Chapter 871 A Murder

This time, Aaron took Malia to a hospital under the Qin Group. The doctor examined her carefully and found that there was nothing wrong with her, just like the doctor in the other hospital had said.

But it was not the first time that she had been like this. How could there be nothing wrong with her?

"Mr. Aaron, there are only some bruises on Miss Shi's body, and there would be no scars left. She can be discharged from the hospital once she wakes up."

Frowning, Aaron walked into the ward of Malia. She frowned painfully.

"Malia... Malia..."

Hearing his soft voice, Malia slowly opened her eyes and looked around. "Why am I in the hospital?" she asked.

"You don't remember anything? Is there something you haven't told me? Why do you often faint for no reason like this?"

Malia sat up, rubbed her hair, frowned and said, "I really don't know why. I have never been like this previously." She took a look at Aaron. His worry and concern for her now made her feel guilty. She got out of bed and said, "I'm fine now. Don't worry about me. Go ahead

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any, do you still have the mood to make trouble out of nothing in front of the employees of the company? You will only turn yourself into a laughing stock. Malia asked for leave from me. In your opinion, should I put her under house arrest here to make you feel at ease? Get out!" With a cold snort, Lucille went out of Yara's office with red eyes.

Malia returned to Paris. The death of Harold had caused a great sensation there. There were even many businessmen who gave free food to people to celebrate his death. Malia watched all this with red eyes. Her brother was obviously a legitimate businessman, but he had been slandered by Quincy like this, and even after his death, he had to be condemned like this.

With the cooperation of the international criminal police and the police of multiple countries, Bloody Wolf's organization had also been completely destroyed. The era of terrorists had finally come to an end.

Malia didn't know what to do to see her brother for the last time. When she came back here, she felt her heart was inexplicably heavy.