Chapter 664 The Cocktail Party Of The Mu Family

"You guys talk first. I'll go there to have a look." With an elegant smile, Ciara walked to the side of Briggs and pulled him aside quietly. After observing the reactions of the people around, she said softly, "Briggs, did you mention to me last time that all the export of J City's is controlled by Quincy of the South Sea City? Is he so powerful? "

Briggs looked at her with confusion. "Why do you want to ask this all of a sudden?"

"I'm just curious. Tell me."

"Speaking of this, Quincy is indeed a very powerful person. At the beginning, he was famous in the underworld. He was so powerful that no one dared to provoke him. Later, he became the son-in-law of Zack. Speaking of Zack, he used to be an omnipresence in the country. When Zack was overthrown, everyone thought that Quincy would be implicated. But what made him so powerful was that when he was Zack's son-in-law, he used the power of the Murong family to cultivate a strong force of his own.

Besides, I don't know who

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. Do you really think he cares about you?"

"I don't have the habit of being a mistress." Lucille raised her eyebrows and smiled at Ciara, "Mrs. Ciara, you are more experienced in these things."

Ciara was so angry. Lucille's words implied her previous identity as a mistress. She was afraid that if she continued to say, those reporters who had already smelled something would dig out what had happened in the past, so she slapped her in the face on impulse.

"Mrs. Ciara, you are so hot tempered!" A teasing voice came from the door.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and there was a burst of gasps. When seeing this, the expression on Briggs' face changed slightly, but soon he walked over calmly.

"Mr. Harold, you are here."

Although Briggs tried his best to make himself look reserved, everyone could see the flattery in his eyes.

Someone said in a low voice, "So he is Harold? Oh my God! He's so handsome! The number one young master of C City is really different."