Chapter 41:Babysitting

She let his hand go when she found him saying to his driver.

"St. Vincent Hospital."

It took them fifteen minutes to get to that hospital. He didn't wait for her to get out of the car but she followed him immediately without any delay. She could sense the tension in his body. Once they were at the reception she heard him say. "Where's Jimmy?"

Seeing Alex that girl corrected her hair first before saying in her very breathy voice "Let me show you the way."

"Then do it now," Alex growled and that girl was almost scared for a second. But then came out of her space to take the right turn from her place.

"It's just the second room on the left side from that corner." She said and Alex left her and Jane far behind. Jane was still confused when she saw that girl running after him as she tried to make her t*ts to bulge out more. She shook her head in disbelief before following them.

"Who called you?" She heard someone say once she stepped into the room.

"I called him." That receptionist replied.

Jane saw how both men looked at her for an explanation. So, she continued to clarify.

"Dr, I knew your wife was out of state and I didn't know any of your friends except him. So, I thought it will be nice for you to have someone."

"What happened?" Alex asked.

"Nothing much, I was just coming back from the diner that is close by and ran into a bike..... I am fine." The person said with quite a drowsy voice.

That person closed his eyes for a moment and Alex snapped.

"You better be fine."

This made that person frown.

"I am fine you as*hole. I just want to sleep." That person answered.

Jane felt bad seeing that person's leg in huge plaster. And a little band-aid was there on his head.

"And Mandy were you able to arrange something?" That person asked that girl ignoring, Alex altogether.

"Actually, I wasn't, that's why I called your friend." She answered while batting her fake eyelashes to Alex.

"What's going on?" Alex asked with quite an irritation.

The person on the bed didn't answer so that girl continued.

"His wife is out of state. She is been informed about the accident and will return at 4 am tomorrow. But the babysitter already stayed the whole night and she has some college entrance exam in two hours. In short, we need a babysitter."

"I can do that," Jane answered and this is only when she was noticed by Jimmy.

"Who is she?" Jimmy asked but Alex was dialing to someone.

"Hey, Peterson, I want you to send someone at Jimmy's. Someone who can babysit his daughters." He stopped for a second.

"Inform me when it's done." He continued and cut the call.

"Peterson, your butler?" Jimmy asked and Alex gave him a nod.

"Who is she?" Jimmy asked again.

"I will tell but first get better," Alex replied.

"I am not dying here, just tell me," Jimmy replied.

"She is Jane, my wife." He said and extend his hand for Jane to take, she held his hand and came in front.

"Hello," Jane said and took Jimmy out of his trance.

Mandy was shocked at first but then asked.

"When? We never heard anything in the news."

"Congrats, I am happy for you," Jimmy said, everyone ignored Mandy's question and, she lefts clicking her heels.

"I am sorry that I disturbed a newlywed couple, I guess," Jimmy said looking at them both.

"No, it's fine. And about your girls, I will personally go. You just rest." Jane assured him and got a look from Alex.

"Thank you, You got quite a nice lady," He said looking at Jane but then Jimmy's expression changed and he looked at Alex.

"How did you get a nice lady?" There was a suspicion in his eyes.

"I think you are sleepy. You should take rest." Alex replied and was leaving with Jane when she again turned to pass a smile and said. "Don't worry. They will be alright. We won't leave until your wife doesn't arrive."

But once she was out, she found herself pinned to the wall. She looked here and there and no one was there.

"What stunt you were trying to pull?" Alex gritted the words.

"Can't you see a father worried sick about his daughters? And being his friend you should help but instead, you send some employee of yours that you don't even know." She retorted back.

"I know what I am doing," Alex replied.

"No, you don't." She gritted.

He entered the code and let the door open. Not in the mood to listen to any of her ranting he was taking long strides leaving her far behind. She didn't care if she was even at some distance she still chooses to voice her fears.

"Listen to yourself, you are leaving your injured friend's daughters who are just four years old and eight months old."

This made him stop in his tracks. He looked at her for a few seconds before replying.

"Peterson has sent a very experienced woman."

"No, no, they don't know me. She hardly saw me thrice maybe. And that was too on her birthdays and their parent's anniversary." He replied and went to his bedroom with Jane still following him.

She went inside to find him loosening his tie and getting to the bathroom.

"Alex! I am talking to you. Stop ignoring me." She followed him to the bathroom.

He looked at her as he strips out of his clothing. "I don't want to talk about this." He tried to shut her up.

She looked at him in utter shock.

"We are doing it," She said in a low but decisive voice.

"We are not doing it." He said simply ignoring her idea as he came to hold her arm to get her under the shower too.

When she didn't budge from her place he huffed in frustration and gritted the words.

"I. Hate. Kids."

"It doesn't matter." She replied to him in the same tone.

He leaned over her mouth. His sudden closeness made her bat her eyelashes and inhaled deeply. She knew he was about to kiss her when he came closer to her mouth and said.

"They are in good hands. Believe me."

She was about to say something when he cut her off by his lips over her mouth. Using his strong masculine arms he lifted her up and they were under the shower. She felt so self-conscious looking at the huge mirror in his shower.

She looked at this huge figure standing behind him with his eyes closed and sucking on her neck.

"Alex," Her voice trembled.

"Hmm," was his response.

She turns to face him and said hurriedly. "We don't have to do anything. We will just be there to make sure that nothing goes wrong."

He looked at her blankly. "What the hell are you?" He cried in irritation.

She took a step forward, placing her right hand on his jawline, she lifted her heels to give a peck on his lips. He was still shocked when she whispered breathily on his lips.

"If you become a good husband and listen to your wife for a day. Then this wife will give his husband,...." she stopped and took her mouth to his earlobe as her ladyfinger traced his chest. "....a blowjob."

She looked at his eyes which couldn't be darker as he grabbed her a*s and caged her in his arms.

Inhaling deeply he whispered back. "This wife better keep her promise."

And the next thing Alex knew he was in front of Jamie's door. Jane was wearing a long black dress that was sleeveless and had a little deep cut in front. But it was nicely hidden under her fur coat. He too chose to wear a black suit with a white shirt underneath. A woman who looked like in her 60's opened the door.

"Welcome, Mr. Black," She greeted. Alex could really not recall if this woman was working at his place or not. Because Peterson is the in-charge of this matter and he only interacts with Peterson.

Entering into the home they both could clearly hear little sobs. The woman led them to the living hall from where they both could see a four-year-old sobbing with her head down on the kitchen top.

Jane gave a look to Alex. Before Alex could say something the woman explained.

"Andrea is missing her parents. She is aware of her mother but She is scared for her daddy. She hasn't seen him from yesterday and believes something is wrong with him. I am afraid, Mr. Black but the girl hasn't eaten anything."

"But this is why you are here,...." He snapped but was cut off by the lady.

"Mr. Black, if you haven't noticed I am a stranger to this little girl. And I too was not aware either her father is alright or not. Nor I was informed until what time she has to wait. But still, I am trying my best to make her eat and converse with her."

"You don't talk to me like that," Alex was again cut off when Jane hugged the lady lightly and said with a smile,

"Thank you so much darling, we owe you,"

Jane signaled her to go and she left the scene. She was still going when Alex hissed under his breath.

"We don't owe her because we pay her." but retrieved a lifted brow from Jane.

"I know you are embarrassed that you give those kids to a complete stranger but this is not how you repent." She said and walked to the girl to took the seat beside her.

That girl lifted her head up and Jane saw a beautiful pair of black eyes that held fat tears. Her hair was long and curly. She was biracial. Jane passed her a light smile and that girl turned her head. But finding Alex standing on the other side she ran to him and hugged his leg, shouting. "Uncle Alex,"

Seeing that little bundle of joy bumbling towards Alex, her heart swelled with love. Andrea looked like the cutest thing in this world.

But the moment she saw Alex picked her up as he came towards the kitchen she could swear that she hasn't seen anything this heavenly. He looks so good with a kid sitting on his right arm. Irresistible. She thought.

"Is my father dead, Uncle Alex?" Andrea, asked and Jane came out of her trance.

Alex and Jane both looked at each other not knowing what to do.

"No, angel, he is not dead. Who told you this?" Alex asked quietly as he didn't want to scare that girl. He knows his aura scares people and kids alike.

"Ema's father was also at the hospital but then he went to God." She answered as more tears keep falling.

"No, no, no, he has some work. Your father works in a hospital. Right?" Alex asked as he makes her sit on the stool.

"Yes," she said and then pouted.

"So, there are people who need help. And when his work will finish. He will be home with you and Sarah." Alex said and looked at Jane like he was looking at her for her approval that he is doing fine.

She shook her head in disbelief as she opened the fridge to look for some things that she can use to make lunch.

Andrea still look lost when Alex suggested. "What about we call your father and you talk to him?"

Her face lights up like a Christmas tree as she said.

"That would be so nice of you."

Her reaction made both Jane and Alex broke into a laugh. Alex made a call and after telling Jammy that they are here, he passed the cell phone to little Andrea. Taking the cellphone from him, she walks to the other side of the room.

"You shouldn't have lied. Her father will come with a huge plaster and she will remember you as a liar." Jane told him as she hanged her coat and fasten an apron around her.

Alex, looked at her in shock with his jaw dropped to the floor. "At least, I did something. I wasn't the one who looked lost and didn't know what to do."

"I am a stranger to her. And apparently, unlike you expected she is familiar to you. It was your duty to come up with something." She whispered the words as she saw that Andrea was coming back to them.

"Thank you, Uncle Alex. My dad, is fine. He said he will be home tomorrow." Andrea said while offering his phone back and then she turned to Jane and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Jane."

Jane looked at her shock. "For what?"

"I don't know, dad told me that you are Jane and he asked me to tell you a thank you." She replied as she tried to get her hair away from her eyes.

"Would you like to have a princess drink?" Jane asked.

"What's that?" Andrea asked with curiosity.

Jane passed her a strawberry shake with whipped cream. She liked the drink and finish it without any complaints.

"So, what would you like to do?" Jane asked her.

"Let's play the dollhouse that Uncle Alex gifted me." She looked at Alex who doesn't even know that he gifted her something like this. He never paid any attention to what he was buying for Andrea. His secretary chosen the gift and sent it over to Jimmy's place before his arrival. It was his secretary's duty to remember all the events and deliver appropriate gifts.

"Let's do it then." He replied because the last thing he wanted was to listen to Jane's whining if she finds about any such arrangement.

He walked out of Andrea's room after ten minutes because it was so much for him to take. He smoked on the terrace and then went back, he saw Jane combing Andrea's hair as she tells her some story about stupid faraway lands.

He leaned to the door frame and looked at Jane's eyes that were sparkling as she was explaining some lovely events about some ball gown. Her smile was beautiful. And she was so good with the kids. The one who is good with the kids is barren and then there are women who don't deserve to be a parent has kids. Something from his past flashed.

Andrea was dozing off. So, Jane tucked her in bed and sang her a lullaby as she insists, to Jane to sing her a song as her mother does.

Jane looked tired and sleepy when she gets up from Andrea's bed. The moment she looked at Alex she passed him a look asking what? As she noticed how devilishly handsome he looks in his white shirt with the first two buttons open.

He shook his head in no, but his face had an expression that Jane couldn't decipher. She was about to walk past him when he gently held her arm to make her face him.

"Thank you," He whispered.

"You are welcome," She said with a half-smile and looked at Andrea. She smiled looking at her but when she noticed Alex stare at her she asked again but this time with a whisper. "What?"

"You could have made a beautiful mother." He said and noticed how her lashes flutter like she recalled something but then she said.

"I think I should check on Sarah." She hardly passed him when she saw that old babysitter coming their way.

"Sarah is sleeping now. There is a bed so I will be sleeping there." Babysitter informed them.

Jane still has to say something when she found Alex behind her as he said.


Jane looked at Alex and then said.

"Thank you so much for your help."

The moment that babysitter left, Alex came to her and said.

"Jane, we are paying them. So, you don't need to say thank you all the time."

She rolled her eyes and was about to say something when he cut her off again. "Don't, I don't want to hear this. Follow me."

He said and caught her arm in his to lead her to the guest room.

Locking the door behind them he hugged her from the back. She knew what was following when he was standing behind kissing her shoulder. Sliding down her straps and opening the zip was all it took for her dress to fall.

He slowly turned her to face him and noticed her staring down as he ran his hands on her curves. He could feel her hot cheeks when he grazed his finger on them to let some strands of her hair fall back. She could feel his hands on her waist, kneading. But next, he took her in his arms to lightly place on the bed. Getting out of his clothing he too joined her on the bed after switching off all the lights.

Snaking his arm around her waist he rested his head on the pillow below his head and did nothing. It took Jane a whole minute to understand that they were off to sleep.

"We are sleeping?" Jane asked, lifting her head.

" What? You want something?" Alex asked.

"No, nothing," Jane replied with uncertainty.

"You are tired, you need to sleep, Jane. But if you are horny we can do it." Alex replied as his chest rumbling under her head was all she could focus on.

"No, I am never horny." She scoffed,

Some minutes passed. Something flashed in her mind, making her sit straight as she accused him.

"I know what you did?"


"You said that you will be allowed to not to use rubber twice a day. And then you only have sex twice a day."

"What!" Alex almost screamed.

"From where do you think woman?" Alex asked.

"Nope, I know I am right." She replied.

"Fine, you are right. So, when I am already caught...." He stopped to get his wallet from the nightstand. Getting a condom out of it he threw his wallet away. And continue to say.

"...Let me screw you."

"Language, Alex!..." She said but was pulled by her arm to him as he took no time to shut her up with his mouth on her lips.

Oh no, what I am doing? She yelled in her brain as she responded to his attack with equal fervor.

"I knew you were horny." He said breaking the kiss.

She slapped on his shoulder as she shut his mouth with her mouth and slowly gets under him.