9 Net Friend

Having slept in the morning, Yang Chen could not fall asleep. He stood up from his bed and sat on his computer chair.

Switching on his computer, Yang Chen browsed some latest anime news and checked out new songs!

"Date A live got season 3. One punch man season 2 episode 1 will be out on April 9-10.

There is a new anime We Never Learn. Kenja no mago will also come out this year. Lord of the universe is also a good anime to watch! " Yang Chen muttered as he continued to browse.

"Hello! You in!?" Bored from browsing, Yang Chen decided to open QQ messenger. He typed to his net friend to see if he was in.

"Wow you are up late! Pretty unusual for you!" Fast reply came out from the other side.

" Nah. Just slept in the morning so can't sleep! What about you? Is there any new song out yet. " yang Chen typed.

" Rumours are Ni Duo Duo will soon release a new song!" Another fast reply.

"Yo! You are as fast as usual! I guess your net name is not for show!" Yang Chen typed. He secretly sighed at how fast he gained information about Ni Duo Duo's every song.

'Ni Duo Duo's no 1 fan' this was the net name of his net friend. He met him around a year ago when Ni Duo Duo just made her debut.

It all started with his single message ' Check out this new song! It is good!' which went viral.

Overnight Ni Duo Duo gained popularity across the net. Who can blame her not being popular. Yang Chen's blog was under constant surveillance. After all he is the young master Yang.

There are constant beauties trying to get in contact with him for his money. People decided to check out the song And the song was a hit.

It was also after this that Yang Chen deleted his account because of relentless female persuasion. And he started secret a new account with name 'I love Rias'.

It was his secret account unknown to all!

Then there was once a chat room about the discussion of Ni Duo Duo's new song. Yang Chen joined it. This was where he met 'Ni Duo Duo's no 1 fan'. They hit off very well.

They opened a private chat to discuss the song. There was a sudden question posed by Ni Duo duo's no 1 fan to Yang Chen if he liked Ni Duo Duo.

Yang Chen obviously replied yes.

There was again a message ' So you find her beautiful too? '

[Huh?] (yang Chen)

[Eh? ] (ni duo duo's no 1 fan)

[ What I like is her song. What is there about being her beautiful or not? She is just another normal person. Also, I already love someone else. ] ( yang Chen)

[Do You not find her beautiful!? Are you a Man!!] (fan)

[Fuck how is it related of I am a man or not! Also, She must be just like any other normal school girl.]

[.... So Who do you like? ]

[ Can't you see my account name?]

[ Are you for real!! ]

Like this they continued to have a heated chat with each other. Accidentally, Yang Chen replied:

[ What do you know? It was my blog that made her famous ]

If someone was not an idiot nerd, he will definitely know that it was Yang Chen whose blog made No Duo Duo famous.

[ Are u Yang Chen?! ](fan)

[ No, It was just a mistype! ] Yang Chen was flustered as he typed.

[But your birthday is same as his! ]

Like this he was found out in the end. Fan extorted Yang Chen to add him to his friend list otherwise he will public it! Yang Chen begrudgingly agreed.

It was no like yang Chen could not make another account but that he was too lazy to do the same! Also from his conversation with Fan thus far he could tell he was a nice guy.

To the present Fan kept his promise!

[ Well I am not the no 1 fan for nothing! Hehe] (Fan)

[ Ok ok Now don't be narcissistic!]

[ Well, Today is your birthday it seems! I read in news! Happy Birthday] fan


[I heard there was a party! Rich People sure have it nice]fan

[What do you know! Rich have their own problems! ]

[Like what? Arranged marriage? ]Fan

[What are you!? An Esper?!]

[ ....For Real!! ]fan

[ok bye I am in no mood to talk again]

[ Wait.... ]

Yang Chen turned off his messenger and went to bed.


In a luxurious studio, Ni Duo Duo was checking out her phone. Seeing that there was no reply for long she kept it aside and looked up!

"Ruo'er find the latest news about Yang Chen from Yang Family! " Ni Duo Duo spoke still looking up. But there was response!

A girl suddenly stepped out from the dark and kneeled down to Ni Duo Duo and replied " Yes young lady! Do we need to kidnap Young master Chen?! "

"No need! Also, find out the detailed information about this Fiancé of his , if the information is true! " (Ni Duo Duo)

"Yes! " Rui'er gave a short reply before disappearing into the dark.

Ni Duo Duo slowly brought out a picture from her drawer and hazily looked at it.

Of Yang Chen was here, he would be surprised as it was his picture, in his house, sleeping on his bed. From the looks of it the picture was about 6 months old but he did not even knew how it was taken and was in the hand of Ni Duo Duo!

"OH.. Yang Chen! " Ni duo duo gave the picture a light kiss before returning it to the drawer!