Chapter 416 Acquitted Of Charge

Lance just said that they were always efficient and would never leave him any trouble, which could be regarded as an answer to the question of Quincy.

After being locked up in the police station for three days, Wanda was released. When she walked out of the police station, she felt as if it had been a lifetime. For the first time, she felt the sunshine was so gentle.

She couldn't help sighing slightly. Everyone wanted to be treated gently in this world, but even the sunlight was not enough to fill all the corners. There would be darkness everywhere, and she just lived in that gap.

As soon as Hector walked out, he heard her sigh. Hearing the footsteps, Wanda turned around and looked at him. Hector nodded at her with a smile.

"Actually, Officer Chen, why do you suddenly say that I am innocent?" asked Wanda.

"Do you think you should be convicted?" said Hector.

"Of course not!" Wanda raised her voice in an instant, calmed down and said, "That night, there were only two people at home, Joan and me. W

red her head and thought for a while. She asked tentatively, "I'm curious. They had made such a big scene to catch me before, but why did they let me go so soon? They said they had found the real murderer, but who was the real murderer? Why did he frame me? Why did he kill Joan?"

"Why don't you tell me why you drugged Joan first?" Quincy turned to look at Wanda thoughtfully, and a hint of panic flashed through Wanda's eyes. "I also have someone in the police station. He told me that Joan should have fallen asleep before she died, so she didn't struggle when she died. Is there any deep hatred between you and her that you need to drug her? Although you didn't kill her, you indirectly killed her."

Wanda couldn't help trembling. She turned around and stared at Quincy. "It's just an accident, okay?"

"I thought you didn't mind others saying that you killed someone. You have already been released. Why do you still ask those useless questions?" Looking at Wanda, Quincy turned around and drove away seriously.