Chapter 199 Divorce Agreement

After sending Wanda into the car with a lot of documents in her hands, Adam smiled and said, "It was because my father was eager to repay you and asked me to help you fulfill your wish. I didn't expect that it would come in handy now."

Wanda looked at him gratefully. "In fact, I didn't do anything to get so much help from you. I really don't know what to say."

She understood what Adam meant. If the media asked about the charity foundation, the first thing they would think of was her relationship with Adam. It made sense. The people behind the scenes would not doubt and the residents of the All Safe Community could rebuild their own homes.

"The only regret is that if this matter is exposed, your relationship with Mr. Qin may..."

"In fact, my marriage with him is fake." Wanda didn't want to lie to Adam anymore. After she told him the reason why she married Quincy, Adam was stunned at first, and then smiled without saying anything. He was not blind in some things, but lookers-on see more than players.

"Wanda." Aunt Li wa

go back to J City to deal with something and let her stay here.

Ward was about thirty-five years old. He didn't look ugly, vulgar nor disgusting. But if he wanted to compare with Quincy, it was completely an insult to Quincy.

He was the kind of slovenly, ordinary people, and often inadvertently revealed some of his vulgar breath. In addition, there was also his unspeakable living habits.

All in all, everything made Joey feel suffocated.

Ward looked down at her and put his hand on her breast. "Your skin is really smooth. Compared with other women, you are a big star. Your temperament and body are much better than them."

"You are much more beautiful than when you were on screen. I really can't believe that you will sleep next to me naked now."

Joey slapped his hand away irritably, wrapped in the quilt and sat up a little. She stared at him and said, "Don't forget how you promised me before! As long as I stay with you for a month, you will return all the things to me."

"But everyone will want more, won't they?"