In the office of president of Tianxi entertainment, the secretary handed a piece of information to Shi Yaowen, the new president, and then reported, "president, we just got the news that Bailu had learned about Guo Yu and Li shuangran, and then Guo Yu and Li shuangran had a traffic accident, and both of them were killed."

"Oh?" For this result, Shi Yaowen was a little surprised. He had hoped to stir up the dispute between Bailu and the two, so that they could seize the opportunity to make the secret relationship known to the public, but he didn't expect that it would end with the death of Guo Yu and Li shuangran.

"President, the people we followed found that Bailu was in a bad state when she left the rental house. Maybe it was because she was too sad. Her assistant came to pick her up, but I don't know if she knew that Guo Yu and Li shuangran had a traffic accident..."

Before the Secretary finished, he was interrupted by Shi Yaowen, "I want to know what happened when Guo Yu and Li shuangran left?"

"It's said that Li shuangran left first, and then Guo Yu chased him out, but he didn't know

After two people on the highway drag racing, finally there was a traffic accident The Secretary replied.

"It seems that Guo Yu really cares about Li shuangran and leaves Bai Lu behind." Shi Yaowen obviously misunderstood what happened at that time. Just as he was thinking about how to use this matter to make an article, the telephone on the desk rang. When Shi Yaowen got through, he heard that voice very flustered, "president, there's an accident!"

When Shi Yaowen arrived at the scene, he found that the scene was in a mess, and the stage staff were cooperating with the police to take notes.

"What happened?" Shi Yaowen asked the company staff at the scene.

"President, just now we were recording a program. When our company filmed a group of four people dancing, the crossbeam above the stage suddenly collapsed and smashed down. All four people were sent to the hospital. I don't know what the result will be." The staff member replied that his face was still full of fear.

"How could that be?" Shi Yaowen's face was black. There were not many new people in Tianxi entertainment. Now these four people must have been smashed badly. If they were seriously injured, they might never stand on the stage again

Shi Yaowen thought of a solution. When his vision reached the other end of the stage, he saw Tang Yan's figure, so he asked, "why did the emperor meet the entertainment people?"

"President, although the accident just now did not hurt the artists of Diyu entertainment, the director of Diyu entertainment seems to want to ask for an explanation from the program organizer." The staff replied.

"She's really cheap and she's good. It's not her entertainer who's in trouble. Who's going to show her a nervous and worried look?" Shi Yaowen's eyes poke Tang Yan's body like a sword, but Tang Yan concentrates on the negotiation with the chief director of the program.

"Although it seems that my artist is not injured now, if my artist has an accident on stage, who will take the responsibility? We are all teenagers with a bright future. If something goes wrong due to a safety accident, you can't blame it. So we must give us an explanation about this matter! "

"Director Tang is too radical in this matter. What he knows is that there is an accident in our family. What he doesn't know is that he thinks there is an accident

It's the entertainer of Emperor Yu Shi Yaowen came to Tang Yan and said with provocation.

"Places like Tianxi entertainment that don't treat artists as human beings naturally don't consider the personal safety of artists." Since all of them have been torn, Tang Yan doesn't want to be used to Tianxi entertainment, so he directly answers“

You! You have no scruples Shi Yaowen obviously didn't expect that Tang Yan didn't cover up in front of so many people, which made him speechless for a moment“ Even if I care, why should I care about you? " Tang Yan asked his assistant to call the lawyer and negotiate with the program organizer about the safety accident. However, Shi Yaowen approached Tang Yan a little bit. "Director Tang, are you not afraid that you are so quick today that you will appear in the news media the next day to let everyone know that your intention is not compatible with Tianxi entertainment?"

"Afraid? I'm afraid I'm not Tang Yan. I tell you, just because you're the president of Tianxi entertainment, you can talk nonsense and confuse black and white here. I've learned the skill of covering the sky with one hand for several years more than you Tang Yan was not in a good mood, but Shi Yaowen came to provoke her, and he didn't want to fight.

Shi Yaowen's secretary has been standing aside, his face is hard to hide worry. Since she became Shi Yaowen's secretary, she knew Shi Yaowen's temperament well. Today, she was defeated by Tang Yan, and she didn't know whether Shi Yaowen would be angry with her.

But after Tang Yan left, the secretary looked up at Shi Yaowen and found that he was smiling.

Back to the company's car, Tang Yan is closing his eyes, small assistant is brushing entertainment news. When she saw that the headline was a traffic accident, she thought it was the editor's wrong page and took it as social news. But unexpectedly, when she saw that the hero of the accident was Li shuangran, she could not help exclaiming.

"What's the matter? What a surprise Tang Yan looks at the assistant.

"Chief inspector, look The little assistant handed the news to Tang Yan, "Li shuangran had a traffic accident and died."

Tang Yan's eyebrows locked, looking at the news always feel that there is something strange. The news stressed that the cause of death of Guo Yu and Li shuangran was due to discord and flouting the traffic regulations, which led to the car accident. However, Tang Yan knew that Guo Yu and Li shuangran were just playing tricks on the spot. How could they have feelings? so

What is reported in the news is not necessarily true.

"Give the crew a call and ask them to block the outside news temporarily. Don't let Bailu know about it. The deceased is gone. Tang Yan doesn't want to investigate what Guo Yu has done to her, and she doesn't want to think of the contradiction between Guo Yu and Li shuangran. Now she only hopes that Bailu will know about it later, so as not to ruin the important shooting of the crew because of her state, and even be unable to get along in the circle in the future. "

According to Tang Yan's instructions, the little assistant called the crew, but unexpectedly, the crew told the little assistant that Bailu didn't take part in the shooting today, but asked for a day's leave.

"Bailu didn't take part in the shooting, so what did she do?" Normally, the company's artists need to report to Tang Yan for leave, but she didn't receive any leave from Bailu.

Is the traffic accident related to her? Tang Yan's heart is surrounded by many questions, but if there is Bailu in this accident, everything will become more reasonable.