Chapter 616 Solicit Votes

The so-called canvass was not to show up in an interview, but to attend an event like a wine party held by the general meeting. By that time, many well-known media and businessmen would attend the party. For the South Sea City, the chairman of the chamber of Commerce was a symbol of their earnings in the next year.

A capable president of the chamber of Commerce, like the previous Quincy, was capable enough to take them away from every 'invasion' from outside. No matter what, the economy of the South Sea City could only advance and could not retreat.

If it weren't for so many bad news about Quincy were exposed, it wouldn't have been such a heated debate today.

It was well known about the identity of Quincy, but no one dared to say it so directly since he became the president of the chamber of Commerce. Now, the appearance of this unknown candidate could cause such a sensation, and there were also people who revealed the information of Quincy because of that. It could be seen that his background should be unusual.

Of course, the most important th

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the end, he would be permanently cancelled to enter the business circle of the South Sea City, in other words, he would disappear from the city.

It was like a life and death sign.

Wanda had written down what she wanted to say on the paper and handed it to Adam. But she asked Adam to open it only after he went on the stage, and he had to read word by word.

Nora was full of curiosity. Now it happened to be Quincy deliver the speech on the stage. They knew Quincy too well, and there was no need to question its ability.

"Wanda, Adam said that you gave him your speech draft, but it was very mysterious. Why?"

"Adam is an honest man. I'm worried that if he knows in advance, he will not dare not say anything later." Wanda covered her mouth with her hand and smiled, trying to hide her sadness when she saw that Quincy was on the same stage with Ellie.

"It seems to be very explosive. I wonder if Adam will be too scared to read it later." Instead of showing any sympathy, Nora looked at her husband on the stage as if she was watching a good show.