Obviously, no one was as surprised as they thought that Yan Yiqing would make this decision. Some people began to sit upright and take their own attitude. Some department heads began to think about how to answer Yan Yiqing's question later“ Is there anyone else like that? If so, I agree to your resignation. " Yan Yiqing looks at everyone. For a moment, the meeting room is so quiet that everyone doesn't speak. It seems that he is calmed by the person who wakes up. Most people just follow suit. They don't have any idea and they can't bear to lose their jobs. But seeing that everyone is like this, he is like this. So when Yan Yiqing fired the director of the marketing department, everyone no longer had the feeling of resistance, but took it seriously

"Since there is no one to speak to, I will acquiesce that you all want to stay in this company, and have no opinion on me at present. You remember that no matter how important you were in Lu's company before, or how you worked in this company, since I take over now, my fr will not support idlers. If you think you can depend on your qualifications to hang out in this company, I'm sorry that I don't need people like you. You'd better get rid of me now. No matter which department or leader of the company is the same. " Yan Yiqing finished this sentence, no one dares to say anything, but are thinking about how to answer Yan Yiqing's question, especially the heads of various departments are very nervous.

"I know that you are talking about me these days, and even some people, like the director of the marketing department, think that I am relying on the mountain climbing man's bed to get what I am now. But what I want to tell you is that if you don't have the ability to stand here, you'd better not talk about it casually, and I will prove it to you in the future." When Yan Yiqing says these words, it seems that the director of marketing department looks at her. She has heard this man say such a thing more than once. She doesn't mind the company talking about her, but this kind of remark is too right. It's not good for the company in the end. She hopes to make a warning to others today“ Director Bai, since you think I'm superior by men, I don't mind. This accusation is settled. Today, you can't do this industry in your life when you leave my fr. you should know the power of Rong's, so I suggest you make a new career plan. " Director Bai obviously didn't expect that Yan Yiqing would do it again. His face was black. He had been in this profession for most of his life. Now he suddenly told him that he would not be allowed to do it. How would he live his next life? This Yan Yi Qing is still very vengeful, he also believes that with the strength of Rong Mo can do. Now he began to regret what he had done and said. But this is the world, people are always responsible for what they do, or pay the price.

The next board of directors was very smooth. Everyone said one after another about the plan for the next month. Yan Yiqing was still very satisfied with it. She would do the same at any time. If someone didn't work hard, she would also be dismissed. Fr always had to experience some staff flow to stabilize and change the current situation of panic. But today, Yan Yiqing feels that her prestige has been sorted out. The next step is to see the results of her efforts this month.

Yan Yiqing is doing very well here, but Xiao Mengyao is not satisfied. She has been to many places this morning, but she either politely refuses or even disappears from Xiao Mengyao's face. She begins to understand why Ning HaoChen is so tired, and he is so big that he should not ask for someone, Thinking of these, Xiao Mengyao feels that she has to do something more for Ning HaoChen. The next customer is the only one, but the biggest one. Xiao Mengyao must take him down. Only with this customer, Ning can basically return to normal operation.

"Mr. Fang, excuse me. I'm from Ningshi group. I hope you can reconsider our cooperation." Xiao Mengyao had a hard time finding out that president Fang would have dinner with her friends here today. Although she didn't want to be so abrupt, if she was at home, she would be rejected. This is the last chance. President Fang has always been a long-term partner of Ning group, so if she had his help, she would come back to life, Xiao Mengyao understood that this was the last hope.

"Is there no one in your Ningshi group? Or Ning HaoChen can't pull down his face? How can I send you a little girl? Do you live in Ningshi group? " This person named Fang Zong looks at Xiao Mengyao and looks up and down. Is there no one in Ning's group? Ning HaoChen felt that he was noble and didn't want to do this kind of thing, so he photographed a little girl. This little girl seemed to be a little employee of Ning group at most. What decision could he make. He is an old customer of Ning family. It's not that he doesn't want to help. It's because now everyone can see that Ning family is on the verge of bankruptcy. No one will be so stupid as to throw money into it. Now everyone is only paying attention to interests. It's obvious that Ning family has no value now.

"Mr. Fang, it's not like this. I'm Ning HaoChen's fiancee, so I can make a decision. Ning needs your cooperation now, so please." Xiao Mengyao seldom says her identity, because she doesn't think Ning HaoChen's fiancee has anything to show off, but now she really has to. If she doesn't say so, maybe this Fang always doesn't even have a chance to talk to her. For the first time, Xiao Mengyao thinks Ning HaoChen's fiancee is so easy to use. It is obvious that Fang Zong's attitude has changed a lot after hearing this sentence.

"Ning HaoChen's fiancee?" Why didn't he hear that Ning HaoChen had a fiancee, or that the little girl was talking nonsense? He didn't think that this woman could be as good as Ning HaoChen's eyes. His original girlfriends had seen them all. They all wanted to have a body and a face. For the first time, there was a woman like Xiao Mengyao, He hesitated until people around him reminded him that Ning HaoChen did have a fiancee who looked like her recently“ Well, since Ning Shi needs this contract so much, I have a request. As long as you can drink this bottle of wine, I will sign this contract. I will accept it whether it's money or not. " In fact, Fang always meant to let the little girl retreat. He didn't intend to cooperate any more. Moreover, the bottle of wine he was holding was not low in strength, let alone a woman. Maybe even a man couldn't drink so much.