Chapter 699 Saw It with Her Own Eyes

Jace took a careful look at Harold from the rear-view mirror and asked softly, "Sir, do you want to pick up Miss Lin?"

"No. Let's go home."

The second morning, when Lucille woke up, she had a splitting headache. She checked the time and cried out in alarm, "Oh, I am going to be late for work!'

As soon as she got out of bed, she stopped. What happened last night repeated in her mind like a flip flop. 'The relationship between Lawrence and me has reached this point. Why do I work for him? I don't owe him and don't want to have anything to do with him anymore.'

After taking the medicine, she went downstairs with her head in her hands. She didn't expect to see Harold sitting in the living room alone, and no servant was there.

'He usually went to the company at this time. Why is he still at home today?'

She turned around and was about to go back to her room. She didn't know how to face Lawrence, let alone how to face Harold.

"Come here."

Without raising his head, Harold just said two words lightly.

She turned her head to take a look at him and finally walked over.

"There are sober up pills and pain

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ill young. She doesn't know what to do. What are you going to do with her? Calm down. I'll talk to her."

Ciara pulled the crying Wilma into the room.

After wiping away Wilma's tears, Ciara sighed slightly, wiped her own eyes and said softly, "Wilma, we are family. It's really lucky for me to marry your father. In the past few years, he has always regarded you as his own daughter, but I still owe him. I have been married him for so many years, but I can't give birth to a child for him. There are rumors outside. You just didn't hear what the others said. If you mess up with your father because of this matter, do you ever think about our previous situation?"

Wilma just turned her head and didn't say anything. She was still crying.

"Wilma, do you like Harold?"

Wilma's body trembled slightly. How could she not like him? If she didn't like him, how could she compromise in front of him? Every girl would fall in love with an excellent man like Harold. He had told her that she was still young, so they just engaged first, and they would get married when she grew up. His gentleness and consideration made her moved.