happened. The Chamber of Commerce called and said that Mr. Qin was injured in the head and in a coma last night. Now he is in the hospital, and all the news has been blocked."

Before the previous thing calmed down, another thing happened.

Adam rotated his phone and looked at Dina and Nora with his eyebrows raised. "Are you two hiding something from us?"

"Why do you ask that? What can I hide from you?"

Adam hugged Nora gently and said, "You are my wife. Do you think I don't know it if there is something on your mind? Last time, you suddenly disappeared. You didn't call me until you arrived in Paris. You said that you and Dina had an appointment to go abroad for relaxation. But you two didn't go together but one after another. After you came back, you no longer often secretly cried at night as before. Besides, you kept an eye on the phone every day until you knew that Dina came back. Besides, it seems that you two had

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"I'm asking you!" Quincy looked at her coldly.


Lucille's lips moved a few times, but she didn't say a complete sentence.

With a smile, Quincy said, "Then let me tell you. Wanda is your cousin, and also my wife. When she saw you lonely and helpless, she took you home out of kindness. Was that true? Something happened to her half a year ago. And you stayed at home to take care of me. But as time went by, you wanted to replace her. The past you told me is all the stories between me and Wanda, right?"

"I... It's not like that... No... Don't listen to her nonsense..."

"She didn't tell me anything, and I didn't know much. All what I just said was based on some clues I knew and my imagination. But judging from your reaction now, what I guess is right, right?" Quincy withdrew his hand from Lucille's hands.

"I took care of you for so long wholeheartedly. I have done everything I could. Don't you have any feelings for me? Even if what you said is true, am I wrong? Why not me? Why is she here? Why are you with her?" Lucille cried and shouted at Quincy.